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Southall J.P.C. — Mirrors, prisms and lenses: a text-book of geometrical optics |

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Íàçâàíèå: Mirrors, prisms and lenses: a text-book of geometrical optics
Àâòîð: Southall J.P.C.
Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 3-d edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1940
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 834
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 24.02.2013
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Magnifying glass, aperture-stop and field-stop 640—643
Magnifying glass, magnifying power 638—640
Magnifying glass, useful forms 644—650
Magnifying power 199 344 452 596
Magnifying power of binocular telescope 760
Magnifying power of compound microscope 454 651 662—663 668 669 671 672 673 683
Magnifying power of magnifying glass 453 638—640
Magnifying power of telescope 455—460
Magnifying power, Abbe’s definition 454
Magnifying power, absolute 454
Magnifying power, individual 454
Maltjs, E.L., Law 89—91 525
Maltjs, E.L., polarization 688
Mathematical limit 715—716
Mattrolycus, F. 560 570 592 593 594 598
Maximilian, Duke 593
Maxwell, J.C., Color sensations. 725
Maxwell, J.C., color theory 739
Maxwell, J.C., electromagnetic theory of light 764 765 766
Medium see "Dielectric medium" "Homogeneous "Isotropic "Optical
Meniscus lens 219 226 385 386 387
Meridian rays 311 see
Meridian section of narrow bundle of rays 311 528 530—533 535 552 553 554 556
Meridian section of narrow bundle of rays, lack of symmetry in 541
Meridian section of surface of revolution 305
Metric relations in compound microscope 661—663
Michelson, A.A., Michelson-Morley experiment 763
Michelson, A.A., velocity of light 474
Microphotography 673 683—684
Microscope, Chap. XVII. see also "Compound microscope" "Magnifying "Simple
Microscope, Cover glass 653 666 678 679
Microscope, definition 637
Microscope, immersion system 661 666 667 671 673 678 679 680
Microscope, invention 635 651
Microscope, magnifying power 452 638 651 662—663 668 669 671 672 673 683
Microscope, numerical aperture 663—673
Microscope, optical cross-sections of object 653
Microscope, pupils 642—643 654 655 656 660 666 667 668 671 672 673 680
Microscope, purpose of 636—637
Microscope, resolving power 669—673
Microscope, slide 653
Microscope, tube 652 655 661 676
Microscope, working distance 647 650 652
Millimicron or micromillimeter 475 686
Milton, J., reference to Galileo 571
Minimum deviation of prism see "Prism"
Minimum separabile and minimum visible 716
Mires of ophthalmometer 700 704—706
Mirror and scale for angle measurement 56—58
Mirror stereoscope 753—754 792
Mirrors see "Plane mirror" "Spherical "Thick "Thin "Inclined "Ellipsoidal "Parabolic
Mobile eye 431—432 452 643
Mobile eye, field of fixation 748—749
Moebius, A.F., Principal points 335
Molynbux, W. 595
Monocentric bundle of rays 25
Monochromatic aberrations 509 715 see
Monochromatic light (homogeneous radiation) 66 467 473—477 673 674 685 710 724 726
Monochromatic microscope objective 684
Monochromatic vision 741
Monocular field of view 747—749
Monocular vision 747—749 751
Monoyer, F., "Dioptrie" 286
Morley, E.W., Michelson-Morley experiment 763
Moser, C., Nodal points 337
Mueeller, G.E., Theory of vision 746
Muscles, Ocular motor 431 432 748 see
Myopia 441 443 445
Myopic eye 441
Myopic eye, correction-glass 445
Near point distance 437
Near point of accommodation 434 435 438 636
Near point of convergence 755
Near point of schematic eye 436 461
Near point recedes from eye with increase of age 435 436
Near point sphere 434 435
Near-sighted eye 435 see
Negative lens 223
Negative principal points 338
Neutralization of lenses 291
Newtonian formula (x.x'=f.f') 168 201 237 345 554
Nodal planes 337
Nodal points 337 338
Nodal points, construction 340
Nodal points, image-equations referred to 348
Nodal points, of eye 422 432 628
Nodal points, of lens 226 363
Nodal points, relation between nodal points and principal points 341 343
Normal sections of curved surfaces 300—305 525 526
Normal sections of curved surfaces, cylindrical surface 306
Normal vision see "Color vision" "Resolving "Visual "Snellen H."
