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Kiviat P.J., Villanueva R., Markowitz H.M. — The simscript II. Programming Language |
Предметный указатель |
DEFINE statement, FUNCTION, arguments, input 95
DEFINE statement, FUNCTION, arguments, output 100
DEFINE statement, mode, ALPHA 151
DEFINE statement, mode, numeric 30
DEFINE statement, mode, TEXT 272f.
DEFINE statement, MONITORED 262
DEFINE statement, RANDOM 317ff.
DEFINE statement, set, ranked 233
DEFINE statement, set, WITHOUT attributes 234
DEFINE statement, set, WITHOUT routines 259
DEFINE statement, SUBPROGRAM 267
DEFINE statement, type, RECURSIVE 115
DEFINE statement, type, SAVED 115
DEFINE TO MEAN statement, defined 120
DEFINE TO MEAN statement, example 173 339 356
DEFINE TO MEAN statement, scope 121
Deletion of array 110
Deletion of entities, permanent 206
Deletion of entities, temporary 204
Deletion of event notice 303f.
Deletion of routine 140
Deletion of set, attributes 234
Deletion of set, routines 257—259
Deletion of TEXT 274
DESTROY statement, defined 204
DESTROY statement, example 254
DESTROY statement, used with BEFORE and AFTER statements 323t
device name 154
Dictionary of TEXT, defined 272 274
Dictionary of TEXT, deletion from 274
Dictionary of TEXT, inclusion in 273f.
DIM.F function 66 91t 369t
Dimension of an array, declaration 35
Dimension of an array, defined 33
Dimension of an array, frozen 39
Dimension of an array, incorrect number 39f.
Dimension of attribute 209t
Discrete-event simulation 281
Distinct labels 67
DIV.F function 91t 369t
DO statement, defined 51
DO statement, nested 53
DO statement, nested, simplified by ALSO FOR statement 132f.
DUMMY, declaration 335
DUMMY, example 349
DUMMY, used with TALLY and ACCUMULATE statements 335f
Duration of an activity 283
Dynamic storage allocation for arrays, RELEASE 110f.
Dynamic storage allocation for arrays, RESERVE 37
Dynamic storage allocation for counters, RESET 333
Dynamic storage allocation for routines, defined 144
Dynamic storage allocation for routines, overlay 142ff.
Dynamic storage allocation for routines, RELEASE 140
Dynamic storage allocation for temporary entities, CREATE 201f.
Dynamic storage allocation for temporary entities, DESTROY 204
Dynamic structure 339
Dynamics of a system 282 293f.
E format 160
Editing, input information 76f.
Editing, internal 178f.
Editing, output information 177f.
EFIELD.F function 77t 91t 369t
element of an array 33
ELSE statement, defined 14
ELSE statement, elimination of 131f.
ELSE statement, nested 16
End of simulation 356
END statement, used to physically terminate, heading section 181
END statement, used to physically terminate, preamble 30
END statement, used to physically terminate, program 21
END statement, used to physically terminate, report section 179
END statement, used to physically terminate, subprogram 83
End-of-file, check statement 174
End-of-file, condition 174
End-of-file, marker 173
Endogenous event 286 see
ENTER WITH statement 261
Entity of the system 369
Entity, common attributes 195 220
Entity, control phrase 236ff.
Entity, declaration 195
Entity, defined 194
Entity, example 371
Entity, identification number 202
Entity, index 195 205
Entity, member 197
Entity, naming conventions 195
Entity, owner 196
Entity, permanent, creation 201
Entity, permanent, declaration 204
Entity, permanent, defined 204
Entity, permanent, deletion 206
Entity, permanent, global variable 206f.
Entity, record 195
Entity, record, logical 196f.
Entity, reference 194
Entity, reference, nested 228
Entity, reference, permanent 205
Entity, reference, temporary 203
Entity, temporary, creation 201
Entity, temporary, declaration 201
Entity, temporary, defined 201
Entity, temporary, deletion 204
Entity, temporary, global variable 202
Entity-set relationship 196f.
Entity-set relationship, declaration 200t
EOF.V system variable 369t
EOF.V system variable, defined 174
EOF.V system variable, example 351
Equivalent attributes 212
Equivalent labels 67
Equivalent specifications 221t
Erase statement 274
ERLANG.F function 314t 369t
EUNIT.A attribute 288 369t
EUNIT.A attribute, external event record 292 304
EUNIT.A attribute, internal event record 299
EV.S set 369t
EV.S set, external event 292
EV.S set, internal event 288
EV.S set, use by timing routine 293ff.
EVENT IS phrase 287f.
Event notice for external event 292 304
Event notice for internal event 288
Event notice, arguments 311 312
Event notice, attributes 288
Event notice, attributes, manipulation rules 299
Event notice, attributes, programmer-defined 299f.
Event notice, attributes, system-defined 288
Event notice, declaration 288f.
Event notice, defined 287f.
Event notice, defined, by INCLUDE phrase 288f.
