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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
35232 Alavi Y. (Ed), White A.T. (Ed), Lick D.R. (Ed) Graph Theory And Applications 2008
35231 Alavi Y. (ed.), Lick D.R. (ed.) Theory and Applications of Graphs: Proceedings, Michigan, May 11 - 15, 1976 1978
35230 Akutowicz E.J. (ed.) L'Analyse Harmonique Dans Le Domaine Complexe 1973
35229 Accola R.D. Riemann Surfaces, Theta Functions, And Abelian Automorphisms Groups 2008
35228 Accardi L. (ed.), Waldenfels W.V. (ed.) Quantum Probability and Applications IV 1989
35227 Accardi L. (ed.), Waldenfels W.V. (ed.) Quantum Probability and Applications III: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Oberwolfach, Frg, January 25-31, 1987 1988
35226 Accardi L. (ed.), Waldenfels W.V. (ed.) Quantum Probability and Applications II: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Heidelberg, West Germany, October 1-5, 1984 1985
35225 Accardi L. (ed.), Gorini V. (ed.), Frigerio A. (ed.) Quantum Probability and Applications to the Quantum Theory of Irreversible Processes: Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at Villa Mondrago 1984
35224 Abhyankar S.S., Sathaye A.M. Geometric Theory of Algebraic Space Curves 1974
35223 Abhyankar S.S. Weighted Expansions for Canonical Desingularization 1982
35222 Sekigawa K. Topics in Contemporary Differential Geometry Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Complex Structures 2007
35221 Kanimetsu S., Tsukada H. Vistas of Special Functions 2007
35220 Friberg J. Amazing Traces of a Babylonian Origin in Greek Mathematics 2007
35219 Natiello M.A., Solari H.G. The User's Approach to Topological Methods in 3D Dynamical Systems 2007
35218 National Research Council Radiation and the International Space Station: Recommendations to Reduce Risk 2000
35217 Dritschel M.A. (ed.) New Aspects of Operator Theory and Its Applications 2007
35216 Greuel G.-M., Pfister G. Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra 2008
35215 Green J.A., Erdmann K., Schocker M. Polynomial Representations of GLn 2007
35213 Bosma W. (ed.), Cannon J. (ed.) Discovering Mathematics with Magma: Reducing the Abstract to the Concrete, Vol. 19 2006
35212 Gray J. Worlds Out of Nothing: A Course in the History of Geometry in the 19th Century 2006
35211 Tinder R.F. Relativistic Flight Mechanics and Space Travel: A Primer for Students, Engineers and Scientists 2007
35210 Vassiliou E. Geometry of Principal Sheaves 2005
35209 Wyld H.W. Mathematical Methods for Physics 1999
35207 Bugeaud Y. Approximation by Algebraic Numbers 2004
35206 Vaananen J. Dependence Logic 2007
35205 Fanchi J.R. Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers 2006
35204 Bridges D.S., Vita L.S. Techniques of Constructive Analysis 2006
35203 Edwards H.M. Essays in Constructive Mathematics 2004
35202 Fasano A., Marmi S. Analytical Mechanics: An Introduction 2006
35201 Veblen O., Young J.W. Projective Geometry. Vol 1 1946
35200 Bucur D., Buttazzo G. Variational Methods in Shape Optimization Problems 2005
35199 Bandle C. (Ed), Berestycki H. (Ed) Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis 2005
35198 Amaldi E., Furlan G., Fubini S. Electroproduction at Low Energy and Hadron Form Factors 1979
35197 Dalgaard P. Introductory Statistics with R 2002
35196 Adem A., Ruan Y., Leida J. Orbifolds and Stringy Topology 2007
35195 Aldrovandi R. Introduction to Geometrical Physics n/a
35194 Tabak J. Numbers: Computers, Philosophers, and the Search for Meaning 2004
35193 Carl S., Motreanu D. Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Their Inequalities: Comparison Principles and Applications 2006
35192 Isidori A. Nonlinear Control Systems: An Introduction 1986
35191 Benson D. Music: A Mathematical Offering 2007
35190 Gratzer G. More Math Into LaTeX 2007
35189 Mordukhovich B.S. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation II: Applications 2005
35188 Mordukhovich B.S. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation I 2005
35187 Moler C.B. Numerical Computing with MATLAB 2004
35186 Ash R.B. Lectures On Statistics 2007
35185 Pardo L., Llorente L.P. Statistical Inference Based on Divergence Measures 2005
35184 Simms D.J. Lie Groups and Quantum Mechanics 1968
35183 Libermann P., Marle Ch.M. Symplectic Geometry and Analytical Mechanics n/a
35182 Knopp K. Theory of Functions. Part Two 1947
35181 Farebrother R.W., Schyns M. Visualizing Statistical Models and Concepts, Vol. 166 2002

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