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Компьютерная грамотность: Программа кружка по информатике в начальной школе |
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Gustavo Duque, Douglas P. Kiel |
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Julius Stuller, Jaroslav Pokorny, Bernhard Thalheim |
Current Issues in Databases and Information Systems: East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems Held Jointly with ... Proceedings |
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Walter Ciciora, James Farmer, David Large |
Modern Cable Television Technology, Second Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking) |
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Molecular and Cell Biology For Dummies |
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Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology |
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Grigoris Antoniou, Aditya K. Ghose, Miroslaw Truszczynski |
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A Comprehensive Dictionary of Inorganic Chemistry |
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The Science and Technology of an American Genius |
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Биологическое разнообразие, озеленение, лесопользование: Сборник материалов Международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых (Санкт-Петербург, 2008) |
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Robert William Lucas |
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Philipp Cimiano, H. Sofia Pinto |
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Roland Diehl, Dieter H. Hartmann, Nikos Prantzos |
Astronomy with Radioactivities (Lecture Notes in Physics, 812) |
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Ken-ichi Kitayama, Francesco Masetti-Placci, Giancarlo Prati |
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The Scotch Metaphysics: A Century of Enlightenment in Scotland (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth Century Philosophy) |
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