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Southall J.P.C. — Mirrors, prisms and lenses: a text-book of geometrical optics |

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Название: Mirrors, prisms and lenses: a text-book of geometrical optics
Автор: Southall J.P.C.
Рубрика: Физика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Издание: 3-d edition
Год издания: 1940
Количество страниц: 834
Добавлена в каталог: 24.02.2013
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Focal lengths of infinitely thin lens 229 240—242
Focal lengths of optical system in general 342—344
Focal lengths of schematic eye 343 374 389 432
Focal lengths of schematic eye, for maximum accommodation 437
Focal lengths of spherical mirror 167
Focal lengths of spherical refracting surface 191 192 193 199 281
Focal lengths of thick lens 363
Focal planes of centered system of spherical refracting surfaces 333
Focal planes of infinitely thin lens 232
Focal planes of optical system 334 335 341
Focal planes of spherical refracting surface 197—199
Focal point angle 447
Focal point angle, as measure of size of retinal image 449
Focal points of centered system of spherical refracting surfaces 332 333 521 609
Focal points of combination of two lenses 367
Focal points of compound system 358 361
Focal points of infinitely thin lens 229—232
Focal points of optical system 334 335
Focal points of schematic eye 374 389 423 432
Focal points of spherical mirror 166 189
Focal points of spherical refracting surface 186—189
Focal points of thick lens 363
Focus plane 400 402—404 406—408 414—417 543
Fovea centralis 429 432 433 446 715 721 747 749
Foveal vision see "Daylight vision"
Foveola 747 see
Fraunhofer, J., 145 479 493 494 506 597 598
Fraunhofer, J., achromatic object-glass 504 505
Fraunhofer, J., dark lines of solar spectrum 470 472 475 476 477 649
Fraunhofer, J., magnifying glass 648
Fraunhofer, J., measurement of index of refraction 129
Fraunhofer, J., microscope 651
Fraunhofer, J., notation of dark lines 472
Fraunhofer, J., production of optical glass 482
Frequency of vibration and color 472—476 726 762
Frequency of vibration and color, connection with wave-length 475
Fresnel, A.J., Principle of interference 14 598
Fresnel, A.J., use of cylindrical lens 315
Fresnel, A.J., wave-surface 689
Fresnel, A.J., wave-theory 688 761 763 764 766 767
Fundamental-color sensations 734 739 see
Fundamental-color sensations, Koenig-Dieterici curves 740 741
Fusion, Binocular 749 751
Galileo, mechanics 767
Galileo, telescope and astronomical discoveries 456 462 463 464 571 597
Gap in visible spectrum 728—730
Gauging of visible spectrum 740 see
Gauss, K.F., achromatic object-glass 504 505
Gauss, K.F., principal points 335
Gauss, K.F., Reduced distance 279 280
Gauss, K.F., theory of optical imagery 334 536 545 546 603 664
Geometrical optics, its limitations 669 670 686 710 761 770
Giraud Teulon, Minimum separabile 716
Gleichen, A., Lehrbuch der geometrischen Optik 352 649
Glycerine immersion-system 673
Goerz, P., "Double anastigmat" photographic lens 352
Goethe, J.W., Doctrine of colors 738
graphical methods see also "Color chart" "Color "Color "Color
Graphical methods, Paraxial ray diagrams 168—171
Graphical methods, path of paraxial ray through centered system 331
Graphical methods, Young's construction 509—511 509—511
Grating spectrum 729
Gray color 720 731 744
Green-blindness see "Color blindness partial"
Gregory, J., Achromatism 480
Grimaldi, F.M. 596
Grimsehl, E., Lehrbuch der Physik 363
Group wave 770
Gruenberg, complementary spectral colors 727
Gullstrand, A., formulae for compound systems 360 361
Gullstrand, A., Reduced distance 280
Gullstrand, A., schematic eye 343 370 371 381 382 389 395 432 436 442 443 461 611 627 628 629 707
Gullstrand, A., schematic eye in state of maximum accommodation 395 436 461
Gullstrand, A., writings 536 625
Gundlach, E., Periscopic ocular 682
Gunther, R.T. 296 see
Hadley's sextant 58—60
Hall, C.M., Achromatic telescope 481
Halley, E. 595
Harcourt, W.V., Optical glass 482
Harmonic range of points 161—164
Heliometer 699
Heliostat 54 55
Helmholtz, H.v., Color theory 726 739 742 743 746 747
Helmholtz, H.v., electrodynamics 766
Helmholtz, H.v., Handbuch der physiolog. Optik 371
Helmholtz, H.v., ophthalmometer 103 696 698 700 701
Helmholtz, H.v., Smith-Helmholtz equation 201 202 214 215 334 338 342 459 524 664
Helmholtz, H.v., telestereoscope 758
