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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
19125 Figueira J., Greco S., Ehrgott M. (eds.) Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of the Art Surveys 2004
19124 Dowling J.E. The Great Brain Debate: Nature Or Nuture? 2004
19123 Desouza K.C., Awazu Y. Engaged Knowledge Management: Engagement with New Realities 2005
19122 Davis G.M. Noise Reduction in Speech Applications 2002
19121 Davis D.N. Visions Of Mind: Architectures For Cognition And Affect 2005
19120 Davies R.W., Morris B.J. (eds) Molecular Biology of the Neuron 2004
19119 Cokins G. Performance Management: Finding the Missing Pieces (to Close the Intelligence Gap) 2004
19118 Chini T.C. Effective Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Corporations 2004
19116 Buckley J.J., Jowers L.J. Simulating Continuous Fuzzy Systems 2005
19115 Buckley J.J. Fuzzy Probabilities 2005
19114 Brune M. (ed.), Ribbert H. (ed.), Schiefenhovel W. (ed.) The Social Brain: Evolution and Pathology 2003
19113 Brown R.G. Introduction to Random Signal Analysis And Applied Kalman Filtering 1983
19112 Bringsjord S., Ferrucci D.A. Artificial Intelligence and Literary Creativity 1999
19111 Bottenstein J. (ed.) Neural Stem Cells: Development and Transplantation 2003
19110 Bluman A.G. Probability Demystified 2005
19109 Blake A., Zisserman A. Visual Reconstruction 1987
19108 Bigun J. Vision With Direction: A Systematic Introduction to Image Processing And Computer Vision 2006
19107 Carkhuff R.R., Berenson B.G. The Possibilities Mind 2001
19106 Behnke S. Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation 2003
19105 Begg R. (ed.), Kamruzzaman J. (ed.), Sarkar R. (ed.) Neural Networks in Healthcare: Potential And Challenges 2006
19104 Basten T. (ed.), Geilen M. (ed.), Groot H. (ed.) Ambient Intelligence: Impact on Embedded System Design 2004
19103 Baets W. (ed.) Knowledge Management And Management Learning: Extending the Horizons of Knowledge-Based Management 2005
19102 Baddeley A. (ed.), Kopelman M.D., Wilson B. (ed.) The Handbook of Memory Disorders 2002
19101 Arslan O. Neuroanatomical Basis of Clinical Neurology 2001
19100 Lothaire M. Applied Combinatorics On Words 2005
19099 Aminoff M.J. (ed.), Daroff R.B. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences 2003
19098 501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems 2005
19097 Çàèêà À. Ôîòîãðàôèðóåì ìîáèëüíûì òåëåôîíîì 2005
19096 Íóì Â. Äèì-Ìàê Èñêóññòâî òî÷å÷íîãî óäàðà 1991
19095 Âîëêîâ Â.Ã. Öèôðîâîé ôîòîàïïàðàò 2005
19094 Edward F. Lectures Notes For Chemical Students Embracing Mineral And Organic Chemistry 1866
19093 Brereton R.G. Introduction to multivariate calibration in analytical chemistry 2000
19092 Êóðÿ÷èé Ì.È. Öèôðîâàÿ îáðàáîòêà ñèãíàëîâ 2002
19091 Äæåéí À.Ê., Ìàî Æ., Ìîèóääèí Ê.Ì. Ââåäåíèå â èññêóñòâåííûå íåéðîííûå ñåòè 1995
19090 Àéñìàíí Ê., Äóãàí Ø., Ãðåé Ò. Öèôðîâàÿ ôîòîãðàôèÿ. Ýôôåêòèâíûé ñàìîó÷èòåëü 2005
19089 Schleyer P. Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry (vol. 2, E-L) 1998
19088 Schleyer P. Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry (vol. 1, A-D) 1998
19087 Âèãëåá Ã. Äàò÷èêè 1989
19086 Sapir E. The Status of Linguistics as a Science 1929
19085 Schlessinger G.G. Inorganic Laboratory Preparations 1962
19083 Perdew J.P., Kurth S. Density Functionals for Non-relativistic Coulomb Systems in the New Century 2003
19082 Zadeh L.A. Web Intelligence, World Knowledge and Fuzzy Logic — The Concept of Web IQ (WIQ) 2004
19081 Zadeh L.A. The Birth and Evolution of Fuzzy Logic 1990
19080 Elio R. Whose Norm? Common Sense, Reasoning, Rationality 2002
19079 Shapiro S.C. Knowledge Representation 2002
19078 Shapiro S.C. Artificial Intelligence n/a
19077 Shapiro S.C. A Logic of Arbitrary and Indefinite Objects 2003
19076 Oliver N., Rosario B., Pentland A. A Bayesian Computer Vision System for Modeling Human Interactions n/a
19075 MacKay D.J.C. Bayesian Methods For Neural Networks - Theory and Application 1995
19074 Khoshnevisan M., Bhattacharya S., Smarandache F. Artificial Intelligence and Responsive Optimization 2003

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