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Поиск книг, содержащих: Path radiance
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Pollock D.H. (ed.) — The infrared & electro-optical systems handbook. Countermeasure systems | 367, 414, 417, 423—424, 427, 429, 431—432, 457—459, 470—473, 478—479, 481—488 | Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Zissis J. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 1: Sources of Radiation | 5 | Landgrebe D.A. — Signal Theory Methods in Multispectral Remote Sensing | 43 | Gerald C.H. — Electro–optical imaging iystem performance | 261, 286, 312, 336 |