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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
77274 Yaverbaum E Public relations for dummies 2006
200122 Vilanilam J.V, Public Relations in India. New Tasks and Responsibilites 2011
56962 Oliver S. Public Relations Strategy. Second edition 2007
137963 Dunn J. Public Relations Techniques That Work 2001
157409 Dunn J. Public Relations Techniques That Work (Business Action Pocketbooks) 1999
132529 Paul Baines, John Egan, Frank Jefkins Public Relations: Conte Issues and Techniques 2003
58369 World Bank Public Sector Reform: What Works and Why?: An IEG Evaluation of World Bank Support 2008
212531 Osborne S. P. Public Service Logic 2021
141818 Iosifidis P. Public Television in the Digital Era: Technological Challenges and New Strategies for Europe 2007
172645 Iosifidis P. Public Television in the Digital Era: Technological Challenges and New Strategies for Europe 2007
175303 Salomaa A. Public-Key Cryptography (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series) 1996
171886 Beth T., Simmons G., Frisch M. Public-Key Cryptography: State of the Art and Future Directions: E.I.S.S. Workshop, Oberwolfach, Germany, July 3-6, 1991. Final Report: State of the ... Notes in Economic and Mathematical Systems) 1992
116026 Publication highlights activities at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory for scale year 2003 o 1 October 2002 through 30 September 2003 2004
18131 Cotell C.M., Sprague J.A. Publication Information and Contributors (Volume 5: Surface Engineering) 1994
136656 Publications des Seminaires de Mathematiques. Fascicule 1 : Seminaires d'Analyse Fonctionnelle 1974
62365 Borwein P. Publications of Peter Borwein n/a
15605 Broback S. Publish and Prosper: Blogging for Your Business 2006
176637 0 Published under the aegis of the AGU Books Board 1995
24240 Castro E. Publishing a Blog with Blogger 2005
205105 Carlos Alza Barco, Gustavo Zambrano Chávez Pueblos indígenas y establecimiento de agenda: Cambios en la estructura institucional en el Estado Peruano (2000-2011) 2014
216430 Frisch V.M. Pueblos indigenas,consulta previa,gobernanza territorial y recursos naturales n/a
214469 Campos M. Puka Amauta. Vida y Obra del Presidente Gonzalo a los 20 años de su detención 2012
121334 Kadanoff L.P. Pulled Fronts and the Reproductive Individual 2006
170150 Walker S., Feldmann R. Pulleys (Early Bird Physics Series) 2001
200097 D. Wollkind Pulling Rabbits Out of Hats 2022
70155 Barbera J. A. (Author), Peacock A. J. (Editor) Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (Therapeutic Strategies) 2009
77499 Hill N.S., Farber H.F. Pulmonary Hypertension 2008
178529 Marc H., Lynch III J. Pulmonary Hypertension 2009
154269 Juzar Ali, Warren Summer, Michael Levitzky Pulmonary Pathophysiology: A Clinical Approach, Third Edition (A Lange Medical Book) 2009
158534 Levitzky M. Pulmonary Physiology (Lange Physiology) 2007
115953 Blandford R.D., Hewish A., Lyne A.G. Pulsars as physics Laboratories 1993
176002 Blandford R., Hewish A., Lyne A. Pulsars as physics laboratories 1993
186026 Tiwari B., Gowen A., McKenna B. Pulse Foods: Processing, Quality and Nutraceutical Applications 2011
128155 Barbosa-Canovas G.V., Zhang Q.H. Pulsed Electric Fields in Food Processing 2001
134847 Raso J., Heinz V. Pulsed Electric Fields Technology for the Food Industry: Fundamentals and Applications 2006
49789 Eason R. (ed.) Pulsed Laser Deposition of Thin Films 2007
48164 Mesyats G.A. Pulsed Power 2005
194690 Mesyats G.A. Pulsed power 2004
77151 Bluhm H. Pulsed Power Systems 2006
153775 Burmeister M., Ulanovsky L. Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis: PROTOCOLS, METHODS & THEORIES (Methods in Molecular Biology (Cloth)) 1992
149658 Margit Burmeister, Levy Ulanovsky Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis: protocols, methods and theories 1991
209690 Tobak Tibor PUMÁK ÉS A TÖBBIEK 1990
208443 Tobak Tibor PUMÁK ÉS A TÖBBIEK Kalandok a levegőben 1990
44889 Karassik I.J., Cooper P., Messina J.P. Pump Handbook 2000
84395 Karassik I.J., Messina J., Cooper P. Pump handbook 2008
55947 Bloch H.P., Budris A.R. Pump User's Handbook 2004
56931 Rayner R. Pump User's Handbook 1995
84112 Bloch H.P., Budris A.R. Pump Users Handbook Life Extension 2004
21538 Sanks R.L. Pumping Station Design 1998

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