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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
27878 Ballew J., Slack S.E. Breakthrough Windows Vista™: Find Your Favorite Features and Discover the Possibilities 2007
27877 Bolie J., Cardella M., Blanvalet S. BPEL Cookbook 2006
27876 Walnum C. Borland C++ Power Programming 1993
27875 Beckner M., Goeltz B., Gross B. BizTalk 2006 Recipes 2006
27874 Pool R. Bioinformatics 2002
27873 Blum B.I. Beyond programming: to a new era of design 1995
27872 Rothman J., Derby E. Behind Closed Doors 2005
27871 Wright P. Beginning Visual C# 2005 Express Edition 2006
27870 Holzner S. Beginning Ruby on Rails 2006
27868 Barker J. Beginning Java Objects 2005
27867 Li S., Knudsen J. Beginning J2ME: From Novice to Professional 2005
27866 Kodali R.R., Wetherbee J.R., Zadrozny P. Beginning EJB 3 Application Development: From Novice to Professional 2006
27865 Collison S. Beginning CSS Web Development: From Novice to Professional 2006
27864 Kauffman J., Spencer K., Wills T. Beginning ASP Databases 1999
27863 Lawrence D., Tavakol S. Balanced Website Design 2006
27862 Schroeder R., Axelsson A.-S. Avatars at Work and Play: Collaboration and Interaction in Shared Virtual Environments 2006
27861 Spector L. Automatic Quantum Computer Programming: A Genetic Programming Approach 2006
27860 Pandya A.S., Sen E. ATM Technology for Broadband Telecommunications Networks 1998
27859 Filman L.E., Elrad T., Clarke S. Aspect-Oriented Software Development 2004
27858 Hoya T. Artificial Mind System: Kernel Memory Approach 2005
27857 Adamatzky A., Komosinski M. Artificial Life Models in Software 2005
27856 Nilsson N.J. Artificial Intelligence 1998
27855 Marchal B. Applied XML Solutions 2000
27854 Chambers M., Dixon R., Swartz J. Apollo for Adobe Flex Developers Pocket Guide 2007
27853 Chong E.K.P., Zak S.H. An introduction to optimization 2001
27852 Graba J. An Introduction to Network Programming with Java 2006
27851 Ezust A., Ezust P. An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4 2006
27850 Jalote P. An integrated approach to software engineering 2005
27849 Sedgewick R. Algorithms in C 1990
27848 Parker A. Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ 1993
27847 Watson K. Beginning C# 2005 Databases 2006
27846 Gunther N.J. Analyzing Computer Systems Performance 2005
27845 Ullman C., Dykes L. Beginning Ajax 2007
27844 Hanss M. Applied Fuzzy Arithmetic 2004
27843 Lindgren L.M. Application servers for e-business 2001
27842 Ricart M.A. Apache Server Survival Guide 1996
27841 Otto S.R., Denier J.P. An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB 2005
27840 Nugues P.M. An Introduction to Language Processing with Perl and Prolog: An Outline of Theories, Implementation, and Application with Special Consideration of English, French, and German 2006
27839 Shanahan F. Amazon.com Mashups 2007
27838 Weiss M.A. Algorithms, data structures, and problem solving with C++ 1996
27837 Elkadi M., Mourrain B., Piene R. Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling 2006
27836 Cid C., Murphy S., Robshaw M. Algebraic Aspects of the Advanced Encryption Standard 2006
27835 Shariff M. Alfresco Enterprise Content Management Implementation 2006
27834 Olson S.D. Ajax on Java 2007
27833 Robert M.C., Micah M. Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# 2006
27832 Symeonidis A.L., Mitkas P.A. Agent intelligence through data mining 2006
27831 Kurniawan S., Zaphiris P. Advances in Universal Web Design and Evaluation 2006
27830 Tomak K. Advances in the Economics of Information Systems 2004
27829 van Kuppevelt J., Dybkjaer L., Bernsen N.O. Advances in Natural Multimodal Dialogue Systems 2007
27828 Ahn C.W. Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms: Theory, Design and Practice 2006

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