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Yao W-M — Review of particle physics
Yao W-M — Review of particle physics

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Название: Review of particle physics

Автор: Yao W-M


This biennial Review summarizes much of particle physics. Using data from previous editions, plus 2633 new measurements from 689 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We also summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as Higgs bosons, heavy neutrinos, and supersymmetric particles. All the particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We also give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as the Standard Model, particle detectors, probability, and statistics. Among the 110 reviews are many that are new or heavily revised including those on CKM quark-mixing matrix, Vud & Vus, Vcb & Vub, top quark, muon anomalous magnetic moment, extra dimensions, particle detectors, cosmic background radiation, dark matter, cosmological parameters, and big bang cosmology.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1232

Добавлена в каталог: 25.11.2012

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Binary pulsars      206
Binomial distribution      299
Binomial distribution, Monte Carlo algorithm for      312
Binomial distribution, table of      299
Biological damage from radiation      293
Birks' law      273
Black holes      1165
Bohr magneton      97
Bohr radius      97
Boiling points of cryogenic gases      104
Boltzmann constant      97
Booklet, Particle Physics, how to get      11
Bosons      31 359
Bottom baryons ($\Lambda_{b}^{0}$, $\Xi_{b}$)      82 1096
Bottom mesons      52 769
Bottom mesons (B, B*, $B_{s}$, $B^{*}_{s}$, $B^{\pm}_{c}$)      52 769
Bottom mesons, HFAG activities      779
Bottom mesons, note on HFAG activities      779
Bottom quark (b)      36 515
Bottom, $B^{0}-\overline{B}^{0}$ mixing, note on      836
Bottom, charmed meson      61 890
Bottom, charmed mesons      61 890
Bottom, strange mesons      61 884
Bottom-changing neutral currents, tests for      86
Bottomonium system, level diagram      935
Bragg additivity      262
Branes      1165
Breit — Wigner, distribution, Monte Carlo algorithm for      313
Breit — Wigner, resonance, definition      324
Breit — Wigner, vs pole parameters of N and $\Delta$ Resonances      969
Bremsstarhlung by electrons      263
bulletin boards      19
C (charge conjugation), tests of conservation      86
c (quark)      36 515
c-quark fragmentation      199
c.m. energy and momentum vs beam momentum      321
Cabibbo — Kobayashi — Maskawa mixing in B decay, note on      836
Calorimeters      286
Cascade baryons ($\Xi$ baryons)      78 1063
CBR-Cosmic background radiation      238 see
Central limit theorem      299
Cepheid variable stars      227
CESR (Cornell) collider parameters      256
CESR-C (Cornell) collider parameters      256
Change of random variables      298
Characteristic functions      298
Charge conjugation (C) conservation      86
Charge conservation      86
Chargino searches      1134
Charm Dalitz analyses, note on      716
Charm quark (c)      36 515
Charm-changing neutral currents, tests for      86
Charmed baryons ($\Lambda^{+}_{c}$, $\Sigma_{c}$, $\Xi_{c}$, $\Omega_{c}^{0}$)      79 1080
Charmed mesons      61 891
Charmed mesons (D, D*, $D_{J}$)      46 708
Charmed, bottom meson      61 890
Charmed, bottom meson ($B_{c}^{\pm}$)      61 890
Charmed, strange mesons      50 757
Charmed, strange mesons [$D_{s}$, $D^{*}_{s}$, $D_{sJ}$]      50 757
Charmonium system, level diagram      891
Cherenkov detectors      277
Cherenkov radiation      268
CKM mixing elements in B decay, note on      836
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients      318
CMB-Cosmic microwave background      216 238 228
Collaboration databases      18
Collider parameters      255
Colliders, accelerator physics of      252
Color octet leptons      85 1163
Color sextet quarks      85 1163
Compensating calorimeters      287
Compositeness, quark and lepton, searches      84 1154
Compositeness, quark and lepton, searches, note on      1154
Composition of the Universe      220
Compton wavelength, electron      97
Concordance cosmology      225
Conditional probability density function      298
Conference databases      18
confidence intervals      304
Confidence intervals, frequentist      306
Confidence intervals, Poisson      308
Conservation laws      86
Consistency of an estimator      301
Constrained fits, procedures for      15
Consultants      12
Conversion probability for photons to $e^{+}e^{-}$      266
Correlation coefficient, definition      298
Cosmic background radiation (CBR) temperature      98
Cosmic microwave background      228
Cosmic ray(s)      245
Cosmic ray(s) at surface of earth      246
Cosmic ray(s) in atomosphere      246 249
Cosmic ray(s), air showers      249
