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Kiviat P.J., Villanueva R., Markowitz H.M. — The simscript II. Programming Language |
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A format 162
A GROUP OF _ FIELDS phrase 187
A.EV.S routine 295
A.set routine 258t
ABS.F function 91t 369t
Absolute time specification 301
ACCUMULATE statement 324
ACCUMULATE statement, computations 329t
ACCUMULATE statement, defined 328
ACCUMULATE statement, DUMMY variable 335f.
ACCUMULATE statement, example 339—340 349
ACCUMULATE statement, initialization of counters 332f.
Action taken when no events 294
Activity, defined 282
Activity, scanning 364
Activity, time generation 313
ADD statement 9f.
ADVANCE statement 173
AFTER phrase (time specification) 301
AFTER statement (debugging), arguments 323t
AFTER statement (debugging), defined 322f.
Allocate storage 37 see "RESERVE
ALPHA, attribute 208
ALPHA, attribute, example 348
ALPHA, format descriptor (A) 162
ALPHA, function 151
ALPHA, literal 151f.
ALPHA, mode defined 150f.
ALPHA, variable, declared 151
ALPHA, variable, in expressions 151
ALPHA, variable, in free-form READ 152
ALPHA, variable, in LIST statement 153
ALPHA, variable, in PRINT statement 153
ALSO FOR statement 133
ALWAYS statement 14 see
Analysis of results 324 see "TALLY
AND, comma 6
AND, logical operator 135
AND, prohibited keyword 29n
Antithetic variate 313
ARCCOS.F function 91t 369t
ARCSIN.F function 91t 369t
ARCTAN.F function 91t 369t
Argument 84
Argument of an event notice 311
Argument, array pointers 103—104
Argument, declaration of correct number 95 101
Argument, defined 90
Argument, input 92f. 95
Argument, list 84
Argument, output, of a function 93—94
Argument, output, of a routine 100f.
Argument, output, variable number of 95
Arithmetic expression 2 see arithmetic"
Array in LIST statement 73f.
Array in PRINT statement 48
Array, declared 36f.
Array, defined 33—37
Array, initialization 39
Array, mixed mode 63f.
Array, mode 35
Array, pointers as routine arguments 103
Array, pointers, defined 54—59
Array, processing efficiency 64
Array, READ, controlled 50f.
Array, READ, free-form 48f.
Array, reference 34
Array, specification rules for attributes 221
Array, storage, compression 218—220
Array, storage, release 110
Array, storage, usual 37 54—59
Array, structures 54
Array, structures, ragged table 58—64
Array, use 40—44
AS BINARY phrase 175f.
AS FOLLOWS phrase 17
Assignment of attributes 219
Assignment of values by LET statement 6f.
Assignment of values by READ statement 9f.
Assignment without conversion 279f.
Assignment, operator (=) 9
Assumed mode 30
asterisk (*) see also "MARK.V system variable"
Asterisk (*) in PRINT statement 18
Asterisk (*) in RELEASE statement 110ff.
Asterisk (*) in RESERVE statement 37ff. 54ff.
Asterisk (*), format 168
Asterisk (*), used in a subscript position 58ff.
AT LOCATION line 361
AT phrase 298 300
ATOT.F function 276 369t
Attribute as functions 222f.
Attribute of a set 196f.
Attribute of a set, deletion of 234
Attribute of entities 195
Attribute of entities, permanent 204
Attribute of entities, temporary 203
Attribute of event notice 288
Attribute of the system, programmer-defined 207
Attribute of the system, system-defined 369t
Attribute of the timing routine 294ff.
Attribute, common 195 220
Attribute, counter 224
Attribute, defined 194
Attribute, dimension 208f.
Attribute, equivalence 211ff.
Attribute, example 254 338t 348
Attribute, implied 244
Attribute, membership 224
Attribute, mode 208f.
Attribute, name clause 200t
Attribute, naming convention 195
Attribute, optional 254
Attribute, output 246
Attribute, output, through LIST statement 247
Attribute, packing 211ff.
Attribute, reference 194
Attribute, reference, nested 228
Attribute, reference, of permanent entity 205
Attribute, reference, of temporary entity 203
Attribute, relative location 195
Attribute, specification to word or array 221
AVERAGE statistic, ACCUMULATE statement 329t
AVERAGE statistic, COMPUTE statement 149t
AVERAGE statistic, TALLY statement 325t
B format 167
B.set routine 258
BACK FROM clause 46
Background conditions 30 see
BACKSPACE statement 173
Base pointer see also "Pointer"
Base pointer, defined 54—56
Base pointer, symbol 54
Base pointer, symbol, shorthand notation 66
Basic symbolic units 10
BEFORE statement (debugging), arguments 323t
BEFORE statement (debugging), defined 323
BEFORE statement (debugging), example 339 349
BEGIN HEADING statement 181
BEGIN REPORT statement 179
behavior of a system 282
BELONG TO clause 200
BETA.F function 314t 369t
BETWEEN.V system variable 358 369t
BETWEEN.V system variable, example 350
binary operators 3 see
Binary, external event data 309
Binary, input/output 175f.