Hering, E., Opponent-colors theory 743 744 745 746 747
Hero of Alexandria 87 563 594
Hertz, H., Electromagnetic waves 766
Homocentric (or monocentric) bundle of rays 25
Homogeneous immersion microscope objective 679
Homogeneous medium 685 686
Homogeneous projective coordinates 735—738 see
Homogeneous radiation see "Monochromatic light"
Hooke, R. 598
Hooke, R., magnifying glass 396 646 651
Hooke, R., resolving power of eye 597
Houstoun, R.A., law of refraction (history) 569 570
Houstoun, R.A., Newton and colors of spectrum 466 469
Hue 720 726 727 728 746
Hue, hue discrimination 731
Hue, hue, saturation and luminosity 730—732 741
Hueless (toneless) sensations 744 see "Achromatic
Huygens, C., Aplanatic lenses 618
Huygens, C., aplanatic points of spherical refracting surface 596 617
Huygens, C., aplanatic surfaces 623
Huygens, C., Construction of ray refracted at spherical surface 596 617
Huygens, C., Construction of wave-front in general 10—13 123 670 710
Huygens, C., for double refraction in Iceland spar 688—693
Huygens, C., in case of reflection at plane mirror 33—37 61
Huygens, C., in case of refraction at plane surface 70—72
Huygens, C., Law of conjugate points 595
Huygens, C., Law of conjugate points, law of refraction 573
Huygens, C., Loss of priority 595
Huygens, C., Loss of priority, notion of equivalent lenses 595
Huygens, C., Ocular 396 501 502 648 663 681 682
Huygens, C., Polarization of light 596 688
Huygens, C., pupils of optical system 596
Huygens, C., spherical aberration 596
Huygens, C., theorem about apparent size 596
Huygens, C., Theory of double refraction in Iceland spar 596 687 688 689 690 692
Huygens, C., theory of telescope 596
Huygens, C., Treatise on dioptrics 594 595 596 617
Huygens, C., treatise on light 596 617 623 687 688
Huygens, C., wave-theory of light 762 767
Hyperbolic refracting surface 593 594 619 620 621
Hyperboloidal lens 621 622
Hypermetropia 441 443 445
Hypermetropic eye 441
Hypermetropic eye, correction glass 445
Iceland spar 687 688 689 690 692 694 695 see
Iceland spar, index of refraction 693—694
Image 5 17 18 25
Image, ideal 25 506 548
Image, real and virtual 17 18
Image, Rectification of, by successive reflections 50 51 see
Image, Retinal, inverted 749
Image, Size of retinal 448 449 707—709
Image-equations of optical system, in terms of refracting power and reduced "vergences" 348
Image-equations of optical system, Referred to focal points 345
Image-equations of optical system, referred to nodal points 348 627
Image-equations of optical system, referred to pair of conjugate points 347 348 627
Image-equations of optical system, referred to principal points 345—347
Image-equations of spherical refracting surface 200 201
Image-lines of narrow astigmatic bundle of rays 100 312 313 534—536 547
Image-lines of narrow astigmatic bundle of rays, for plane refracting surface 100
Image-point 25
| Image-points of narrow astigmatic bundle of rays 312 526 527 529—534
Image-rays 24
Image-space and object-space 242 243
Image-surfaces, Astigmatic 536—538 547
Images in inclined mirrors 43—51
Immersion system see "Compound microscope"
Incidence, angle of 30
Incidence, height 151
Incidence, normal 30
Incidence, plane of 30
Incident rays 24 30
Inclined mirrors 43—51 565—567
Index of refraction, absolute 74 685—686 693
Index of refraction, function of wavelength 476 477
Index of refraction, in Iceland spar 693—694
Index of refraction, limiting value of 70
Index of refraction, measurement of 106 107 128 129
Index of refraction, relative 66
Indicial ametropia 442
Indirect vision 446 721 743 748 see
Infinitely distant plane of space 197 434
Infinitely distant point of straight line 158
Infinitely thin lens, abscissa-formula 226—229 285
Infinitely thin lens, central collineation 246
Infinitely thin lens, character of imagery 237—240
Infinitely thin lens, conjugate axial points 227—229 232—234 595
Infinitely thin lens, construction of image 236
Infinitely thin lens, conventional representation 226
Infinitely thin lens, extra-axial conjugate points 234—236
Infinitely thin lens, field of view 247—249 409 411
Infinitely thin lens, focal lengths 229 240—242 594
Infinitely thin lens, focal planes 232
Infinitely thin lens, focal points 229—232
Infinitely thin lens, lateral magnification 236 237
Infinitely thin lens, Paraxial rays 217—257 276—279 285
Infinitely thin lens, principal planes 239