Numerical aperture of microscope 663—669 670—673 679
Object-glass see "Objective"
Object-point 25
Object-rays 24
Object-space and image-space 242 243
Objective of compound microscope 651 653 673—680 see
Objective of compound microscope, aperture-stop 655
Objective of compound microscope, apochromats 489 679
Objective of compound microscope, different types 677—680
Objective of compound microscope, optical requirements 673—677
Objective of compound microscope, pupils 655
Objective of compound microscope, telecentric system 660
Objective of telescope see "Telescope"
Obliquely crossed cylinders 320—326
Ocular astigmatism 698 see "Ophthalmometer"
Ocular movements, Convergent and associated 431 749—750 see "Mobile "Muscles"
Ocular, Achromatism 502 680
Ocular, Compensation 682 683
Ocular, field-lens and eye-lens 656
Ocular, Gundlach's periscopic ocular 682
Ocular, Huygens's ocular 396 501 502 648 663 681 682
Ocular, Kellner's ocular 682
Ocular, of compound microscope 651 654 680—683
Ocular, Ramsden's ocular 463 502 681 682
Oersted, H.C. 764
Oil-immersion objectives 671 679 680
Olive color 720 731
Opaque bodies 2 762
Ophthalmic lenses see "Astigmatic lenses" "Cylindrical "Correction-glass" "Toric
Ophthalmic prism, Base-apex line 135
Ophthalmic prism, combination of two ophthalmic prisms 138—142
Ophthalmic prism, deviation 133
Ophthalmic prism, power 134
Ophthalmic prism, rotary prism 141
Ophthalmometer 103 696—706
Ophthalmometer, clinical 698 699 703—706
Ophthalmometer, doubling device 696 699—703
Ophthalmometer, invention 698
Ophthalmometer, mires 700 704—706
Ophthalmometer, optical theory 699—703
Opponent-colors 744
Opponent-colors theory of E. Hering 743—747
Optic axis of crystals 688 689 690 692 693 694 695 696
Optic nerve 430
Optical achromatism 489 490 675
Optical axis of eye 431
Optical axis, Axis of symmetry 23
Optical axis, of centered system. 329
Optical axis, of lens 217
Optical center of lens 223—226
Optical cross-sections of object under microscope 653
Optical disk for verifying laws of reflection and refraction 32 67 68
Optical disk for verifying laws of reflection and refraction, total reflection 83 84
Optical glass 481 673 675 679 686
Optical glass, process of manufacture 485—487
Optical illusions 749 750—751 754—755
Optical image 5 17 18 25 see
Optical image on retina 749
Optical instruments 23 635—636 see "Telescope"
| Optical instruments, types of 602—606
Optical invariant of refraction 76
Optical length 89—91 278 279 623
Optical medium 3
Optical medium, homogeneous 669 685 686
Optical medium, isotropic 3 4 670 685 686
Optical system 23
Optical tube length of microscope 655 661 676
Optical zone of cornea of eye 697 698
Optometer of Badal 422 423
Orange color 720 731
Ordinary ray in double refraction 687 691 692 693 see
Ordinary wave see "Double refraction"
Origin of coordinates 149 see
Orthoscopy, Conditions of 543—545
Pale colors 731
Parabolic mirror 565 619
Paraxial ray diagrams 168—171
Paraxial ray, Calculation of 519—521 606—617
Paraxial ray, definition 152
Paraxial rays, Centered system 329—334 519—521
Paraxial rays, infinitely thin lens 217—257 276—279 285
Paraxial rays, plane refracting surface 96—98 191 265—269 615
Paraxial rays, plate with parallel faces 105—107
Paraxial rays, spherical mirror 153—179 189 274—276 285
Paraxial rays, spherical refracting surface 179—202 269—274 285 519 534 614
Paraxial rays, thin lens-system 289—291
Parsons Optical Glass Company 686
Pathological astigmatism 698
Pellin-Broca constant deviation prism 584 585
Pencil of rays 24
Pendlebtjry, C., "Lenses and systems of lenses" 280
Pentaprism 148 588
Penumbra 7 562 563
Period of vibration 473
Periodic character of luminous phenomena 762 770
Peripheral (indirect) vision 446 721 743 748 see "Twilight
Perspective elongation of image 419 420
Perspective in art 22 559
Perspective ranges of points 159—161
Perspective reproduction in screen-plane 417
Perspective, center of 159
Perspective, Center of, pupil-centers as centers of perspective 416 417
Perspective, Center of, so-called center (K) 532
Perversion of image in plane mirror 39—40 753
Petzval, J., Curvature of image 539
Petzval, J., portrait lens 634
Photograph, Correct distance of viewing 417—419 754
Photographic negative 635
Photography, Discovery of 635 see
Physical optics 598 670 Chap.
