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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
154390 Burns M. Writing in Math Class: A Resource for Grades 2-8 1995
160908 Burns M. 50 problem-solving lessons: The best from 10 years of math solutions newsletters 1996
189904 Burns M., Roberts G. An Introduction to Mixed-Signal IC Test and Measurement (The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering) 2001
16532 Burns P. The Beginner's Guide to Broadband and Wireless Internet 2006
21577 Burns P. Software Defined Radio for 3G 2003
167254 Burns P., Weingarten J., Clifford T. Visual Guide to Paradox for Windows: The Pictorial Companion to Windows Database Management & Programming/Through Version 5.0/Book and Disk: The ... 1994
59427 Burns P.M., Novelli M. Tourism and Social Identities: Global Frameworks and Local Realities 2006
17981 Burns R. Advanced Control Engineering 2001
160061 Burns R. Mineralogical applications of crystal field theory 1993
173088 Burns R. Mineralogical Applications of Crystal Field Theory, Second edition (Cambridge Topics in Mineral Physics and Chemistry) 1993
180645 Burns R. Communications: An International History of the Formative Years (History of Technology) 2004
196978 Burns R. Immunochemical Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) 2005
80425 Burns R. (ed.) Plant Pathology. Techniques and Protocols 2009
148047 Burns R.W. John Logie Baird. Television pioneer 2001
21569 Burns T. Serious Incident Prevention: How to Sustain Accident-Free Operations in Your Plant or Company 2002
210816 BURNS, JOHN YOGATHERAPIE: Gegen Rückenschmerzen (German Edition) 2021
1497 Burnside W. Theory of Groups of Finite Order 1897
11499 Burnside W.S., Panton A.W. An Introduction to Determinants, Being a Chapter from The Theory of Equations 1899
27446 Burnstein I. Practical Software Testing 2003
187768 Burr B., Phillips R., Vasil I. DNA-Based Markers in Plants 2001
57221 Burrage T.F., Little S.M. Divorce and Domestic Relations Litigation: Financial Adviser's Guide 2003
21647 Burre B., Debacher U., von Suchodoletz D. Linux in Windows-Netzwerk (Tail 2) 2005
56590 Burrell M. Lobbying and the Media: Working with Politicians and Journalists 2001
142513 Burrell M. Enzymes of Molecular Biology 1993
130897 Burrell R., Coleman A. Copyright Exceptions: The Digital Impact 2005
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1041 Burris S., Sankappanavar H.P. A Course in Universal Algebra 1981
148922 Burris S. Number Theoretic Density and Logical Limit Laws (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs) 2001
184912 Burris S., Sankappanavar H. A Course in Universal Algebra 1981
14813 Burroughs T. Oracle 9i. Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide (Part No. A88789-01) 2001
39631 Burroughs W.J. Climate Change in Prehistory: The End of the Reign of Chaos 2005
43947 Burroughs W.J. Weather Cycles: Real or Imaginary? 2003
139047 Burrows J., Platt U., Borrell P. The Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Composition from Space 2011
194706 Burry R.W. Immunocytochemistry: A Practical Guide for Biomedical Research 2009
183420 Bursa M., Khuri S., Renda M. Information Technology in Bio- and Medical Informatics: 4th International Conference, ITBAM 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, August 28, 2013. Proceedings 2013
126136 Burschka M. A., Titulaer U. M. The Kinetic Boundary Layer for the Equation with Absorbing Boundary 1980
120302 Burschka M.A. Fluctuations in Diffusion Reaction Systems. I: Adiabatic Elimination of Transport Modes from a Mesoscopic N-Body System and the Omega-Expansion 1986
122226 Burschka M.A., Titulaer U.M. The Kinetic Boundary Layer for the Fokker-Planck Equation: Selectively Absorbing Boundaries 1981
136722 Burshtein A. Introduction to thermodynamics and kinetic theory of matter 2005
84064 Bursi O.S., Wagg D. Modern testing techniques for structural systems 2008
33538 Burstall F.E., Ferus D., Leschke K. Conformal Geometry of Surfaces in Quaternions 2002
34458 Burstall F.E., Rawnsley J.H., Dold A. Twistor Theory for Riemannian Symmetric Spaces 1990
41472 Burstall F.E., Pedit F., Ferus D. Quaternions 2002
41853 Burstall F.E. Darboux transforms 2002
42217 Burstall F.E., Pedit F., Ferus D. Willmore Surfaces in S^3 2002
75164 Burstall F.E. Metric and Affine Conformal Geometry 2002
148704 Burstall F.E., Rawnsley J.H. Twistor Theory for Riemannian Synmetric Spaces with Applications to Harmonic Maps of Riemann Surfaces 1990
57164 Burstein F., Holsapple C. W. International Handbook on Information Systems. Handbook on Decision Support Systems 1: Basic Themes 2008
57215 Burstein F., Holsapple C.W. Handbook on Decision Support Systems 2: Variations 2008
146841 Burstein F., Brezillon P., Zaslavsky A. Supporting Real Time Decision-Making: The Role of Context in Decision Support on the Move 2010

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