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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
27321 Hass G., Cockburn A., Caputo K. Configuration Management Principles and Practice 2003
27320 Peck G. Crystal Reports 9 2002
27319 Bock J. Cil Programming: Under the Hood of .Net 2002
27318 Kaspersky K. CD Cracking Uncovered: Protection against Unsanctioned CD Copying 2004
27317 Mayo J. C# Builder KickStart 2003
27316 Black R. Critical Testing Processes: Plan, Prepare, Perform, Perfect 2003
27315 Michelsen K. C# Primer Plus 2001
27314 Powell B., Weeks R. C# and the .NET Framework: The C++ Perspective 2001
27313 Jarrett R., Su Ph. Building Tablet PC Applications 2002
27312 Allen Sh., Terry E. Beginning Relational Data Modeling 2005
27311 Shtern V. Core C++ 2000
27310 Hook D. Beginning Cryptography with Java 2005
27309 Sheriff P.D., Getz K. ASP.NET Developer's JumpStart 2002
27308 Bigus J. Constructing intelligent agents with Java 1997
27307 Smith S. Asp. Net: By Example 2001
27306 Ahern D.M., Clouse A., Turner R. CMMI® Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement 2003
27305 Jahne B. (ed.) Computer vision and applications 2000
27304 Bayer M. Computer telephony demystified 2004
27303 Harvey B. Computer science Logo style (Volume 3) 1997
27302 Harvey B. Computer science Logo style (Volume 2) 1997
27301 Harvey B. Computer science Logo style (Volume 1) 1997
27300 National Research Council (U.S.) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 2001
27299 Stallings W. Computer organization and architecture 2003
27298 Kurose J.F., Ross K.W. Computer networking 2002
27297 Sadka A.H. Compressed video communications 2002
27296 Miano J. Compressed image file formats 1999
27295 Wirth N. Compiler Construction 1996
27294 Poole J., Chang D., Tolbert D. Common Warehouse Metamodel 2001
27293 Held G., Hundley K. Cisco security architectures 1999
27292 Metsker S.J. Building Parsers with Java 2001
27291 Durkin J., Goodman J., Harris R. Building Multiservice Transport Networks 2006
27290 Weynand D. Apple Pro Training Series Final Cut Express HD 2006
27289 Schildt H. C: the complete reference 2000
27288 Murray R.B. C++ strategies and tactics 1993
27287 Sestoft P., Hansen H.I. C# precisely 2004
27286 Berkowitz H. Building service provider networks 2002
27285 Karlins D. Build Your Own Web Site 2003
27284 Astrom K.J. Adaptive control 1994
27283 Miller B.A., Bisdikian C. Bluetooth revealed 2000
27282 Jain A.K., Bolle R., Pankanti S. Biometrics: Personal Identification in Networked Society 1999
27281 Metzger R., Wen Z. Automatic Algorithm Recognition and Replacement: A New Approach to Program Optimization 2000
27280 Stelting S., Maassen O. Applied Java™ Patterns 2001
27279 Cohn M. Agile Estimating and Planning 2005
27278 Worner M. Applied C# in financial markets 2004
27277 Glisic S.G. Advanced wireless communications 2004
27276 Curland M. Advanced Visual Basic 6 2000
27275 Deitel H.M., Deitel P.J. Java: How to Program 2001
27274 Shema M., Davis C., Philipp A. Anti-Hacker Tool Kit 2006
27273 Microsoft Corporation Analyzing Requirements and Defining Solutions Architecture: MCSD Training Kit 1999
27272 Cockburn A. Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game 2006

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