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Yao W-M — Review of particle physics
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Название: Review of particle physics
Автор: Yao W-M
Аннотация: This biennial Review summarizes much of particle physics. Using data from previous editions, plus 2633 new measurements from 689 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We also summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as Higgs bosons, heavy neutrinos, and supersymmetric particles. All the particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We also give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as the Standard Model, particle detectors, probability, and statistics. Among the 110 reviews are many that are new or heavily revised including those on CKM quark-mixing matrix, Vud & Vus, Vcb & Vub, top quark, muon anomalous magnetic moment, extra dimensions, particle detectors, cosmic background radiation, dark matter, cosmological parameters, and big bang cosmology.
Рубрика: Физика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 1232
Добавлена в каталог: 25.11.2012
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Предметный указатель
Squark searches 1139
Standard Cosmological Model 225
Standard Model of electroweak interactions 119
Standard Model predictions in mixing, note on 836
Standard particle numbering for Monte Carlos 314
Statistical procedures 14
Statistical significance in mixing, note on 837
Statistics 301
Stefan — Boltzmann constant 97
Stopping power 258
Stopping power for heavy-charged projectiles 258
Strange baryons 75 1023
Strange mesons 42 649
Strange quark(s) 36 512
Strange, bottom meson 61 884
Strange, charmed mesons 50 757
Strangeness-changing neutral currents, tests for 86
Strong coupling constant in QCD 97 110
Structure functions 181
Structure functions, photon 115
Student's t distribution 300
Student's t distribution, Monte Carlo algorithm for 313
Student's t distribution, table of 299
SU(3) classification of baryon resonances 168
SU(3) isoscalar factors 319
SU(3) multiplets (representations) 168
SU(3) representation matrices 319
SU(3), generators of transformations 319
SU(6) multiplets 168
SU(n) multiplets 320
Substructure, quark and lepton, searches 84 1154
Substructure, quark and lepton, searches, note on 1154
Summary Tables, organization of 11
Sunyaev — Zel'dovich effect 224
Supernovae, Type Ia and Type II supernovae 227
Supersymmetric partner searches 84 1105
Supersymmetry, electroweak analyses of 131
Superweak model of CP violation 683
Survival probability, relations for 321
Symmetry breaking 173 119
Synchrotron oscillation 253
Synchrotron radiation 107
Synchrotron radiation in accelerators 253
Systematic errors, treatment of 14
t(quark) 36 516
T(time reversal), tests of conservation 86
Tags in mixing, note on 837
Technicolor, electroweak analyses of 131
Technicolor, review of 1147
Techniparticle searches 84 1147
Technipion searches 32 401
Temperature of CBR 98
TEVATRON (Fermilab) collider parameters 257
Thermal conductivity of elements, table 105
Thermal expansion coefficients of elements, table 105
Thermal history of the universe 213
Thomson cross section 97
Three-body decay kinematics 322
Three-body phase space 321
Threshold Cherenkov detectors 277
Time-projection chambers (TPC) 283
Top quark mass from electroweak analyses 127
Top quark(t) 36 516
Top quark, , constraints on 128 130
Top quark, note on 516
Top-changing neutral currents, tests for 86
Total cross sections, summary plot 338
Total cross sections, table of fit parameters 337
Total energy density of Universe, 228
Total lepton number conservation 86
TPC, Time-projection chambers 283
Transformation of electromagnetic fields, relativistic 106
Transition radiation 268
Transition radiation detectors (TRD) 280
Triangles, unitarity, note on 138
Triple gauge couplings, note on the extraction of 364
Tropical year 98
Tune shift in colliders 254
Two-body decay kinematics 321
Two-body differential cross sections 321
Two-body partial decay rate 321
Two-body scattering kinematics 321
Two-photon processes in annihilation 325
u (quark) 36 512
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays 250
Underground cosmic rays 247
Unified atomic mass unit 97
Unified theories, grand 173
Uniform distribution, table of 299
Units and conversion factors 97
Units, electromagnetic 106
Units, SI, complete set 100
Universe, (Hubble) expansion of 210 224
Universe, age of 98 210 212 231
Universe, baryon density of 98 220
Universe, composition 212 220
Universe, cosmological properties of 210
Universe, cosmological structure 214
Universe, critical density of 98
Universe, curvature of 211
Universe, density fluctuations 217
Universe, density parameter of 98
Universe, entropy density 214
Universe, large-scale structure of 212 217
Universe, mass-energy 233
Universe, matter-dominated 216
Universe, phase transitions 215
Universe, radiation content at early times 213
Universe, thermal history of 213
Universe, thermodynamic equilibrium 214
Vacuum energy parameter, 211
Variance, definition 297
Vector meson candidates 644
VEPP-2000 (Novosibirsk) collider parameters 255
VEPP-4m (Novosibirsk) collider parameters 255
W (gauge boson) 31 360
W and Z differential cross section 329
W boson, mass, width, branching ratios, and coupling to fermions 31 97 120 127 128
W' searches, note on 403
W-boson mass, note on 360
Weak boson searches 32 403
Weak interactions of quarks and leptons 119 130
Weak neutral currents, tests for ( , , , ) 86
Weak-mixing angle ( ) 97 119 129
Weinberg angle ( ) 97 119
Width determinations of states, note on 935
Width of W and Z bosons 127
Wien displacement law constant 97
WIMPS 234 see
WIMPs and other particle searches, note on 1174
Wire chambers 280
WMAP, NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 228
World-Wide Web information 18
X mesons, X(1850) [now called (1850)] 42 629
x variable (of Feynman's) 323
Year, sidereal 98
Year, tropical 98
Young diagrams (tableaux) 320
Young's modulus of solid elements, table 105
Yukawa coupling unification 173
Z (gauge boson) 31 367
Z boson, mass, width, branching ratios, and coupling to fermions 31 97 120 127 128 406
Z boson, note on 367
Z decay to heavy flavors 370
Z width, plot 335
Z' searches, note on 406
Z* resonances (KN system) 1019
Z* resonances, (1860) 1021
Z* resonances, 1022
Z* resonances, 1019
Z* resonances, Pentaquark Update, note on 1019
Z: Anomalous , , and ZZV couplings 386