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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
27524 Keogh J. ASP. Net 2.0 Demystified 2005
27523 Tate B., Lee B., Clark M. Bitter EJB 2003
27522 Stiefel M., Oberg R.J. Application Development Using C# and .NET 2001
27521 Ozer J. Adobe Digital Video How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques with Adobe Production Studio 2006
27520 Lott J., Patterson D. Advanced ActionScript 3 with Design Patterns 2006
27519 Tapper J., Talbot J., Boles M. Adobe Flex 2: Training from the Source 2006
27518 Davis J. Adobe Photoshop CS2 One-Click Wow! 2005
27517 Mathews C.F. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Tablet PCs 2003
27516 Boyce J. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office 2003 2003
27515 Miller M. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Launching an eBay Business 2003
27514 Soper M.E. Absolute Beginner's Guide to A+ Certification: Covers the Hardware and Operating Systems Exam 2004
27513 Microsoft Corporation A+ Certification Training Kit 2000
27512 Georges G. 50 Fast PhotoShop 7 Techniques with Cdrom 2002
27511 Leiterman J.C. 32/64-Bit 80X86 Assembly Language Architecture 2005
27510 Finkelstein E., Leete G. 50 Fast Flash MX Techniques 2002
27509 Giudici P. Applied data mining 2003
27508 Ambler S.W. Agile Database Techniques 2003
27507 Pierce B.C. Advanced topics in types and programming languages 2004
27506 Summers C.K. ADSL: Standards, Implementation, and Architecture 1999
27505 Shadovitz D. Adobe Golive 5 Bible 2000
27504 Padova T. Adobe Acrobat 5 PDF bible 2001
27503 Roman S. Access Database Design & Programming 2002
27502 Tetz E. A+ certification bible 2001
27501 Tiller J.S. A technical guide to IPSec virtual private networks 2000
27499 Falcone P. Hiring and Firing Question and Answer Book 2001
27498 Morisset J., Andrews-Johnson K. Effectiveness of Promotion Agencies at Attracting Foreign Investment 2003
27497 Sunderic D., Woodhead T. SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure Programming 2000
27496 Cumming A., Russell G. SQL Hacks 2006
27495 Inc SPSS SPSS 14.0 Base User's Guide 2005
27494 Rutledge P.-A., Mucciolo T., Grey J. Special Edition Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 2003
27493 Wutka M. Special Edition Using Java Server Pages and Servlets 2000
27492 Paul R.P. SPARC Architecture Assembly Language Programming, and C 1993
27491 Philcox J., Wall S. (Ed) Solaris System Management 2001
27490 Mauro J. Solaris Internals: Core Kernel Architecture, Vol. 1 2000
27489 Bialaski T, Haines M. Solaris and LDAP Naming Services: Deploying LDAP in the Enterprise 2001
27488 Sessions R. Software Fortresses: Modeling Enterprise Architectures 2003
27487 Mata-Toledo R., Cushman P. Schaum's Outline of Fundamentals of Relational Databases 2000
27485 Taylor E. SNA and TCP/IP Integration Handbook 1998
27484 Gottfried B.S. Schaum's Outline of Programming with C 1996
27483 Johnson S. Show Me Microsoft Windows XP 2003
27482 Johnson S. Show Me! Microsoft Office Word 2003: See it Done, Do It Yourself 2003
27481 Johnson S. Show Me Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 2003
27480 Johnson S. Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003 2003
27479 Johnson S. Show Me Microsoft Office Access 2003 2003
27478 Johnson S. Show Me! Microsoft Office 2003 2003
27477 Kaspersky K. Shellcoder's Programming Uncovered 2005
27476 Maiwald E., Sieglein W. Security Planning and Disaster Recovery 2002
27475 Cottet F., Kaiser C., Mammeri Z. Scheduling in Real-Time Systems 2002
27474 Meyer B. Object-Oriented Software Construction (Book/CD-ROM) 1997
27473 MacDonald M. Microsoft Visual Basic .Net Programmer's Cookbook 2003

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