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Southall J.P.C. — Mirrors, prisms and lenses: a text-book of geometrical optics
Southall J.P.C. — Mirrors, prisms and lenses: a text-book of geometrical optics

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Название: Mirrors, prisms and lenses: a text-book of geometrical optics

Автор: Southall J.P.C.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3-d edition

Год издания: 1940

Количество страниц: 834

Добавлена в каталог: 24.02.2013

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Предметный указатель
Compound microscope, aperture      652 660 663
Compound microscope, aperture-angle      656 665—667
Compound microscope, aplanatism of objective      674 675
Compound microscope, brightness of image      667—669 673
Compound microscope, dry system      661 666 667 678
Compound microscope, field of view      660 663
Compound microscope, general characteristics      650—655
Compound microscope, illumination system      650 683
Compound microscope, immersion system      661 666 667 671 673 678 679 680
Compound microscope, invention      635 651
Compound microscope, laboratory form      660—661
Compound microscope, magnifying power      651 662—663 668 669 671 672 673 683
Compound microscope, metric relations      661—663
Compound microscope, numerical aperture      663—669 670—673 679
Compound microscope, objective      651 653 673—680
Compound microscope, ocular      651 680—683
Compound microscope, optical tube length      652—653 655 661 676
Compound microscope, pupils      655 667 668 671 672 673 680
Compound microscope, ray-procedure      655—661
Compound microscope, resolving power      669—673 679 684 710
Compound optical systems, Chap. XI      356
Concave, convex, lens      221
Concave, convex, surface      150
Concentric lens      221 232 387 388
Cone vision      see "Daylight vision"
Cones and rods of retina      428 429 714—715 721 739 747 see "Tunlight
Conjugate planes      172 194 236
Conjugate points off axis (Q, Q'), centered system of spherical refracting surfaces      339—342
Conjugate points off axis (Q, Q'), infinitely thin lens      234—236
Conjugate points off axis (Q, Q'), spherical mirror      171—175
Conjugate points off axis (Q, Q'), spherical refracting surface      193—196
Conjugate points on axis (M, M'), centered system of spherical refracting surfaces      346 347
Conjugate points on axis (M, M'), infinitely thin lens      227—229 232 595
Conjugate points on axis (M, M'), plane refracting surface      97
Conjugate points on axis (M, M'), plate with parallel faces      105
Conjugate points on axis (M, M'), spherical mirror      154 164
Conjugate points on axis (M, M'), spherical refracting surface      181 183 595
Conoid, Sturm’s      313 314 535
Contrast and visual acuity      716
Contrast phenomena      721
Convergence angle      755
Convergence movements of two eyes      750
Convergence, Near point of      755
Convergence-ratio      see "Angular magnification"
Convergent and divergent optical systems      186 339 340
Convergent lens      221
Convergent series of numbers, Limit of      715—716
coordinates      see "Color coordinates" "Trilinear
Cornea of human eye      425 696—699 see
Cornea of human eye, measurement of curvature      696 697 699
Cornea of human eye, optical constants      371 372 401
Cornea of human eye, optical zone      697 698
Cornea of human eye, principal meridians      704—706
Cornea of human eye, seat of ocular astigmatism      698
Cornea of human eye, shape of      697
Cornea of human eye, vertex      431
Corneal astigmatism      697 see
Corpuscles of light      762 769
Corpuscular or emission theory of light      669 762 763 769 770
Correction glass for ametropia, refracting power and vertex-refraction      443—446 708
Correction glass for ametropia, second focal point of glass at far point of eye      445
Correction glass for aphakic eye      629
Cover glass for microscopic object      653 666 678 679
Crew, H., "Dioptric"      287
Critical angle of refraction      80 572
Cross-cylindrical lens      315 317 319 320 325
Crystalline lens of human eye      213 371 372 373 378 381 395 428 592 593 627 see
Crystalline lens of human eye, "total index"      436
Crystalline lens of human eye, astigmatism      698
Crystalline lens of human eye, changes in accommodation      395 434
Crystalline lens of human eye, optical constants      371—373 395 434
Crystalline optical media      686 687 see "Quartz" "Fluorite" "Diamond"
Crystals, Optic axis      688
Crystals, positive and negative      688 689
Crystals, principal section      692
Crystals, uniaxial and biaxial      688 689
Culmann, P., Smith-Helmholtz formula      202
Curvature ametropia      442
Curvature of anterior surface of cornea of eye      697 see "Schematic
Curvature of arc      see also "Lens-gauge Spherometer"
Curvature of arc, center of      260
Curvature of arc, circle of      260
