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Kiviat P.J., Villanueva R., Markowitz H.M. — The simscript II. Programming Language |
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OR, logical operator 135
Order of statements in preamble 367t
ORIGIN.R system routine 306 369t
OTHERWISE statement 14 see
OUT.F function 369t
OUT.F function as a left-handed function 260
OUT.F function, defined 177
Output from a routine 84 93
Output of a TRACE statement 361
Output of attributes 246f.
Output, arguments 100
Output, arguments, correct number defined 101
Output, buffer 177
Output, statements, LIST statement see "LIST statement"
Output, statements, OUTPUT statement 275
Output, statements, PRINT statement see "PRINT statement"
Output, statements, WRITE statement see "WRITE statement"
Overlapping packing factors 212
Overlay section 142
OWN or OWNS clause 200
Owner entity 196
P.EV.S attribute 369t
P.EV.S attribute, external event 292
P.EV.S attribute, internal event 288
P.EV.S attribute, packing rule 299
P.set attribute 197 224
Packing, bit 212ff. 213t
Packing, defined 211
Packing, factor 211
Packing, field 212ff. 213t
Packing, intra 212 218ff.
Packing, prohibited use 299
Packing, specifications 221
PAGE IS FIRST phrase 182
page numbering 182
PAGE.V system variable 182 369t
Parallel (|) in PRINT statement 18f.
Parallel (|) within TEXT literal 274
Parallel (|), enclosing TEXT literal 273f.
Parallel interaction 363
Parameters of statistical distributions 313
Parentheses in arithmetic expressions 3
Parentheses in logical expressions 135
Parentheses, imbedded 3
Parentheses, rules 3 42
PERFORM statement 100
Periodic reports 333
Periodic statistics 333
Periods, imbedded 28f.
Periods, terminal 10
Permanent entitles, allocating storage see "CREATE statement"
Permanent entitles, attribute index 205f.
Permanent entitles, control phrases 236ff.
Permanent entitles, declared 204f.
Permanent entitles, defined 204
Permanent entitles, destroying 206
Permanent entitles, example 348
Permanent entitles, global variable 206f.
Permanent entitles, INCLUDE statement 237
Permanent entitles, index 205
Permanent entitles, number of (N.entity) 204
Permanent entitles, reference 205
Physical end of program 21
Physical I/O device 154
PI.C constant 79t 369t
Pointer for arrays, advantages, arbitrary structures 58—64
Pointer for arrays, advantages, mixed mode array 63f.
Pointer for arrays, advantages, multiple reservations 60
Pointer for arrays, base 54—56
Pointer for arrays, base, shorthand notation 66
Pointer for arrays, defined 58
Pointer for arrays, initialization 60
Pointer for arrays, mode 55
Pointer for arrays, reference 58
Pointer for sets, common 220f.
Pointer for sets, defined 196f.
Pointer for sets, deletion 234
Pointer for sets, when required 241t
POISSON.F function 314t 369t
POSITIVE phrase 75
Pre-positioning event data 308
PREAMBLE statement 30
Preamble, allowable statements 367t
Preamble, declaring, attributes of the system 207
Preamble, declaring, background conditions see "NORMALLY statement"
Preamble, declaring, debugging capabilities see "AFTER statement" "BEFORE
Preamble, declaring, entitles 195 201 204
Preamble, declaring, event notices 288
Preamble, declaring, event priorities see "PRIORITY statement" "BREAK
Preamble, declaring, external event 292
Preamble, declaring, external event unit 292
Preamble, declaring, global variables 84 207
Preamble, declaring, sets 196
Preamble, declaring, statistical computations see "ACCUMULATE statement" "TALLY
Preamble, defined 30
Preamble, example 348
Preamble, generation of routines, for analysis 325
Preamble, generation of routines, for events 295f.
Preamble, generation of routines, for sets 257f.
Precision of numbers 29n 75
Predecessor, entity 197
Predecessor, in-set pointer 224
PRINT statement for attributes 246
PRINT statement for reports 179—192
PRINT statement, column repetition 185
PRINT statement, column suppression 189
PRINT statement, defined 17
PRINT statement, double lines 184
PRINT statement, format conventions 18 19t
PRINT statement, group repetition 186
Priority between different classes of events, PRIORITY statement 291 293
Priority between different classes of events, PRIORITY statement, default rule 291
Priority between different classes of events, PRIORITY statement, effect on event codes 358
Priority within an event class, BREAK TIES statement 290
Priority within an event class, BREAK TIES statement, default rule 290
PROB.A attribute 320 369t
Probabilities, cumulative 320
Probabilities, functions 314t
Probabilities, generating 313
Probabilities, individual 320
Procedure 99 see
Process 364
Program, defined 1
Program, overlay 142
Program, relocation 143
Programmer 1
Prohibited forms 29
Prohibited word 29n
Property of input data 77t
Property, logical 75f.
Pseudorandom numbers 312
Quotation marks, double quotes (" ") within ALPHA literal 152
Quotation marks, double quotes (" "), enclosing ALPHA literal 152
Quotation marks, double quotes (" "), format descriptor 168f.
Quotation marks, single quotes (' '), label 12
Quotation marks, single quotes (' '), subprogram literal 268f.
Quotation marks, two single quotes ('' ''), comments 12f.
R.name routine 332
R.variable routine 332
RADIAN.C constant 79t 369t
Ragged table, defined 58f.
