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Название: Review of particle physics
Автор: Yao W-M
This biennial Review summarizes much of particle physics. Using data from previous editions, plus 2633 new measurements from 689 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We also summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as Higgs bosons, heavy neutrinos, and supersymmetric particles. All the particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We also give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as the Standard Model, particle detectors, probability, and statistics. Among the 110 reviews are many that are new or heavily revised including those on CKM quark-mixing matrix, Vud & Vus, Vcb & Vub, top quark, muon anomalous magnetic moment, extra dimensions, particle detectors, cosmic background radiation, dark matter, cosmological parameters, and big bang cosmology.
D mesons, 50755 D mesons, , 47727 D mesons, 46708 D mesons, [was ]50757 D mesons, 50753 D mesons, 754 D mesons, 51767 D mesons, 51767 D-meson, Dalitz analyses, note on716 Dalitz analyses, D-meson, note on716 Dalitz plot, relations for322 Damage, biological, from radiation293 Dark energy211226 Dark energy equation of state parameter 227 Dark energy parameter, 211 Dark matter217233225226 Dark matter limits, neutralinos mass limits1133 Dark matter limits, sneutrino mass limits1135 Dark matter, nonbaryonic233 Data, averaging and fitting procedures14 Data, selection and treatment13 Databases, availability online18 Databases, high-energy physics18 Databases, particle physics18 Day, sidereal98 dE/dx258 Decay constant, , note on759 Decay constants of charged pseudoscalar mesons, note on535 Decays, kinematics and phase space for321 Deceleration parameter, 211 Deep-inelastic scattering111181 Definitions for abbreviations used in Particle Listings348 Density effect in energy loss rate260 Density of materials, table104 Density of matter, critical98 Density of matter, local98 Density parameter of the universe, 98 Detector parameters271 Deuteron mass97 Deuteron structure function188189 DIEHARD311 Dielectric constant of gaseous elements, table105 Dielectric suppression of bremsstrahlung266 Differential Cherenkov detectors278 Diffractive events, QCD in115 Dimensions, extra851165 Directories, online, people, and organizations19 Disk density98 Distance-redshift relation210224 Dose rate from gamma ray sources295 Dose, radioactivity, unit of absorbed293 Double- Decay479 Double- Decay, Limits from Neutrinoless, note on479 Double- decay, neutrinoless, search for479 Drift and proportional chamber potentials281 Durham databases18 Dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking1147 e (electron)33435 e (natural log base)97 E(1420) [now called (1420)]40595 Earth equatorial radius98 Earth mass98 Education databases23 Efficiency of an estimator301 Electric charge (Q) conservation86 Electrical resistivity of elements, table105 Electromagnetic, calorimeters286 Electromagnetic, interactions of N and baryons (review)969 Electromagnetic, penguin decays, note on776 Electromagnetic, relations106 Electromagnetic, shower detectors, energy resolution286 Electromagnetic, showers, lateral distribution267 Electromagnetic, showers, longitudinal distribution266 Electron33435 Electron and photon interactions in matter262 Electron, charge97 Electron, critical energy264 Electron, cyclotron frequency/field97 Electron, mass9733 Electron, radius, classical97 Electron, volt97 Electronic structure of the elements102 Electroweak analyses of new physics130 Electroweak interactions, Standard Model of119 Elements, electronic structure of102 Elements, ionization energies of102 Elements, periodic table of101 Energy and momentum (c.m.) vs beam momentum321 Energy density of CBR98 Energy density of relativistic particles98 Energy density/Boltzmann constant98 Energy loss by electrons263 Energy loss, (fractional) for electrons and positrons in lead263 Energy loss, rate for charged particles258 Energy loss, rate for muons at high energies267 Energy loss, rate in compounds261 Energy loss, rate, form factor corrections259 Energy loss, rate, restricted260 Entropy density214 Entropy density/Boltzmann constant98 ep collisions, jet rates115 Eprints20 Error function299 Error procedure for masses and widths of meson resonances693 Errors, treatment of14 Estimator301 Excitation energy259 Excited lepton searches851158 Exotic baryons (formerly Z* resonances)1019 Exotic baryons, (1860)1021 Exotic baryons, 1022 Exotic baryons, 1019 Exotic baryons, pentaquark Update, note on1019 Exotic meson resonances949 Exotic mesons949 Expansion of the universe211 Expectation value, definition297 Experiment databases18 Experimental issues in mixing, note on837 Experimental tests of gravitational theory205 Exposure, radioactivity, unit of293 Extensions to the cosmological standard model226 Extra dimensions851165 F, f meson resonances, [now called ]51764 F, f meson resonances, [now called ]50757 F, f meson resonances, (1370)40587 F, f meson resonances, (1500)40602 F, f meson resonances, (1710) [was (1690)]42624 F, f meson resonances, (2020)633 F, f meson resonances, (2100)636 F, f meson resonances, (2200)638 F, f meson resonances, (600) [was (1200)]37546 F, f meson resonances, (980) [was S(975) or S*]38563 F, f meson resonances, (1285)39580 F, f meson resonances, (1420) [was E(1420)]40595 F, f meson resonances, (1420), note on591 F, f meson resonances, (1510)605 F, f meson resonances, (1510), note on591 F, f meson resonances, (1270)39577 F, f meson resonances, (1430)597 F, f meson resonances, (1565)608 F, f meson resonances, (1640)611 F, f meson resonances, (1810)628 F, f meson resonances, (1910)630 F, f meson resonances, (1950)631 F, f meson resonances, (2010) [was (2010)]42632 F, f meson resonances, (2150) [was (2150)]636 F, f meson resonances, (2300) [was (2300)]42641 F, f meson resonances, (2340) [was (2340)]42642 F, f meson resonances, (1525) [was ( 1525)]40605