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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
18659 Cazes J. Encyclopedia of Chromatography 2004 Update Supplement 2004
18658 Perez N. Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science 2004
18657 Bard A.J., Faulkner L.R. Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications 2001
18656 Britz D. Digital Simulation in Electrochemistry 2005
18655 Dreizler R.M., Gross E.K.U. Density Functional Theory: An Approach to the Quantum Many-Body Problem 1990
18654 Patnaik P. Dean's Analytical Chemistry Handbook 2004
18653 Desiraju G.R. (ed.) Crystal Design: Structure and Function 2003
18652 Cundari Th.R. Computational Organometallic Chemistry 2001
18651 Polya G., Read R.C. Combinatorial Enumerations of Groups, Graphs, and Chemical Compounds 1990
18650 Koolman J., Roehm K.-H. Color Atlas of Biochemistry 2005
18649 Rosenberg J.L., Epstein L.M. Schaum's Easy Outlines: College Chemistry 1999
18648 Katz E. (ed.) Handbook of HPLC 1998
18647 Braithwaite A., Smith F.J. Chromatographic Methods 1999
18646 Scott R.P.W. Chromatographic Detectors: Design, Function, and Operation 1996
18645 Shibamoto T. (ed.) Chromatographic Analysis of Environmental and Food Toxicants 1998
18644 Subramanian G. (ed.) Chiral Separation Techniques: A Practical Approach 2001
18643 Ali I., Aboul-Enein H.Y. Chiral Pollutants: Distribution, Toxicity and Analysis by Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis 2004
18642 Beesley T.E., Scott R.P. Chiral Chromatography 1998
18641 Kramer R. Chemometric Techniques for Quantitative Analysis 1998
18640 Greenwood N.N., Earnshaw A. Chemistry of the Elements 1997
18639 Cotton S.A. Chemistry of Precious Metals 2006
18638 Williams L.D. Chemistry Demystified 2003
18637 Cotton F.A. Chemical Applications of Group Theory 1990
18636 Schmalzried H. Chemical Kinetics of Solids 1995
18635 Connors K.A. Chemical Kinetics: The Study of Reaction Rates in Solution 1990
18634 Wittkowski R. (ed.), Matissek R. (ed.) Capillary Gas Chromatography in Food Control and Research 1993
18633 Rappoport Z. (ed.) Handbook of Tables for Organic Compound Identification 1967
18632 Lide D.R. (ed.) CRC Handbook of chemistry and physics 2005
18631 Lewars E. Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics 2004
18630 Berg J.M., Tymoczko J.L., Stryer L. Biochemistry 2002
18629 Champe P.C., Harvey R.A. Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry 1994
18628 Klin M., Rucker Ch. Algebraic Combinations in Mathematical Chemistry: Methods and Algorithms 1993
18627 Neckers D.C., von Bunau G., Jenks W.S. Advances in Photochemistry (Vol. 27) 2002
18626 Clayden J., Greeves N., Warren S. Organic Chemistry 2000
18625 Aarden F.B. Adsorption onto Heterogeneous Porous Materials: Equilibria and Kinetics 2001
18624 Franse J.J.M. Adsorption and Diffusion in Zeolites: A Computational Study 2000
18623 Suzuki M. Adsorption Engineering 1990
18622 Heidelberger M. An Advanced Labaratory Manual of Organic Chemistry 1923
18621 Do D.D. Absorption Analysis: Equilibria and Kinetics, Vol. 2 1998
18620 Friend J.N. (ed.) A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry (vol. 11) 1928
18618 Mellor J.W. A Comprehensive Treatise Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry (vol. 8) 1931
18617 Mellor J.W. A Comprehensive Treatise Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry (vol. 2) 1927
18616 Maseras F., Lledos A. Computational Modeling of Homogeneous Catalysis 2003
18615 Vance D.E., Vance J.E. Biochemistry of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Membranes 2002
18614 Krauss G. Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation 2003
18613 Ebdon L., Evans E.H., Fisher A.S. An Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 1998
18612 Broekaert J.A.C. Analytical Atomic Spectrometry with Flames and Plasmas 2002
18611 Metzler E.D. Biochemistry: The Chemical Reactions of Living Cells 2001
18610 McNair H.M., Miller J.M. Basic Gas Chromatography 1998
18609 Macomber R.S. A Complete Introduction to Modern NMR Spectroscopy 1998

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