Cosmic ray(s), ankle      250
Cosmic ray(s), background in counters      293
Cosmic ray(s), composition      245
Cosmic ray(s), fluxes      246
Cosmic ray(s), knee      250
Cosmic ray(s), primary spectra      245
Cosmic ray(s), secondary neutrinos      248
Cosmic ray(s), underground      247
Cosmological constant $\Lambda$      98 210 224
Cosmological density parameter, $\Omega      211
Cosmological equation of state      211
Cosmological mass density parameter      211
Cosmological mass density parameter of vacuum (dark energy)      211
Cosmological parameters      224 225
Cosmology      210 224 233
Coulomb scattering through small angles, multiple      262
Coupling between matter and gravity      205
Coupling constant in QCD      97 110
Coupling unification      173
Couplings for photon, W, Z      119
Couplings, anomalous $ZZ\gamma$, $Z\gamma \gamma$, and ZZV      386
Couplings, anomalous W/Z Quartic      366
Couplings, note on the extraction of triple-gauge      364
Covariance, definition      298
Coverage      306
CP violation in $K^{0}_{L}$ decay      146
CP violation in $K^{0}_{L}$ decays, note on      683
CP violation in $K^{0}_{S}\rightarrow 3\pi$ decays, note on      670
CP violation in B decay      146
CP violation, overview      146
CP, tests of conservation      86
CPT Invariance tests in neutral kaon decay      666
CPT, tests of conservation      86
Critical density in cosmology      98 210
Critical energy, electrons      264
Critical energy, muons      268
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of      328
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of, $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation cross section near $M_{Z}$      335
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of, $\nu N$ and $\bar{\nu}N$ c.c. total cross section      336
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of, fragmentation functions      195
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of, gamma production in $p\bar{p}$ interactions      328
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of, jet production in pp and $\bar{p}p$ interactions      328
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of, nucleon structure functions      187
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of, pseudorapidity distributions      329
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of, W and Z differential cross section      329
Cross sections, Regge theory fits to total, table      337
Cross sections, relations for      322 325
Cryogenic gases, boiling points      104
Cumulative distribution function, definition      297
Curie, unit of radioactivity      293
d (quark)      36 512
d functions      318
D mesons, $D^{*\pm}_{s}$ [was $F^{*\pm}$]      51 764
D mesons, $D^{*}(2007)^{0}$      50 751
D mesons, $D^{*}(2010)^{\pm}$      50 751
D mesons, $D^{*}(2640)^{\pm}$      756
D mesons, $D^{*}_{2}(2460)^{0}$      50 754
D mesons, $D^{*}_{2}(2460)^{\pm}$      50 755
D mesons, $D^{0}$, $\overline{D}^{0}$      47 727
D mesons, $D^{\pm}$      46 708
D mesons, $D^{\pm}_{s}$ [was $F^{\pm}$]      50 757
D mesons, $D_{1}(2420)^{0}$      50 753
D mesons, $D_{1}(2420)^{\pm}$      754
D mesons, $D_{s1}(2536)^{\pm}$      51 767
D mesons, $D_{s2}(2573)^{\pm}$      51 767
D-meson, Dalitz analyses, note on      716
Dalitz analyses, D-meson, note on      716
Dalitz plot, relations for      322
Damage, biological, from radiation      293
Dark energy      211 226
Dark energy equation of state parameter $\omega$      227
Dark energy parameter, $\Omega_{N}$      211
Dark matter      217 233 225 226
Dark matter limits, neutralinos mass limits      1133
Dark matter limits, sneutrino mass limits      1135
Dark matter, nonbaryonic      233
Data, averaging and fitting procedures      14
Data, selection and treatment      13
Databases, availability online      18
Databases, high-energy physics      18
Databases, particle physics      18
Day, sidereal      98
dE/dx      258
Decay constant, $D^{+}_{s}$, note on      759
Decay constants of charged pseudoscalar mesons, note on      535
Decays, kinematics and phase space for      321
Deceleration parameter, $q_{0}$      211
Deep-inelastic scattering      111 181
Definitions for abbreviations used in Particle Listings      348
Density effect in energy loss rate      260
Density of materials, table      104
Density of matter, critical      98
Density of matter, local      98
Density parameter of the universe, $\Omega_{0}$      98
Detector parameters      271
Deuteron mass      97
Deuteron structure function      188 189
DIEHARD      311
Dielectric constant of gaseous elements, table      105
Dielectric suppression of bremsstrahlung      266
Differential Cherenkov detectors      278
Diffractive events, QCD in      115
Dimensions, extra      85 1165
Directories, online, people, and organizations      19
Disk density      98
Distance-redshift relation      210 224
