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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
27119 Mellor S.J., Balcer M.J. Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture 2002
27118 Moeller M. End-to-End E-business Transaction Management Made Easy 2003
27117 Tacke C., Basset T. eMbedded Visual Basic®: Windows® CE and Pocket PC Mobile Applications 2001
27116 Furht B., Kirovski D. Multimedia Security Handbook 2004
27115 Farley J.I. Military-to-Civilian Career Transition Guide 2004
27114 Bott E. Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out 2004
27113 Pelling C. Literary texts and the Greek historian 2000
27112 Witherspoon C. Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2002 fast & easy® 2001
27111 Darmawan B. Linux Web Hosting With Websphere, DB2, and Domino 2000
27110 Funk Lord Enterprises Maximum Security 2001
27109 Hart-Davis G. Mastering Windows XP Home Edition 2001
27108 Friedl J.E.F. Mastering Regular Expressions 2006
27107 Biech E., Bellman G. Marketing Your Consulting Services 2003
27106 Phillips M., Rasberry S. Marketing without Advertising 2001
27105 Phillips M., Rasberry S., Randolph M. (Ed) Marketing without Advertising: Inspire Customers to Rave About Your Business to Create Lasting Success 1996
27104 Maran R., Johnson K. Maran Illustrated Office 2003 2005
27103 Frame J.D. Managing Risk in Organizations: A Guide for Managers 2003
27102 Jackson S.E. (Ed), Hitt M.A. (Ed), DeNisi A.S. (Ed) Managing Knowledge for Sustained Competitive Advantage: Designing Strategies for Effective Human Resource Management 2003
27101 Grimes R.A., Miller S. (Ed) Malicious Mobile Code: Virus Protection for Windows 2001
27100 Dean D., Finkelstein E., McCue C. Macromedia Studio MX 2004 All-in-One Desk Reference 2003
27099 Bakharia A. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Fast & Easy Web Development 2002
27098 Miser B. MAC OS X and the Digital Lifestyle 2002
27097 Tulisalo T. Lotus Domino 6 for Linux 2002
27096 Carstensen J., Credle R., Davies J. Linux System Administration and Backup Tools for IBM Elogo Server Xseries and Netfinity 2001
27095 Geiselhart G., Ehlenberger A., Fariborz D. Linux on IBM @server zSeries and S/390: Best Security Practices 2004
27094 Beck M., Bohme H., Dziadzka M. Linux kernel internals 1997
27093 Pomerantz O. Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide 2000
27092 SSC, Publishers of Linux Journal Linux in the Workplace 2002
27091 Ferreira L., Kettmann G., Thomasch A. Linux Hpc Cluster Installation 2001
27090 Harris A. JavaScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner 2001
27089 Duato J., Ni L.M., Yalamanchili S. Interconnection Networks 2002
27088 Thiessen D., Rehor A., Zettler R. IBM Certification Study Guide Aix Hacmp 1999
27087 Cederlöf T.C., de Klerk A., Herlin T. IBM Certification Study Guide Aix Communications 2000
27086 Harris N. Linux Handbook: A Guide to IBM Linux Solutions and Resources 2003
27085 Gortmaker P. Linux Ethernet Howto 2000
27084 Boughen N., Gross J. Lightwave 3D 7.5 Lighting 2003
27083 McCarty B. Learning Red Hat Linux (with CD-ROM) 2002
27082 Lutz M., Ascher D., Willison F. (Ed) Learning Python 1999
27081 Jelen B. Learn Excel from Mr. Excel: 277 Excel Mysteries Solved 2005
27080 Poppendieck M., Poppendieck T., Schwaber K. Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit (The Agile Software Development Series) 2003
27079 Calvert Ch., Intersimone D., Swart B. Kylix Developer's Guide 2001
27078 Klevinsky T.J. Hack I.T. 2002
27077 Graham S.L. Getting up to speed 2005
27076 Liang Sh. Java Native Interface: Programmer's Guide and Specification 1999
27075 Meyers N. Programming Java on Linux 1999
27074 Cooper J. Java Design Patterns: A Tutorial 2000
27073 Reese G., McLaughlin B. (Ed) Java Database Best Practices 2003
27072 Baillie H.W. (Ed), Casey T. (Ed) Is Human Nature Obsolete?: Genetic Engineering and the Future of the Human Condition (Basic Bioethics Series) 2004
27071 Kamel S. Electronic Business in Developing Countries 2005
27070 Biersdorfer J.D. iPod & iTunes: The Missing Manual 2005

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