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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
18713 Archer R.D. Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers 2001
18712 Barshick C.M., Duckworth D.C., Smith D.H. (ed.) Inorganic Mass Spectrometry Fundamentals and Applications 2000
18711 Miessler G., Tarr D.A. Inorganic Chemistry 1991
18710 Volmer M. Infrared spectroscopy in clinical chemistry,using chemometric calibration techniques 2001
18709 Nakamoto K. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds Applications in Coordination, Organometallic, and Bioinorganic Chemistry 1997
18707 Allen P.W. Industrial Fermentations 1926
18706 Sadek P.C. Illustrated Pocket Dictionary of Chromatography 2004
18705 Dodziuk H. Introduction to Supramolecular Chemistry 2002
18704 Missen R.W., Mims C.A., Saville B.A. Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics 1998
18702 HyperChem Computational Chemistry 1996
18701 Blanton W.B. High Performance Computations in NMR 2002
18700 Murray R., Granner D.K., Mayes P.A. Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 2003
18699 Wu C.- S. (ed.) Handbook of Size Exclusion Chromatography 1995
18698 Lee P.W. (ed.), Aizawa H. (ed.) Handbook of Residue Analytical Methods for Agrochemicals 2003
18697 Brauer G. Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry (Vol. 2) 1965
18696 Brauer G. Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry (Vol. 1) 1963
18695 Ramachandran V.S., Paroli R.M., Beaudoin J.J. Handbook Of Thermal Analysis Of Construction Materials 2002
18694 Settle F.A. (ed.) Handbook Of Instrumental Techniques For Analytical Chemistry 1997
18693 Negishi E.- I. (ed.), De Meijere A. (ed.) Handbook of Organopalladium Chemistry for Organic Synthesis 2002
18692 Tolstoy V.P., Chernyshova I.V., Skryshevsky V.A. Handbook of Infrared Spectroscopy of Ultrathin Films 2003
18691 Kenneth Marcus R. (ed.), Broekaert J.A.C. Glow Discharge Plasmas in Analytical Spectroscopy 2003
18690 Kitson F.G., Larsen B.S., McEwen C.N. Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry. A Practical Guide 1996
18689 Fowlis I.A. Gas Chromatography Analytical Chemistry by Open Learning 1995
18688 Glossary of Terms Used in Physical Organic Chemistry 1994
18687 Holland C.D. Fundamentals of Multicomponent Distillation 1981
18686 Mueller M. Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry Molecular Spectroscopy and Modern Electronic Structure Computations 2001
18685 Rohatgi-Mukherjee K.K. Fundamentals Of PhotoChemistry 2005
18684 Nollet L.M.L. (ed.) Food Analysis by Hplc 1992
18683 Ramponi A.J., Caird J. Fluorescence Quantum Efficiency And Optical Heating Efficiency In Laser Crystals And Glasses By Laser Calorimetry 1988
18682 Andersen O.M. (ed.), Markham K.R. (ed.) Flavonoids: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applications 2006
18681 Moore J.H., Spencer N.D. Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry 2002
18680 Meyers R.A. (ed.) Encyclopedia Of Physical Science And Technology (part 1) 2001
18679 Comstock J.L. Elements of Mineralogy Adapted To The Use Of Seminaries and Private Students 1827
18678 Cowan D., Drisko R. Elements Of Organic PhotoChemistry 1976
18677 Walther L. Electrochemistry of Organic Compounds 1906
18676 Brett C.M.A., Brett A.M.O. Electrochemistry: Principles, Methods, And Applications 1993
18675 McHardy J., Ludwig J. (ed.) Electrochemistry of Semiconductors and Electronics: Processes and Devices 1992
18673 Steen J., Range K., York D.M. Dynamics A Set of Notes on Theoretical Physical Chemistry 2003
18672 Zollinger H. Diazo Chemistry II: Aliphatic, Inorganic and Coordination Compounds 1995
18671 Zollinger H. Diazo chemistry I: Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Compounds 1994
18669 Izutsu K. Electrochemistry in Nonaqueous Solutions 2002
18668 Lehmann V. Electrochemistry of Silicon: Instrumentation, Science, Materials and Applications 2002
18667 Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology: Inorganis Chemistry 2001
18666 Bagotsky V.S. Fundamentals of Electrochemistry 2005
18665 Ghiron C., Thomas R. Exercises in Synthetic Organic Chemistry 1997
18664 Klessinger M., Michl J. Excited States and Photochemistry of Organic Molecules 1995
18663 Cramer C.J. Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and Models 2004
18662 Cramer C.J. Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and Models 2002
18661 Poole C.F., Cooke M., Wilson I.D. Encyclopedia of Separation Science 2000
18660 Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology: Biochemistry 2001

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