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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
208577 Â. Ì. Àëåêñååâ, Ý. Ì. Ãàëååâ, Â. Ì. Òèõîìèðîâ Ñáîðíèê çàäà÷ ïî îïòèìèçàöèè : Òåîðèë. Ïðèìåðû. Çàäà÷è 1984
208598 Øàðûãèí Èãîðü Ô¸äîðîâè÷ Çàäà÷è ïî ãåîìåòðèè. Còåðåîìåòðèÿ. 1984
208696 Çàñëàâñêèé Ã.Ì. Ñòîõàñòè÷íîñòü äèíàìè÷åñêèõ ñèñòåì 1984
208794 Szabolcs S. Biogazda, biokertész. Uj gondolkodási és múvelési mód kertbarátoknak 1984
204031 Evans G., Rowley K. Red Brotherhood at War: Indochina since the Fall of Saigon 1984
135089 Joseph M., Shyamasundar R. Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 4 conf., India 1984
135117 Halzen F., Martin A. Quarks and leptons. Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics (Wiley, 1984
135141 Ãóôåëüä Ý.Å. Ìèíèìàëüíîå ïðåèìóùåñòâî 1984
135201 Ullman J. Computational Aspects of VLSI 1984
135433 Geneguand C. IBN Rushd,s Metaphysics 1984
135446 Bronner F., Kleinzeller A. Current Topics in Membranes & Transport, Volume 21: Ion Channels: Molecular and Physiological Aspects 1984
135468 Erdos P. Combinatorial Set Theory: Partition Relations for Cardinals 1984
135500 Tong Y.L. Inequalities in Statistics and Probability 1984
135502 Manes S., Somerson P. Computer Monsters 1984
135635 Pissanetzky S. Sparse matrix technology 1984
135842 John W. Morgan, Hyman Bass The Smith Conjecture (Pure and Applied Mathematics) 1984
135948 Crowell R.H., Fox R.H. Introduction to Knot Theory 1984
136065 Michael Tomczyk The Home Computer Wars: An Insider's Account of Commodore and Jack Tramiel 1984
136126 Heidegger M. The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic 1984
136284 James G.D. Representaions of General Linear Groups 1984
123323 Bernard Nienhuis Critical Behavior of Two-Dimensional Spin Models and Charge Asymmetry in the Coulomb Gas 1984
123339 Montroil E.W., Bendler J.T. On Levy (or Stable) Distributions and the Williams- Watts Model of Dielectric Relaxation 1984
123349 Martinez S., Tirapegui E. Description of a Class of Markov Processes "Equivalent" to K-Shifts 1984
123359 Alberti P.M., Crell B. Nonlinear Evolution Equations and H Theorems 1984
123397 Matkowsky B.J., Schuss Z., Tier C. Uniform Expansion of the Transition Rate in Kramers' Problem 1984
123406 Pandey R.B. Computer Simulation of Irreversible Kinetic Gelation: Crossover between Random and Kinetic Growth, Radical Conservation, Poisons, and Chain-Preferred Reactions 1984
123409 Fisher M.E. Walks, Walls, Wetting, and Melting 1984
123422 Malyshev V.A., Nickolaev I.V. Uniqueness of Gibbs Fields via Cluster Expansions 1984
123425 Birgeneau R.J., Cowley R.A., Shirane G. Phase Transitions in Diluted Magnets: Critical Behavior, Percolation, and Random Fields 1984
123428 Abraham D.B. Surfaces and Roughening 1984
123476 Szasz D., Toth B. Persistent Random Walks in a One- Dimensional Random Environment 1984
123486 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1984
123500 Gouyet J. F., Bunde A. Diffusion in a Bistable Potential at Intermediate and High Friction 1984
123551 Book Review: Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics 1984
123581 Fontaine J.R., Martin Ph.A. Equilibrium Equations and Symmetries of Classical Coulomb Systems 1984
123625 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1984
123674 Rowlinson J.R. Molecular Theory of Capillarity 1984
123738 Bessis D., Geronimo J.S. Mellin Transforms Associated with Julia Sets and Physical Applications 1984
123744 Messager A., Miracle-Sole S., Pfister C.E. On Classical Ferromagnets with a Complex External Field 1984
123806 Masters A. J., Keyes T. The Long Time and Brownian Limits for Tagged Particle Motion in Liquids 1984
123820 Katz S., Lebowitz J.L. Nonequilibrium Steady States of Stochastic Lattice Gas Models of Fast Ionic Conductors 1984
123832 Keizer J. Response to "Comments on Keizer's Critique on Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics" by B.C. Eu 1984
123879 Valter Franceschini, Fernando Zironi On Constructing Markov Partitions by Computer 1984
123894 Gross E.P. Functional Equations for Path Integrals 1984
123925 Mandelbrot B.B. Comment on the Equivalence between Fracton/Spectral Dimensionality, and the Dimensionality of Recurrence 1984
123940 Del Rio J.L. Regression Law and the Renormalization of the Transport Coefficients 1984
124018 Dotsenko VI.S. Critical Behavior and Associated Conformal Algebra of the Z_3 Potts Model 1984
124032 Future Contributions to Journal of Stadstical Physics 1984

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