Curvature of arc, mean      259
Curvature of arc, measure      260—264
Curvature of arc, sign (plus or minus)      260
Curvature of arc, Total      258
Curvature of image      538—540 547 548
Curvature of normal sections of surface      300—303
Curvature of normal sections of surface, principal sections      302 303 525
Curvature, Unit of      286—288 see
Curvature-method in geometrical optics      282
Cushion-shaped distortion      544
Cylindrical lenses      217 310 314—317
Cylindrical lenses, combinations      318—326
Cylindrical lenses, transposition      318—320
Cylindrical lenses, types      315—317
Cylindrical spectacle glasses      314 698
Cylindrical surface      265 305—308 310—313
Cylindrical surface, refracting power      307 308
Daguerreotype process      635
Dark colors      731
Dark-field illumination      684 see
Daylight vision (cone vision)      707 713 714 721 747 748
de Broglie, M., Theory of wave mechanics      770
de Dominis, Antonius      594
Dennett, Centrad      134
Depth perception (binocular vision)      747 751—761 see
Depth perception (binocular vision), limiting angle of binocular depth perception      757
Depth-magnification      351
Descartes, R., aplanatic points      617
Descartes, R., aspherical optical surfaces and lenses      593 621
Descartes, R., Law of refraction      67 573 593 594
Descartes, R., magnifying glass      645
Descartes, R., ovals      593 624
Descartes, R., philosophy      767
Deviation by prism      see "Prism"
Deviation of ray      see "Angle of deviation" "Minimum
Deviation without dispersion      481 491—493
diamond      70 479 646
Diaphragms or stops for cutting out rays      397—399 see "Field
Dichromatic vision      741 742 see partial"
Dielectric medium      764 see
Dieterici, C., Fundamental-sensation curves      740
Diffraction of light      14 597 637 670 671 684 709—713 762 770
Diffraction of light, diffraction disk due to small round aperture      637 709—713
Diffraction of light, diffraction effects in microscope      637 670 671
Diffraction of light, diffraction spectra      670
Diffraction of light, diffraction through pupil of eye      710
Dioptrics      569
Dioptry      286—288
Dioptry, "dioptrie", "dioptre", etc.      286 287
Dioptry, Hecto-, Kilo-, millidioptry, etc.      287
Direct and indirect vision      448 748
Direct vision prism-systems (prismes a vision directe)      493—499
Direction along ray or straight line      see "Positive direction"
Direction of point of fixation      751
Direction of point-source      15—18 see
Dispersion of light, Chromatic, anomalous      477
Dispersion of light, Chromatic, Chap. XIV      465 598 726
Dispersion of light, Chromatic, irrationality of      477—479
Dispersion of light, Chromatic, partial      479 483
Dispersion of light, Chromatic, relative      479 483
Dispersion without deviation      481 493—499
Dispersive power (or strength)      479—481
Dispersive power (or strength), dispersive power of lens      503
Dissimilation and assimilation      744 see E."
Distinct vision, Distance of      452 453
Distortion      543—545
Divergent lens      221
Divergent lens, divergent and convergent optical systems      339 340
Dolland, J., achromatic object-glass      481 482 504 505
Donders, F.C., Astigmatism of eye corrected by cylindrical glasses      316 698
Donders, F.C., loss of accommodation with increasing age      435 436
Donders, F.C., reduced eye      214
Double (cross) ratio      156—164 735 736 737 738
Double concave lens      219
Double concave lens, double convex lens      217
Double reflection prism      574 586—592
Double reflection prism, deviation      587
Double refraction      596 598 686—696
Double refraction, ordinary and extraordinary rays      687 691
Doubling system in ophthalmometer      see "Ophthalmometer" "Wollaston’s
Dove, H.W., "Reversion" prism      583
Dry system microscope objective      661 666 667 678 679
Drysdale, C.V., Curvature-method      287
Dutch telescope      456 571 606
Dutch telescope, "eye-ring"      413 458
Dutch telescope, field of view      412 413
Dutch telescope, magnifying power      455—460
Dynamic refraction of eye      438
Ear and eye      724
Effective rays      23
Einstein, A., general relativity theory      768
Einstein, A., special relativity theory      768
Electricity and magnetism      764
Electromagnetic theory of light      669 764—767 768
Electron      768 769 770
Electron, electron theory      768
Ellipsoidal mirror      618 619
Ellipsoidal mirror, refracting surface      620 622
Emergent rays      24
Emmetropia and ametropia      439—443
Emmetropic eye      440
Entrance-port      406—409 410 413
Entrance-pupil      43 179 400 543 596
Entrance-pupil, of eye      401 448 714
Entrance-pupil, of microscope      655 656 660
Entrance-pupil, two or more entrance-pupils      405 406
Ether, luminiferous      10 472—476 688 762
Ether, Luminiferous, according to electron theory      768