BINOMIAL.F function 314t 369t
Bit packing 212
| Blanks, when required 11
Body of a subprogram 83
Branching see "Transfer"
BREAK TIES statement, defined 290
BREAK TIES statement, example 339
BREAK TIES statement, prohibited use of 293
Buffer, defined 156
Buffer, internal 178
Buffer, use of 176ff.
BUFFER.V system variable 178 369t
C format 162
C.entity routine 295
C.set routine 258t
Calendar time, conversion functions 302t 307t
Calendar time, defined 301—302
Calendar time, format 306
Calendar time, origin 306
Call statement 100
CALLED FROM line 361
Called subprogram 79
Calling subprogram 79
CANCEL statement, defined 303f.
CANCEL statement, used in BEFORE and AFTER statements 323t
CAUSE statement, defined 298 see
Character string, ALPHA 150
Character string, output format (" ") 168
Character string, TEXT 272
Class of entities 194 196
Class of events 286
Close statement 173f.
Column repetition 185
comma 6
Comma, when Required 11 201 233
comment 12
Common, attributes 195 220
Common, sets 220
Complex logical expressions 134
Compound entities, example 348
Compound entities, mixed 244
Compound entities, permanent 242
Compound entities, temporary 244
Compound expressions, arithmetic 3
Compound expressions, logical 134
Compression of array storage 218
COMPUTE statement, defined 147
COMPUTE statement, list 147
COMPUTE statement, possible statistical names 149t
COMPUTE statement, remote use 148
Computed GO TO statement 66
Computer language 1
Computer program 1
CONCAT.F function 274 369t
Concatenation of TEXT 274
Constant of the system 79t 369t
Constant, defined 2 28
Constant, restriction to size 11
Contiguous values in PRINT statement 18f.
Continuous time simulation 283
Control, cards for overlay 143
Control, phrase see "For phrases
Controlled statement 44
Conversion of expressions 31ff.
Conversion of input data 32t
Conversion of input data for RANDOM probability values 320 320n
Conversion of output data 19t 161
Conversion, functions, mode 276t
Conversion, functions, time 302t 307t
COS.F function 91t 369t
Counter attribute 224
CREATE statement for compound entities 243
CREATE statement for permanent entities 205
CREATE statement for temporary entities 201f.
CREATE statement, example 254
CREATE statement, used in BEFORE and AFTER statements 323t
CSL simulation language 364
Cumulative probabilities for sampling 320
Cumulative statistics 333
Current, input, pointer 177
Current, input, pointer, positioning 167
Current, input, pointer, unit 154
Current, output, buffer 177
Current, output, pointer 177
Current, output, pointer, positioning 167
Current, output, unit 154
D format 159
D.set routine 258t
Data for external event 304ff.
Data for free-form READ 7 156
Data for RANDOM variables 320
Data, card for external event 287
Data, collection 324
Data, editing, internal 178f.
Data, editing, through monitored variables 264
Data, field 8n 156
data, formats see "Format"
Data, input conversion 32t
Data, look-ahead properties 77t
Data, record 156
Data, stream 156
Data, structure 156
DATE.F function 307t 369t
Day-hour-minute format 305
DAY.F function 307t 369t
DAYS phrase 301
Debugging 322ff. 357ff. see "BEFORE "BETWEEN.V "TRACE
decimal see also "REAL"
Decimal, format descriptor (D) 159
Decimal, number 2 30
Decimal, point, in D format 150
Decimal, point, in E format 160
Decimal, print conventions 19t
Decimal, time units format 305
declaration see also "DEFINE statement" "EVERY
Declaration of attributes as a function 222 244
Declaration of attributes of an entity 195
Declaration of attributes of THE SYSTEM 207f.
Declaration of attributes, common 195 220
Declaration of attributes, dimensionality 208f.
Declaration of attributes, equivalence 211f.
Declaration of attributes, mode 208f.
Declaration of attributes, packing 211ff.
Declaration of entities 195
Declaration of entities, compound 242
Declaration of entities, permanent 204
Declaration of entities, temporary 201
Declaration of event 287
Declaration of event notice 288f.
Declaration of external event 292
Declaration of function 93
Declaration of function, arguments 95
Declaration of function, DYNAMIC 144
Declaration of function, left-handed 260
Declaration of function, RELEASABLE 141
Declaration of set 196 224ff.
Declaration of set, compound 243
Declaration of set, ranked 233f.
Declaration of set, WITHOUT attribute 234
Declaration of set, WITHOUT routines 259
Declaration of variable, dimension 35ff.
Declaration of variable, DUMMY 335f.
Declaration of variable, mode, ALPHA 151
Declaration of variable, mode, numeric 30
Declaration of variable, mode, TEXT 272f.
Declaration of variable, MONITORED 262f.
Declaration of variable, RANDOM 316
Declaration of variable, SUBPROGRAM 267
Declaration of variable, type 115
DEFINE statement, DIMENSION 36f.
DEFINE statement, DUMMY 335
DEFINE statement, FUNCTION 93
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