35534 |
Bridger M. |
Real Analysis: A Constructive Approach |
2006 | •• |
35533 |
Dshalalow J.H. |
Real Analysis: An Introduction to the Theory of Real Functions and Integration |
2000 | •• |
35532 |
International Atomic Energy Agency |
Radiation Protection in the Design of Radiotherapy Facilities |
2006 | •• |
35531 |
Harrison P. |
Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots: Theoretical and Computational Physics |
2005 • | •• |
35530 |
Sinha K., Goswami D. |
Quantum Stochastic Processes and Non-Commutative Geometry |
2006 | •• |
35529 |
Karris S.T. |
Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications |
2003 | •• |
35528 |
Lyons T.J., Caruana M.J., Levy T. |
Differential Equations Driven by Rough Paths: Ecole Da (TM)Eta(c) de Probabilita(c)S de Saint-Flour XXXIV-2004 |
2007 | •• |
35527 |
Stoyan K.D.D. |
Projects: Calculus: The Language of Change |
1998 • | •• |
35526 |
Procesi L. |
Lie Groups |
2008 | •• |
35525 |
Calafiore G., Dabbene F. |
Probabilistic and Randomized Methods for Design under Uncertainty |
2006 | •• |
35524 |
Friedberg S.H., Insel A.J., Spence L.E. |
Linear Algebra |
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35523 |
Koetz J., Kosmella S. |
Polyelectrolytes and Nanoparticles |
2007 | •• |
35522 |
Lourtioz J.M., Berger V., Gerard G.M. |
Photonic Crystals: Towards Nanoscale Photonic Devices |
2005 • | •• |
35521 |
Stroscio M.A., Dutta M. |
Phonons in Nanostructures |
2001 | •• |
35520 |
Padula M. (ed.), Zanghirati L. (ed.) |
Hyperbolic Problems and Regularity Questions |
2007 | •• |
35519 |
Tobias R., Atkinson A.C., Donev A. |
Optimum Experimental Designs, with SAS |
2007 | •• |
35518 |
Koch H. |
Number Theory 2: Algebraic Number Theory |
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35517 |
Nualart D. |
Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics |
2006 • | •• |
35516 |
Kharazishvili A.B. |
Nonmeasurable Sets and Functions |
2004 | •• |
35515 |
Nikogosyan D.N. |
Nonlinear Optical Crystals |
2005 | •• |
35514 |
Mumford D. |
Tata Lectures on Theta I |
2006 • | •• |
35513 |
Neittaanmaki P., Tiba N., Sprekels J. |
Optimization of Elliptic Systems: Theory and Applications |
2005 | •• |
35512 |
Nebe G., Sloane N.J.A., Rains E. |
Self-Dual Codes and Invarient Theory |
2008 | •• |
35511 |
Kalantar-Zadeh K., Fry B. |
Nanotechnology-Enabled Sensors |
2007 | •• |
35510 |
Ratner M., Ratner D. |
Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea |
2002 | •• |
35509 |
Martinez-Duart J.M., Aqullo-Rueda F., Martin-Palma R.J. |
Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and Optoelectronics |
2006 | •• |
35508 |
Williams E.D. |
Nanoscale Structures_Lability Length Scales and Fluctuations |
2004 | •• |
35507 |
Kelsall R.W., Hamley I.W., Geaghegan M. |
Nanoscale Science and Technology |
2005 | •• |
35506 |
Knauth P., Schoonman J. |
Nanocrystalline Metals and Oxides |
2002 | •• |
35505 |
Chuang T.J. (ed.), Anderson P.M. (ed.), Hsieh S. (ed.) |
Nanomechanics of Materials and Structures |
2005 | •• |
35504 |
Reza Mozafari M. (ed.) |
Nanomaterials and Nanosystems for Biomedical Applications |
2007 | •• |
35503 |
Carpick R.W., Eriksson M.A. |
Measurements of In-Plane Material Properties with Scanning Probe Microscopy |
2004 | •• |
35502 |
Moszynska M. |
Selected Topics in Convex Geometry |
2005 | •• |
35501 |
Matveev S.V. |
Lectures on Algebraic Topology |
2006 | •• |
35500 |
Voyiadjis G.Z., Kattan P.E. |
Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB |
2005 | •• |
35499 |
International Atomic Energy Agency |
Effective Corrective Actions to Enhance Operational Safety of Nuclear Installations |
2005 | •• |
35498 |
Maddox R. |
Mathematical Thinking and Writing: A Transition to Higher Mathematics |
2001 | •• |
35497 |
Baretzky B., Friesel M., Straumal B. |
Reconstruction of Historical Alloys for Pipe Organs Brings True Baroque Music Back to Life |
2007 | •• |
35496 |
Beach J.D., MacCandless B.E. |
Materials Challenges for CdTe and CuInSe2 Photovoltaics |
2007 | •• |
35495 |
Dimroth F. |
High-Efficiency Multijunction Solar Cells |
2007 | •• |
35494 |
Schropp R.E., Carius R., Beaucarne G. |
Amorphous Silicon, Microcrystalline Silicon, and Thin-Film Polycrystalline Silicon |
2007 | •• |
35493 |
Bapat R.P. |
Linear Algebra and Linear Models |
2000 • | •• |
35492 |
Knoebel A. |
Mathematical Masterpieces: Further Chronicles by the Explorers |
2007 | •• |
35491 |
Dai L. (ed.) |
Carbon Nanotechnology: Recent Developments in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Device Applications |
2006 | •• |
35490 |
Ross S. |
Introduction to Probability Models |
2002 • | •• |
35489 |
Kalpazidou S.L.L. |
Cycle Representations of Markov Processes |
2006 • | •• |
35488 |
Heil C. |
Harmonic Analysis and Applications |
2004 | •• |
35487 |
Grigoryan S.A., Tonev T.A. |
Shift-Invariant Uniform Algebras on Groups |
2006 | •• |
35486 |
Koch K.-R. |
Introduction to Bayesian Statistics |
2007 • | •• |
35485 |
Goldstein C. (ed.), Schwermer J. (ed.), Schappacher N. (ed.) |
Shaping of Arithmetic after C. F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae |
2007 | •• |