Physiological astigmatism 697
Physiological optics Chap. XVIII
Pigments, Mixing of 722 725
Pinhole camera 5 561 see
Pink color 720 731
Planck, Max, quantum theory 769
Planck, Max, transition from classical physics to new physics 767
Plane image, Conditions of 538—540 548
Plane mirror see also "Inclined mirrors" "Mirror "Thick "Sextant" "Heliostat"
Plane mirror, Conjugate points 38
Plane mirror, field of view 40—43
Plane mirror, image of extended object in 37—40
Plane mirror, perversion of image 39—40 753
Plane mirror, punctual imagery 508 618
Plane mirror, reflecting power 380 381
Plane mirror, reflection of plane and spherical waves at 33—37
Plane mirror, rotation of 32 56
Plane mirror, uses of 52
Plane mirrors, Inclined 43—51 565—569
Plane mirrors, Inclined, rectangular combinations, for rectifying image 50 51 566—568
Plane refracting surface, Caustic surface 98 99
Plane refracting surface, narrow astigmatic bundle of rays 98—100 553
Plane refracting surface, paraxial rays 96—98 191 265—269
Plane refracting surface, plane wave 70—72
Plane refracting surface, principle of least time 87—89
Plane refracting surface, spherical wave 265—269
Plane wave 13
Plane wave, mechanical illustration 72 73
Plane wave, reflection at plane mirror 33—35
Plane wave, refraction at plane-surface 70—72
Plane wave, refraction through prism. 123 124
Plano-convex and plano-concave lenses 219 225
Plano-cylindrical lenses 315—317
Plastic impression 751 see
Plate (or slab) with plane parallel faces, and when plate is inclined to line of sight 105—107
Plate (or slab) with plane parallel faces, apparent position of object when plate is perpendicular to line of sight 102 103
Plate (or slab) with plane parallel faces, multiple images by reflection and refraction 107—110
Plate (or slab) with plane parallel faces, parallel plate micrometer 103
Plate (or slab) with plane parallel faces, Path of ray through 101—103 570 571
Plate (or slab) with plane parallel faces, refraction of paraxial rays 105—107
Poincare H., Ether 764
Point of fixation 432 747 749 750 751 755 756
Point-source of light 1
Point-source of light, apparent place and direction 15—18
Point-source of light, appearance of 709
Polarization microscope 683
Polarization of light 596 598 688 695 696 762 770
Porro, I., Prism system for rectification of image 50 51 573 588
Porta’s pinhole camera 5 561
Porta’s pinhole camera, camera obscura 561
Porta’s pinhole camera, inclined mirrors, etc. 565
Porta’s pinhole camera, properties of lenses 570
Porte lumiere 53
Porterfield, W., Minimum visibile 716
Ports see "Entrance-port" "Exit-port"
Poser, M., Microphotographs of retina 684
Positive and negative directions along a straight line 104
Positive and negative directions along a straight line, positive direction along the axis 149 219
Positive lens 223
Posterior pole of eye 432 438
Power of accommodation see "Accommodation"
Power of lens or prism see "Prism" "Reflecting "Refracting
Prentice, C.F., Crossed cylinders 321
Prentice, C.F., diagrams 308 309 310
Prentice, C.F., power of ophthalmic prism 135
Presbyopia 435 628
Primary Colors 744 see "Pure
Principal planes 335
Principal planes of a spherical refracting surface 196 335
Principal planes of a thin lens 239
Principal point angle 447
Principal point angle as measure of size of retinal image 448
Principal points 334 335
Principal points of "thick" mirror 377—379 383
Principal points of combination of two lenses 367 369 370
Principal points of compound system 361
Principal points of compound system of three members 375
Principal points of infinitely thin lens 239
Principal points of schematic eye 374 432
Principal points of schematic eye, as points of reference 437
Principal points of schematic eye, of eye in state of maximum accommodation 437
Principal points of thick lens 363
Principal points, image equations referred to 345—347
Principal points, relation to nodal points 341 343
Principal section of crystal 692
Principal section of prism 113
Principal sections of a bundle of rays 304 311—314 528 535
Principal sections of cornea 704—706
Principal sections of curved surfaces 302 525
Principal sections of cylindrical surface 306
Principal sections of surface of revolution, Index 797 305
Principal sections of toric lenses 310
Principal sections of toric surface 309
prism 85 86 113 see "Ophthalmic "Roof-angle "Reflection
Prism binoculars 51 606 759—760 see
Prism, and its measurement 55
Prism, base-apex line 134
Prism, constant deviation 584 585 588
Prism, dispersion by 465
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