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Поиск книг, содержащих: Cauchy initial value problem
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Cantwell B.J., Crighton D.G. (Ed), Ablowitz M.J. (Ed) — Introduction to Symmetry Analysis | 278, 291, 294 | Courant R., Hilbert D. — Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2 | 407 — 766 (see also Initial value problem) | Israel W. (ed.) — Relativity, astrophysics and cosmology | 40, 78, 112 | Fluegge S. (ed.) — Encyclopedia of physics. Vol. 9. Fluid dynamics III | 232, 2, 4, 257, 268 | Israel W. (ed.) — Relativity, astrophysics and cosmology | 40, 78, 112 | Israel W. — Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology | 40, 78, 112 |