Infinitely thin lens, prismatic power 291—295
Infinitely thin lens, refracting power 283 284
Infinitely thin lens, Refraction of spherical wave through 276—279
Infinitely thin lens-system 289—291 599—602 see "Combination
Infinitely thin lens-system, formulae for spherical aberrations 548—550
Infrared region of spectrum 729
Interference of light 14 597 670 762 770
Interpupillary distance 756
Invariant in case of refraction of paraxial rays at spherical surface 191
Invariant of central collineation 246
Invariant of refraction 76
Iris of eye 401 425
Isotropic medium 3 4 685 686
Jackson, Professor, New optical glass 484
Jansen, Z., Reputed inventor of telescope 456
Javal, E. 698 700 703 see
Jena glass 482—485 540 679
Kaleidoscope 47
Kellner, C., Ocular 682
Kepler, J., Astronomical telescope 455 456 606
Kepler, J., crystalline lens 593
Kepler, J., formula for law of refraction 571 572 626
Kepler, J., hyperbolic refracting surface 593 594 619
Kepler, J., lens combinations (terrestrial telescope, etc.) 593
Kepler, J., rectilinear propagation of light 560 561
Kepler, J., sagitta 202
Kepler, J., works on optics 571
Keratoconus 705
Keratometer 421 422
Keratometer, another name of ophthalmometer 703
Kessler, F., Direct vision prism 497 498 499 506
Kircher, A., Jesuit writer 573
Klingenstierna, S., Achromatic prism combination 481
Knapp, J.H., Ophthalmologist 698
Koelliker, A.v., Dimensions of retinal cones 715
Koenig, A., Author 651
Koenig, Arthur, Koenig and Dieterici fundamental-sensation curves 740
Kohlrausch, F., Measurement of index of refraction 128
Kries, J.v., Physiologist 743
Ladd-Franklin, C., "color music" 724
Ladd-Franklin, C., Color terminology 723
Lagrange, J.L., Smith-Helmholtz formula 202
Lambert, J.H., Cosine-law of radiation 664
Landolt, E., Ophthalmologist 287
Lange, M., Calculation-system 520
Lateral magnification, Centered system 333 349
Lateral magnification, infinitely thin lens 236 237
Lateral magnification, spherical mirror 176
Lateral magnification, spherical refracting surface 196
Law of independence of light-rays 15
Law of Malus 89—91 525
Law of rectilinear propagation 3 4 559
Law of reflection 31
Law of refraction 66
Least circle of aberration 515
Least confusion, circle of 314
Least deviation see "Prism"
Least perceptible details 671—673 676 677
Least time, principle of 86—89 594 623
Leeuwenhoek, A.v., Microscope 645 646
Lens see "Astigmatic lens" "Cylindrical "Infinitely "Thick "Toric
Lens stereoscope 754
Lens, Axis 217
Lens, bending 284
Lens, concave and convex 222
Lens, concentric 221 232 387 388
Lens, convergent or positive and divergent or negative 223
Lens, definition 217
Lens, dispersive strength 503
Lens, double convex and double concave 217 219
Lens, meniscus 219 226 385 386 387
Lens, of zero curvature 221 386
Lens, optical center 223—226
Lens, plano-convex and plano-concave 219
Lens, refracting power 283 363
Lens, symmetric 217 385 388
Lens, thickness 219
Lens-gauge 263—265 288 289
Lens-system see "Combination of two lenses"
Lens-system (thin lenses), Spherical aberrations 545
Lens-system, achromatic combination 502—505
Lens-system, Thin 289—291
Lenses, forms of 217—223
Lenticular astigmatism 698
Light see also "Diffraction" "Interference" "Polarization"
Light, corpuscular theory 669 762 763 769 770
Light, electromagnetic theory 669 764—767 768
Light, nature of 9—10 669 761—771
Light, Rectilinear propagation, Chap. I 559—563
Light, sensation 720 743
Light, velocity 10 72 75 474 475 685 693 764 766
Light, wave-theory 9 10 472 508 596 597 669 688 760—767 768 769 770
Limit of binocular depth perception 757 759
Limit, mathematical 715—716
Line of fixation 432 748 755
Lippershey, F., Reputed inventor of telescope 456
Lister, J.L., Microscope 652
Listing, J.B., nodal points 337
Listing, J.B., Reduced eye 214
Lloyd, H., Internal conical refraction 763
Lorentz, H. A., Electron theory 768
Luminiferous ether see "Ether"
luminosity 720 726 730 731 732 741
Luminous bodies 1
Luminous point, direction and location 15—18 see
Luminous radiation 1 720 726 see
Macula lutea or yellow spot 428 747 see
Macular cones, diameter 714—715
Magic lantern, invention 635
Magnification see "Angular magnification" "Axial "Lateral "Magnification-ratios" "Magnifying
Magnification, Chromatic difference of 676
Magnification-ratios 349—351
Magnifying glass 636 see "Simple
Magnifying glass, antiquity of 637
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