Ether, Luminiferous, according to relativity theory      768
Ether, Luminiferous, electromagnetic ether      765 766 768
Ether, Luminiferous, equivalent to space-time      767
Ether, Luminiferous, ether drift      768
Ether, Luminiferous, experiments concerning      10 763 764
Ether, Luminiferous, Fresnel’s elastic solid ether      763 766 768
Ether, Luminiferous, Huygens’s ether      762 768
Ether, Luminiferous, nominative of verb "to undulate"      764
Euclid      559 563 564 716
Euler, L., achromatism      481
Euler, L., theory of curved surfaces      303 306 525
Exit-port      409 410 413
Exit-pupil      400—405 411—413 415 417 419 420 448 543 596
Exit-pupil of microscope      654 656 660 666 667 668 671 672 673 680
Exit-pupil of microscope objective      655 660
Exner, F., "Fundamental-sensation" curves      740
Extraordinary ray in double refraction      687 691 692 693 see
Extraordinary ray in double refraction, variable index of refraction      693—694
Extraordinary wave      see "Double refraction"
eye      see also "Ametropic eye" "Emmetropic "Hypermetropic "Mobile "Myopic "Reduced "Schematic
Eye and ear      724
Eye, "black of the eye"      401
Eye, accommodation      433—439
Eye, adaptation      721 743
Eye, anterior chamber      425
Eye, aqueous humor      371 425
Eye, bacillary layer of rods and cones      428
Eye, blind spot      430
Eye, center of rotation      432 434 448 452 643 748
Eye, change of refracting power in accommodation      436 437
Eye, choroid      425
Eye, ciliary body      427
Eye, cornea      371 372 401 425 696—699
Eye, cornea-vertex      431
Eye, crystalline lens      371—373 428 698
Eye, decrease of accommodation with age      435 436
Eye, description of human eye      425—431
Eye, entrance-pupil      401 448 714
Eye, expressions for refraction of eye      439
Eye, far and near points      434 435
Eye, field of fixation      432 435 748—750
Eye, focal lengths      343 374 389 432
Eye, focal lengths for maximum accommodation      437
Eye, focal points      374 389 423 432
Eye, fovea centralis      429 432 433 446 715 721 747 749
Eye, iris      401 425
Eye, line of fixation      432 748
Eye, motor muscles      431 432 748
Eye, nodal points      422 432
Eye, optic nerve      430
Eye, optical axis      431
Eye, point of fixation      432 747
Eye, positions of cardinal points for maximum accommodation      437
Eye, posterior pole      432 438
Eye, principal points      374 432
Eye, pupil      23 401 409—413 421 425 710 714 715 721
Eye, refracting power      374 432
Eye, resolving power      21 22 597 672 713—716
Eye, retina      428 684 747 748 749
Eye, static and dynamic refraction      438
Eye, variation of principal points in accommodation      437
Eye, visual axis      433
Eye, visual purple      430
Eye, white of the eye      425
Eye, yellow spot (macula lutea)      428 747
Eye, zonule of Zinn      428 434
Eye-axis, Length of      438 440—443 448
Eye-ball      426 431 748 see
Eye-glasses      see "Correction-glass" "Astigmatic "Cylindrical "Ophthalmic
Eye-lens of ocular      656 680 681 682
Eye-ring (or eye-circle) of microscope      681
Eye-ring (or eye-circle) of telescope      413 458 459
Far point      434 438 440 442
Far point distance      437 444
Far point sphere      434
Far point, coincides with second focal point of correction glass      445
Far point, of schematic eye      461
Far point, senile recession of      436
Far sighted eye      435 see
Faraday, M.      482 764 765 766
Faraday, M., optical glass      482
Faraday, M., theory of dielectric polarization      764—766
Fermat, P., Principle of least time      86 594 623
Field of fixation of mobile eye      432 435 748—749
Field of fixation of mobile eye, field of binocular fixation      749—751
Field of stereoscopic vision      760
Field of view      18 19 406—409 448 596
Field of view, "ragged edge"      412
Field of view, monocular field of view      747—748
Field of view, of astronomical telescope      411 412
Field of view, of compound microscope      660 663
Field of view, of Dutch telescope      412 413
Field of view, of infinitely thin lens      247—249 409—411
Field of view, of plane mirror      40—43
Field of view, of simple microscope      640—643
Field of view, of spherical mirror      176—179
Field stop      19 178 249 406 410
Field stop of magnifying glass      641 643
Field-glasses      see "Binocular telescope"
Field-lens of ocular      656 680 681 682
Fish-eye camera      81
Fixation, field of      432 435 748—749
Fixation, field of binocular      749—751
Fixation, line of      432 748 755
Fixation, point of      432 747 749 750 751 755 756
Flat image      539 540 548
Fluorite (fluorspar)      479 485 680
Focal lengths of centered system      354 355 521 606—611
Focal lengths of combination of two lenses      367
Focal lengths of compound system      359
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