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Kiviat P.J., Villanueva R., Markowitz H.M. — The simscript II. Programming Language |
Предметный указатель |
Global variables, automatically defined, event notice 310
Global variables, automatically defined, permanent entities 206f.
Global variables, automatically defined, temporary entities 202
Global variables, defined 84 207
Global variables, example 86
Global variables, scope 84f.
Global variables, side effects 112
GO TO statement, computed 66
GO TO statement, defined 13
GO TO statement, subscripted label 69
GSP simulation language 364
HAS or HAVE clause 200
Heading section 181
Histogram, ACCUMULATE statement 331
Histogram, example 349
Histogram, TALLY statement 330
HOUR.F function 302 369t
HOURS phrase 301
HOURS.V system variable 301 369t
I format 158
I.entity system variable 295f. 358
Identification number 202
IF FOUND phrase 145
IF NONE phrase 145
If statement see also "IS phrases"
IF statement, defined 13
IF statement, modified by THEN phrase 131
if statement, nesting 16 131
IF statement, optional comma 16
Imbedded parentheses 3
Imbedded periods 28
Implied pointer asterisks 66
Implied subscripts for attributes 244
Implied subscripts for sets 245
Implied subscripts in output statements 246f.
Implied subscripts, example 353
IN GROUPS OF e PER PAGE phrase 185
IN phrases, ARRAY i 221
IN phrases, DAYS 301
IN phrases, GROUPS 185f.
IN phrases, HOURS 301
IN phrases, MINUTES 301
IN phrases, REVERSE ORDER 239
IN phrases, set 232
IN phrases, THE DICTIONARY 274
IN phrases, WORD i 219
In-line function, defined 91n
In-line function, restrictions 141n 267n
INCLUDE statement for event notices 289
INCLUDE statement for permanent entities 237
Incremental time expression 301
Independence of random numbers 312
Index of MAXIMUM 149t
Index of MINIMUM 149t
Index, entity 195 205
Individual probabilities for sampling 320
INF.C constant 79t 369t
Initialization by READ statement 7
Initialization by RESET statement 351
Initialization of array 39
Initialization of random numbers 312
Initialization of system activities 294
Initialization of system state 294
Initialization of variables 2
Initialization, example 351
Initialization, routine 351
Input statement 273
Input to a routine 84
Input, binary 175
Input, data conversions 32t
Input, properties 76 77t
Input, statements, formatted READ, controlled 157ff.
Input, statements, formatted READ, defined 170
Input, statements, formatted READ, TEXT 272
Input, statements, free-form READ, ALPHA 152
Input, statements, free-form READ, array 48f.
Input, statements, free-form READ, controlled 170
Input, statements, free-form READ, defined 6f.
Input, statements, free-form READ, random 320
Input, statements, free-form READ, TEXT 272
Input, statements, INPUT 273
Input/output devices 155
Input/output unit characteristics 157t
INT.F function 91t 276t 369t
INTEGER, defined 30
INTEGER, format descriptor (I) 158
INTEGER, input conversion 32t
INTEGER, mode conversion 91t 276
INTEGER, print conventions 19t
Internal buffer 178
Internal editing 176
Internal event 288f.
Internal event, defined 286
Internal event, example 349
Interpolation formula 318
Intra packing 212
Intra packing, defined 218f.
Intra packing, example 348
IS, optional use 14
IS, phrases, ALPHA 152
IS, phrases, EMPTY 232
IS, phrases, ENDED 77
IS, phrases, ENDOGENOUS 286f.
IS, phrases, EXOGENOUS 286f.
IS, phrases, EXTERNAL 287
IS, phrases, FALSE 134
IS, phrases, FIRST 182
IS, phrases, IN set 232
IS, phrases, INTEGER 77
IS, phrases, INTERNAL 287
IS, phrases, LOADED 144
IS, phrases, NEGATIVE 75
IS, phrases, NEW 77
IS, phrases, POSITIVE 75
IS, phrases, REAL 77
IS, phrases, TRUE 134
IS, phrases, ZERO 75
ISTEP.F function 319t 369t
ITOA.F function 276 369t
IVALUE.A attribute 320 369t
L.set attribute 197f. 224
Label, defined 12
Label, local property 87
Label, Name 28
Label, subscripted 68
labeled statement 12
LAST COLUMN IS statement 129f.
Last-ln-set pointer 197 224
Leading zero suppression in D format 159
Leading zero suppression in I format 158
LEFT ROUTINE statement 260
Left-handed function, declaration 260
Left-handed function, defined 259—262
Left-handed function, example 357
Left-handed function, used for data collection 325
Left-handed function, used for monitoring 264
LENGTH.A attribute 275 369t
Let statement 9
Level of calling 82
Library functions 90 91t 369t
LIFO declaration 234
LIKE THIS phrase 17
LIN.F function 319t 369t
LINE.V system variable 181 369t
Linear Interpolation sampling 318
LINES.V system variable 181 369t
LIST statement, ALPHA 153
LIST statement, array 73f.
LIST statement, attributes 247
| LIST statement, numeric 71ff.
