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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
16715 Pulciulran B., Dillon S. Flt-3 Ligand 2001
16714 Radbruch A. (ed.) Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting 2000
16713 Givan A.L. Flow Cytometry: First Principles 2001
16712 Ormerod M.G. Flow Cytometry 1994
16711 Chapman S.K., Reid G.A. (ed.) Flavoprotein Protocols 1999
16710 Nagata S. Fas 2000
16709 Nagata S. Fas Ligand 2000
16707 Exploring the Cell n/a
16706 Hromas R. Exodus-1/LARC/MIP-Ç alfa (SCYA 20) 2001
16705 Brown S.M., Hay J.G., Ostrer H. Essentials of Medical Genomics 2003
16704 Spivak J. Erythropoietin 2000
16703 Wilson J. (ed.), May G. (ed.) Epstein-Barr Virus Protocols 2001
16702 Williams T.J., Sabore I. Eotaxin 2000
16701 White J. Eotaxin 2 2000
16700 Chaplin M.F., Bucke C. Enzyme Technology 1990
16699 Marangoni A. Enzyme Kinetics: A Modern Approach 2003
16698 Papathanassiu A., Grella D., Sim B. Endostatin 2000
16697 Galin F., Blalock J. Endorphins 2000
16696 Hester R. (ed.), Harrison R. (ed.) Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 1999
16695 Saifutdinov R.G. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Biochemistry and Medicine 2001
16694 Everyday Practical Electronics (Vol. 33, No. 11. November 2004) 2004
16693 Nomiyama H., Yoshie O. ELC 2000
16692 Ahuja S.K. ECRF3 2000
16691 McCammon A.J., Harvey S. Dynamics Of Proteins And Nucleic Acids 1987
16690 Seydel J., Wiese M. Drug-Membrane Interactions: Analysis, Drug Distribution, Modeling 2002
16689 Molema G., Meijer D.K.F. Drug Targeting 2001
16688 Wassarman P. (ed.), Keller G. (ed.) Methods in Enzymology (vol. 365). Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells 2003
16687 Sivertsson A. Detection and Analysis of Genetic Alterations in Normal Skin and Skin Tumours 2002
16686 Maj M. (ed.), Sartorius N. (ed.) Depressive Disorders 2002
16685 Ganz T. Defensins 2000
16684 Graham C.A. (ed.), Hill A. (ed.) DNA Sequencing Protocols 2001
16683 Ashkenazi A. DcR3 2000
16682 Piechocki R. Das berühmteste Bakterium. 100 Jahre Escherichia-coli-Forschung. 1989
16681 Ashkenazi A. DR4, DR5, DcR1, DcR2 2000
16680 Gjerde D.T., Hanna Ch.P., Hornby D. DNA Chromatography 2002
16679 Horuk R. DARC n/a
16678 Graham G. D6 n/a
16677 Moss T. DNA–Protein Interactions. Principles and Protocols 2001
16675 Hajibagheri M.A.N. Electron Microscopy Methods and Protocols 1999
16674 Jaroszeski M.J., Heller R., Gilbert R. Electrochemotherapy, Electrogenetherapy, and Transdermal Drug Delivery 2000
16673 Durum S.K. Cytokines and the Immune System n/a
16672 Lianos E.A. (ed.) Eicosanoid Protocols 1999
16671 Philpott D., Ebel F. E. coli. Shiga Toxin Methods and Protocols 2002
16670 Vilcek J. Cytokines Engaged in Antiviral Action, Macrophage Activation, Angiogenesis, and Regulation of Cell Growth and Differentiation 2000
16669 Vaillancourt P.E. E. coli Gene Expression Protocols 2002
16668 Francis G.E., Delgado C. Drug Targeting, Strategies, Principles, and Applications 2000
16667 Plotnikoff N.P. (ed.), Faith R.E. (ed.), Murgo A.J. (ed.) Cytokines: Stress and Immunity 1999
16666 Casali N. E. coli Plasmid Vectors. Methods and Applications 2003
16665 Arnold F.H., Georgiou G. Directed Evolution Library Creation. Methods and Protocols 2003
16664 George A.J.T., Urch C.E. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Antibodies 2000

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