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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
16458 Welschof M., Krauss J. Recombinant Antibodies for Cancer Therapy. Methods and Protocols 2002
16457 Willars G.B., Challiss R.A.J. Receptor Signal Transduction Protocols 2004
16456 Haynes S.R. RNA–Protein Interaction Protocols 1999
16455 Lozz R.V. Proteoglycan Protocols 2001
16454 Webster d. Protein Structure Prediction. Methods and Protocols 2000
16453 Cutler P. Protein Purification Protocols 2003
16452 Bross P., Gregersen N. Protein Misfolding and Disease. Principles and Protocols 2003
16451 Reith A.D. Protein Kinase Protocols 2000
16450 Grotewold E. Plant Functional Genomics. Methods and Protocols 2003
16449 Armstrong D. Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Antioxidant Protocols 2002
16448 Findeis M.A. Nonviral Vectors for Gene Therapy. Methods and Protocols 2001
16447 Killeen A.A. Molecular Pathology Protocols 2000
16446 Miller W.J., Capy P. Mobile Genetic Elements. Protocols and Genomic Applications 2004
16444 Yan Q. Membrane Transporters. Methods and Protocols 2003
16443 Guille M. Molecular Methods in Developmental Biology. Xenopus and Zebrafish 1999
16442 Selinsky B.S. Membrane Protein Protocols 2003
16441 Nickoloff B.J. Melanoma Techniques and Protocols 2001
16440 Chapman J.R. Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Peptides 2000
16439 Powis S.H., Vaughan R.W. MHC Protocols 2002
16437 O'Neill L.A.J., Bowie A. Interleukin Protocols 2001
16436 Darby I.A. In Situ Hybridization Protocols 1999
16435 Didenko V.V. In Situ Detection of DNA Damage. Methods and Protocols 2002
16434 Javois L.C. Immunocytochemical Methods and Protocols 1999
16433 Golemon S. Extending and Embedding PHP 2006
16432 Morimoto R., Noel M., Lewis A. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Unleashed: R2 Edition 2006
16431 Brinkmann R. Digital Compositing n/a
16430 Ross J. Trading Spreads and Seasonals 1995
16429 Crawford J. Project Management Roles & Responsibilities 2004
16428 Lefevre E. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator 1987
16427 SARS Reference 2003
16426 SIGMA. Ýëåêòðîííàÿ âñïûøêà EF-500 Super EO. Ðóêîâîäñòâî ïî ýêñïëóàòàöèè n/a
16425 Scientific American (September 2006. Special) 2006
16424 Scientific American (June 2006) 2006
16423 Science (Vol. 313, No. 5792, 8 September 2006) 2006
16422 Science (Vol. 313, No. 5791, 1 September 2006) 2006
16421 Wyckoff R. The Day Trader's Bible 2001
16420 Taylor W.R., Aszódi A., May A. Protein Structure: Geometry, Topology and Classification 2001
16419 Wandschneider M. Core Web Application Development With PHP And MYSQL 2005
16418 Balan R. Elliott Wave Principle 1989
16417 Sailing World (September, 2006) 2006
16416 Sailing World (June, 2006) 2006
16415 Swannell R. Elite Trader's Secrets 2003
16414 Readers Digest (Issue 9, September 2006) 2006
16413 Readers Digest (Issue 8, August 2006) 2006
16412 Readers Digest (Issue 7, July 2006) 2006
16411 Haselden K. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services 2006
16410 Scalability Experts, Inc. Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Changing the Paradigm 2005
16409 Vogeleer D., Wilson E., Barber L. Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Unleashed 2005
16408 Granneman S. Linux Phrasebook 2006
16407 Wenz C. JavaScript Phrasebook: Essential Code and Commands 2006

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