Event notice, example 349
Event notice, global variable 310
Event notice, priority 290f. 293
Event notice, SAVING clause 311
Event notice, scheduling see "Scheduling"
EVENT NOTICES statement 288
Event statement 287
Event, attributes 299
Event, classes 286
Event, codes 358
Event, control 296
Event, data card 304
Event, data card, format 305
Event, declaration 287
Event, defined 282
Event, example 339
| Event, external see "External event"
Event, internal see "Internal event"
Event, occurrence 285
Event, priority 291 293
Event, processing 310
Event, routine 283
Event, scheduling see "Scheduling"
Event, simultaneous 284
Event, ties 290
Event, time format, calendar 305
Event, time format, day-hour-minute 305
Event, time format, decimal time units 305
Event, tracing 357
Event, trigger 292 304
Event, trigger, definition 287
Event, trigger, example 352
EVENT.V system variable 256 358 369t
EVENTS.V system variable 294 369t
EVERY statement, clauses used in 200
EVERY statement, defines, attribute 195 208f.
EVERY statement, defines, attribute, assignment to words and arrays 219 221
EVERY statement, defines, attribute, common 195 220
EVERY statement, defines, attribute, DUMMY 336
EVERY statement, defines, attribute, function 201 209
EVERY statement, defines, attribute, rules 222
EVERY statement, defines, class of objects 194
EVERY statement, defines, data structure 201
EVERY statement, defines, event notice 288
EVERY statement, defines, packing and equivalence, permanent 215 218
EVERY statement, defines, packing and equivalence, system 216 218
EVERY statement, defines, packing and equivalence, temporary 213
EVERY statement, defines, permanent entity 204
EVERY statement, defines, set 196
EVERY statement, defines, set, global variable 206f.
EVERY statement, defines, temporary entity 200
EVERY statement, form 195 200
EXCEPT WHEN phrase 138
Exogenous event 286 see
EXP.C system constant 79t 369t
EXP.F function 91t 369t
EXPONENTIAL.F function 314t 369t
Expression, arithmetic 2f.
Expression, compound 3
Expression, evaluation with functions 89f.
Expression, logical 5 75
Expression, logical, complex 134ff.
Expression, mixed mode 31f.
Expression, simple 3
Expression, time 298
External event, attributes 292
External event, binary data 309
External event, data cards 287 292
External event, data cards, format 305
External event, data cards, location of current input pointer 307f.
External event, data cards, pre-positioning 308
External event, declaration 292
External event, defined 286 292
External event, event notice 292
External event, example 349
External event, processing 310
External event, unit 292
External event, unit, declaration 292
F.EV.S attribute 369t
F.EV.S attribute, packing rule 299
F.EV.S attribute, used by timing routine 293ff.
F.set attribute 197 224
F.variable attribute 320
Field in PRINT statement 17ff. 186ff.
Field, defined 156
Field, packing 212
Field, suppression 189f.
FIFO declaration 234
File routines, deletion of 258f.
File routines, generation in preamble 257f.
FILE statement, AFTER 225
FILE statement, BEFORE 225
FILE statement, FIRST 225
FILE statement, LAST 225
FILE statement, used in BEFORE and AFTER statements 323t
FIND statement 145
First-in-set pointer 197 224
First-in-set pointer for RANDOM variable 320
For phrases, backward iteration 46 239
For phrases, controlling DO loop 51ff.
For phrases, for permanent entities, FOR ALL, FOR EACH or FOR EVERY statement 236ff.
For phrases, for sets, FOR EACH IN set statement 238f.
For phrases, iteration FOR statement 44
For phrases, modified by ALSO phrase 133
For phrases, modified by logical phrases 137—140 236f.
For phrases, nested 46
For phrases, THE DICTIONARY 274
Forbidden names 29 29n
Format for external event data 305
Format for RANDOM variables 320
Format, conventions, free-form READ 7
Format, conventions, PRINT statement 19t
Format, descriptors 157f. 172t
Format, descriptors, " 168
Format, descriptors, * 168
Format, descriptors, / 168
Format, descriptors, A 162
Format, descriptors, B 167
Format, descriptors, C 162
Format, descriptors, D 159
Format, descriptors, E 160
Format, descriptors, I 158
Format, descriptors, S 168
Format, descriptors, T 273
Format, input, output 153ff.
Format, lines 17 20
Format, list 157 163
Format, repetition 170
Format, source programs 10f. 129
Format, time 305f.
FRAC.F function 91t 369t
Free storage, arrays 110
Free storage, character strings 274
Free storage, permanent attributes 206
Free storage, routines 140
Free storage, temporary attributes 204
Free-form, input data format 7 156
Free-form, input, INPUT statement 273 see free-form"
Free-form, output, OUTPUT statement 275 see
Frequency count 330
Function of the system 369t
Function, attributes 222
Function, attributes, example 348
Function, called 93
Function, compiled in-line 91n
Function, conversion 276t
Function, declared 93f.
Function, defined 88
Function, left-handed, defined 260
Function, left-handed, receive values 260f.
Function, library 91t 369t
Function, library, defined 90
Function, mode definition 93
Function, monitoring 263f.
Function, recursive 113ff.
Function, RETURN statement 93
Function, right-handed 259f.
Function, use In expression 88
GAMMA.F function 314 369t
Generation of activity times 313
GIVEN clause, arguments 95
GIVEN clause, attributes 299f.
Global variables in recursive routines 114
Global variables of the system 369t
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