LIST statement, TEXT 275
Literal, ALPHA 151
Literal, constant 2
Literal, SUBPROGRAM 267
Literal, TEXT 273
Load statement 144
Local array, example 106
Local array, RELEASE statement needed 111
Local variable, defined 84f.
Local variable, initialization 87
Local variable, properties 84
Local variable, RECURSIVE 114
Local variable, SAVED 114
Local variable, storage 87
LOG.10.F function 91t 369t
LOG.E.F function 91t 369t
LOG.NORMAL.F function 314t 369t
Logical control operator 137
Logical control phrase 137
Logical end of program 21
Logical entity record 196
Logical expression, complex 134
Logical expression, compound 134f.
Logical expression, defined 5
Logical expression, operator 135
Logical expression, simple 5 14 see
Look-ahead properties, ALPHA 152
Look-ahead properties, numeric 76
Loop statement 51
M.EV.S attribute 369t
M.EV.S attribute, external event 292
M.EV.S attribute, internal event 288
M.EV.S attribute, packing rule 299
M.set attribute 224
macro definition 123
Magnitude of numbers 29
MAIN, program 80
MAIN, routine example 349
MAIN, statement 82
MARK.V system variable 369t
MARK.V system variable, defined 273
MARK.V system variable, used in event data card 305
MARK.V system variable, used in RANDOM input 320
MARK.V system variable, used in TEXT input 273
MAX statistic see "MAXIMUM statistic"
MAX(e) statistic 149t
MAX.F function 91t 369t
MAXIMUM statistic, ACCUMULATE statement 329t
MAXIMUM statistic, COMPUTE statement 149t
MAXIMUM statistic, TALLY statement 325t
MAXIMUM(e) statistic 149t
MEAN statistic see "AVERAGE statistic"
MEAN.SQUARE statistic, ACCUMULATE statement 329t
MEAN.SQUARE statistic, COMPUTE statement 149t
MEAN.SQUARE statistic, TALLY statement 325t
Member entity 196
Membership attribute, defined 224
Membership attribute, used for error checking 231f.
Memory allocation 37 see "RESERVE
MIN statistic see "MINIMUM statistic"
MIN(e) statistic 149t
MIN.F function 91t 369t
Minimizing storage see also "Dynamic storage allocation" "WITHOUT "WITHOUT
Minimizing storage, DUMMY In TALLY or ACCUMULATE statements 335
Minimizing storage, equivalence 211—222
Minimizing storage, packing 211—222
MINIMUM statistic, ACCUMULATE statement 329t
MINIMUM statistic, COMPUTE statement 149t
MINIMUM statistic, TALLY statement 325t
MINIMUM(e) statistic 149t
MINUTE.F function 302 369t
MINUTES specification 301
MINUTES.V system variable 301 3691
Mixed mode expressions 31f.
MOD.F function 91t 369t
Mode of a function 93
Mode of an expression 31ff.
Mode of attributes 208
Mode, ALPHA 150
Mode, conversion, functions 276
Mode, conversion, in THE BUFFER 178
Mode, conversion, of input data 32
Mode, INTEGER 30
Mode, normal form 30
Mode, property of data 77
Mode, REAL 30
Mode, TEXT 272
Monitored variable 262
Monitoring of data 264
Monitoring of events 357
MONTH.F function 307 369t
MOVE FROM statement 264
MOVE TO statement 263f.
MSQ statistic see "MEAN.SQUARE statistic"
N.entity variable 205 206
N.set attribute 224
Name, attribute 195
Name, defined 28
Name, entity 195
Name, forbidden 29 29n
Name, label 28
Name, length 11
Name, routine 83
Name, set 201
Name, variable 1f.
NEGATIVE phrase 75
Nested control phrases 46ff.
Nested DO loops 53 132
Nested entity reference 228
nested if statement 16 131
NEXT phrase 303
No data, action taken see "End-of-file"
No events, action taken 294
Normal form 30
NORMAL.F function 314t 369t
NORMALLY statement, dimensionality 35f.
NORMALLY statement, mode 30 151 272
NORMALLY statement, scope 85ff.
NORMALLY statement, type 115
Notational asterisk 65
NOW, phrase (scheduling) 303
NOW, statement (routine call) 100
NUM statistic see "NUMBER statistic"
Number of characters in TEXT(LENGTH.A) 275
Number of elements In an array (DIM.F) 66
Number of entitles In a set attribute (N.a«t) 224
NUMBER statistic, ACCUMULATE statement 329t
NUMBER statistic, COMPUTE statement 149t
NUMBER statistic, TALLY statement 325t
Number, length 11
Operator, arithmetic, binary 3
Operator, arithmetic, defined 2f.
Operator, arithmetic, hierarchy 4
Operator, arithmetic, precedence rule 4
Operator, arithmetic, unary 3
Operator, assignment 9
Operator, logical, defined 135
Operator, logical, hierarchy 135
Operator, relational 5
Optional asterisks 66
optional attributes 254f.
Optional blanks 4
Optional CALLED phrase 202 204
Optional comma 11 16 30 45
Optional control element 45
Optional end of comment 12
Optional quotation mark 13
OR, in computed GO TO 67
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