Dose rate from gamma ray sources      295
Dose, radioactivity, unit of absorbed      293
Double-$\beta$ Decay      479
Double-$\beta$ Decay, Limits from Neutrinoless, note on      479
Double-$\beta$ decay, neutrinoless, search for      479
Drift and proportional chamber potentials      281
Durham databases      18
Dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking      1147
e (electron)      33 435
e (natural log base)      97
E(1420) [now called $f_{1}$(1420)]      40 595
Earth equatorial radius      98
Earth mass      98
Education databases      23
Efficiency of an estimator      301
Electric charge (Q) conservation      86
Electrical resistivity of elements, table      105
Electromagnetic, calorimeters      286
Electromagnetic, interactions of N and $\Delta$ baryons (review)      969
Electromagnetic, penguin decays, note on      776
Electromagnetic, relations      106
Electromagnetic, shower detectors, energy resolution      286
Electromagnetic, showers, lateral distribution      267
Electromagnetic, showers, longitudinal distribution      266
Electron      33 435
Electron and photon interactions in matter      262
Electron, charge      97
Electron, critical energy      264
Electron, cyclotron frequency/field      97
Electron, mass      97 33
Electron, radius, classical      97
Electron, volt      97
Electronic structure of the elements      102
Electroweak analyses of new physics      130
Electroweak interactions, Standard Model of      119
Elements, electronic structure of      102
Elements, ionization energies of      102
Elements, periodic table of      101
Energy and momentum (c.m.) vs beam momentum      321
Energy density of CBR      98
Energy density of relativistic particles      98
Energy density/Boltzmann constant      98
Energy loss by electrons      263
Energy loss, (fractional) for electrons and positrons in lead      263
Energy loss, rate for charged particles      258
Energy loss, rate for muons at high energies      267
Energy loss, rate in compounds      261
Energy loss, rate, form factor corrections      259
Energy loss, rate, restricted      260
Entropy density      214
Entropy density/Boltzmann constant      98
ep collisions, jet rates      115
Eprints      20
Error function      299
Error procedure for masses and widths of meson resonances      693
Errors, treatment of      14
Estimator      301
Excitation energy      259
Excited lepton searches      85 1158
Exotic baryons (formerly Z* resonances)      1019
Exotic baryons, $\Phi$(1860)      1021
Exotic baryons, $\Phi_{c}(3100)^{0}$      1022
Exotic baryons, $\Theta(1540)^{+}$      1019
Exotic baryons, pentaquark Update, note on      1019
Exotic meson resonances      949
Exotic mesons      949
Expansion of the universe      211
Expectation value, definition      297
Experiment databases      18
Experimental issues in $B^{0}-\overline{B}^{0}$ mixing, note on      837
Experimental tests of gravitational theory      205
Exposure, radioactivity, unit of      293
Extensions to the cosmological standard model      226
Extra dimensions      85 1165
F, f meson resonances, $F^{*\pm}$ [now called $D^{*\pm}_{s}$]      51 764
F, f meson resonances, $F^{\pm}$ [now called $D^{\pm}_{s}$]      50 757
F, f meson resonances, $f_{0}$(1370)      40 587
F, f meson resonances, $f_{0}$(1500)      40 602
F, f meson resonances, $f_{0}$(1710) [was $\Theta$(1690)]      42 624
F, f meson resonances, $f_{0}$(2020)      633
F, f meson resonances, $f_{0}$(2100)      636
F, f meson resonances, $f_{0}$(2200)      638
F, f meson resonances, $f_{0}$(600) [was $\epsilon$(1200)]      37 546
F, f meson resonances, $f_{0}$(980) [was S(975) or S*]      38 563
F, f meson resonances, $f_{1}$(1285)      39 580
F, f meson resonances, $f_{1}$(1420) [was E(1420)]      40 595
F, f meson resonances, $f_{1}$(1420), note on      591
F, f meson resonances, $f_{1}$(1510)      605
F, f meson resonances, $f_{1}$(1510), note on      591
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(1270)      39 577
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(1430)      597
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(1565)      608
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(1640)      611
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(1810)      628
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(1910)      630
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(1950)      631
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(2010) [was $g_{T}$(2010)]      42 632
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(2150) [was $\epsilon$(2150)]      636
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(2300) [was $g_{T}^{'}$(2300)]      42 641
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}$(2340) [was $g_{T}^{''}$(2340)]      42 642
F, f meson resonances, $f_{2}^{'}$(1525) [was $f^{'}$( 1525)]      40 605
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