Ragged table, example 352
RANDI.F function 314 369t
Random number, defined 312
Random number, function (RANDOM.F) 312
Random number, function (RANDOM.F), argument 312
Random number, seed 312
Random number, stream 312
| Random samples from statistical distributions 313
Random samples from statistical distributions, generating functions 313 314t
Random samples from statistical distributions, generating functions, argument 313
Random samples from statistical distributions, generating functions, example 315
Random samples from statistical distributions, generating functions, used to generate activity times 313
Random variables, construction of set 322
Random variables, declared 316f.
Random variables, declared, RANDOM LINEAR VARIABLE 318
Random variables, declared, RANDOM STEP VARIABLE 317f.
Random variables, defined 316
Random variables, example 348 352
Random variables, free-form READ 320 322
Random variables, input format 320
Random variables, prohibited use 319
Random variables, sampling routines 319t
Random variables, sampling routines, generation 319
Random variables, sampling routines, inhibition 319
Random variables, set 320
Random variables, stored 320
RANDOM.E entity 320 369t
RANDOM.F function 312f. 369t
Range of FOR statement 44—45 52
Ranked set 233
Ranking function example 250
RCOLUMN.V system variable 369t
RCOLUMN.V system variable, defined 177
RCOLUMN.V system variable, set by external event 310
Read binary 175
READ statement, formatted, controlled 170f.
READ statement, formatted, defined 157
READ statement, formatted, descriptors 158—168
READ statement, formatted, TEXT 273
READ statement, formatted, unit specification 172
READ statement, formatted, variable formats 171
READ statement, free-form, ALPHA 152
READ statement, free-form, card format 7
READ statement, free-form, controlled 50
READ statement, free-form, defined f6.
READ statement, free-form, for arrays 48ff.
READ statement, free-form, look-ahead properties 76 77t
READ statement, free-form, RANDOM variables 320
READ statement, free-form, TEXT 272
READ statement, free-form, unit specification 172
READ.V system variable 369t
READ.V system variable, defined 155
READ.V system variable, set by external event 310f.
REAL 2 see
REAL, defined 30
REAL, format descriptors (D, E) 159 160
REAL, input conversion 32t
REAL, mode conversion 91t 276
REAL, RANDOM LINEAR variables 318
REAL.F function 91t 276 369t
Record 156
Recursion concept 113
RECURSIVE, routines 113f.
RECURSIVE, routines, global variable 114
RECURSIVE, routines, local variable 114
RECURSIVE, variables 114f.
RECURSIVE, variables, declared 115
RECURSIVE, variables, initialized 115f.
Reference, array 34
Reference, attribute of permanent entity 205
Reference, attribute of temporary entity 203
Reference, attribute, nested 228
REGARDLESS statement 14 see
Relational operator 5 6t
Relative location of attribute 195
Relative time specification 301
RELEASE statement for arrays 110
RELEASE statement for attributes of permanent entities 206
RELEASE statement for attributes of permanent entities, compound 243
RELEASE statement for routines 140
REMOVE statement 225
REMOVE statement, FIRST 231
REMOVE statement, LAST 231
REMOVE statement, specific 231
REMOVE statement, specific, ABOVE 231
REMOVE statement, specific, THIS 231
REMOVE statement, used in BEFORE and AFTER statements 323t
repeat statement 52
Report, generator 179
Report, generator, column repetition 185
Report, generator, DOUBLE LINES 184f.
Report, generator, row repetition 179—181
Report, generator, SUPPRESSING clause 190
Report, section 179
Report, section, headings, printing on each page 181
Report, section, headings, printing on first page only 182
Report, section, NEW PAGE 183
Required set attributes 241t
RESCHEDULE statement 298 see
RESERVE statement, defined 37—40
RESERVE statement, general form 64f.
RESERVE statement, multiple form 60
RESERVE statement, pointer words only 65
Reset statement 332f.
RETURN statement in an event routine 308
RETURN statement, used in a function 93
RETURN statement, used in a procedure 99
REVERSE ORDER phrase 239
REWIND statement 175
Right-handed function 259f.
RINF.C constant 79t 369t
Rounding in D format 159
Rounding in library functions (INT.F) 91t
Rounding in mode conversions 33
Rounding, input conversions 32t
Rounding, output conversions 19t
Routine (Procedure) of the system 369t
Routine (Procedure), arguments, array pointers 103f.
Routine (Procedure), arguments, correct number 101
Routine (Procedure), arguments, input 95
Routine (Procedure), arguments, output 99f.
Routine (Procedure), CALL 100
Routine (Procedure), defined 99
Routine (Procedure), DYNAMIC 143f.
Routine (Procedure), generated by system to file events 295f.
Routine (Procedure), generated by system to initialize counters 332
Routine (Procedure), generated by system to manipulate sets 258t
Routine (Procedure), generated by system to perform sampling procedures 319t
Routine (Procedure), generated by system, timing for simulation 294ff.
Routine (Procedure), monitored 263f.
Routine (Procedure), recursive 113f.
Routine (Procedure), RELEASE 140f.
Routine (Procedure), RETURN 99
Routine (Procedure), statement 83
Routine (Procedure), used as both a function and a procedure 102f.
Row repetition 179—181
RSTEP.F function 319t 369t
RVALUE.A attribute 320 369t
S format 168
S.EV.S attribute 369t
S.EV.S attribute, external event 292
S.EV.S attribute, internal event 288
S.EV.S attribute, packing rules 299
S.set attribute 197 224 320
Same time specification 303
Sampling package 312f. 314t
SAVE, event notice (SAVING phrase) 311
SAVE, routine (SAVE statement) 143f.
SAVED, variable, defined 114f.
SAVED, variable, initialization 116
SAVED, variable, local array 357
SAVED, variable, local variables 115
Scale factor in E format 160
Scheduling 285 364
Scheduling, internal events 296ff.
Scheduling, removal of event 303f.
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