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Israel W. (ed.) — Relativity, astrophysics and cosmology
Israel W. (ed.) — Relativity, astrophysics and cosmology

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Íàçâàíèå: Relativity, astrophysics and cosmology

Àâòîð: Israel W. (ed.)

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1973

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 342

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 24.03.2013

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Aberration      12 69
Absolute time      13 195
Absorption of radiation (cosmology)      219
Accelerated frame      49
Acceleration, action of group      304
Acceleration, Coriolis and centrifugal      8
Acceleration, relative      10
Action principle for elementary dynamical system      242
Action principle for field      246 250
Action principle, geometrodynamical      41 259
Action principle, Hilbert's      41
Adiabatic index      160
Affine connection      see "Connection"
Angular diameter (cosmology)      68 209 218
Angular velocity of arbitrary frames      48
Anisotropic spacetimes      231
Approximation methods for solving Einstein's field equations      106—114 143—146 227—230
Atlas      289
Background radiation (cosmology)      68 197
Balance equations (kinetic theory)      71
Baryon conservation      94 155
Basis of tangent space      292 294
Bending of light      136 141
Bianchi identity      12 318
Bianchi type (homogeneous spacetimes)      233
big bang      223—226
Big bang, singularity structure      220 231
Black hole      171
Black hole, 'no hair' theorems      187
Black hole, accretion of matter      194
Black hole, collisions      191
Black hole, dynamics      188
Black hole, extraction of rotational energy      191
Black hole, irreducible mass      191
Black hole, Kerr      179 185
Black hole, scalar field      180
Black hole, tidal friction      193
Boltzmann equation      66 76 198
Boltzmann H-theorem      80
Boltzmann — Einstein system of equations      78 198
Brans — Dicke theory      136 139
Bundle frame      305
Canonical formalism for fields      245 286
Canonical formalism for particle dynamics      242 286
Canonical quantization      238 284
Canonical structure of phase space      57
Cartan exterior calculus      58—63 296—298
Cartan structural equations      317
Carter's Theorem      188
Cauchy initial value problem      40 78 112
Causal spaces      29
Causal structure      3
Centrifugal force      49
Chaotic cosmology      231
Chapman — Enskog method      86
Chart      289
chemical potential      83 203
Chronogeometry      3
Chronological order      23
Clausius — Duhem inequality      93
Clocks, ideal      18
Clocks, light      34
Co-ordinates, comoving      90 205
Co-ordinates, geodesic      44
Co-ordinates, harmonic      112 144
Collapse, gravitational, external scalar field of collapsing star      181
Collapse, gravitational, non-spherical      178
Collapse, gravitational, spherically symmetric      166
Collapse, gravitational, two-dimensional      179
Collision times      222
Collision-free behavior of cosmological matter      223
Collision-time approximation      234
Collisions in Galilean dynamics      5
Collisions in relativistic kinetic theory      64
Commutation relations of covariant derivatives      46 315
Commutation relations of geometrodynamical constraints      250 260 268 287—288
Commutation relations of group generators      255
Commutator of vector fields      296
Conformal curvature tensor      206
Conformal structure      12 27
Connection, 1-forms      312
Connection, affine      6 15 128 310—315 318—319
Connection, geodesically complete      321
Conservation of energy and momentum      16 70—71 103
Constitutive equations      94—98
Constraints in generally covariant theories      244—250 286—287
Continuum mechanics      89—98
Contracted r-form      60
Convective derivative      92
Conversion factors      154 197
Coriolis force      49
Cosmic censorship hypothesis      178—179
Cosmological $\lambda$-term      43
Cosmological space-times      204
Cosmological space-times, anisotropic      231
Cosmological space-times, Einstein de Sitter      214—227
Cosmological space-times, Friedmann      175 213—227
Cosmological space-times, inhomogeneous      227—231
Cosmological space-times, Robertson — Walker      213—214
Cotangent bundle      56
Cotangent vector space      293
Covariant derivative      310—311
Critical energy density (cosmology)      197
Cross-section of frame bundle      317
Cross-section, collision      94—95
Curvature, 2-forms      317
Curvature, extrinsic      256
Curvature, sectional      51
Curvature, tensor      9 35 315—318
Curve in manifold      290
Curve, lift of      311
Cylindrical gravitational waves (quantization)      275—282 288
Deceleration equation (cosmology)      213
Deflection of electromagnetic waves by solar field      136 141
Deformation of a hypersurface      252—259
Deformation, rate (continuum mechanics)      89
Deformation, tensor      93
Delayed little bang (cosmology)      230
Density (cosmology)      84 204
Density (cosmology), inequality      80 93 95
Density, critical energy density (cosmology)      197
Detailed balancing      66
Detector (gravitational waves)      146
Diffeomorphism      298
Differential forms      58—63 296—298
Differential of a map      198 298
Dilations of Minkowski space-time      15
Directional derivative      310—311
Dissipation effects (kinetic theory)      84—87
Dissipation of anisotropy (cosmology)      233—235
Distribution function (kinetic theory)      66 200
Distribution function (kinetic theory), equilibrium      83—84 203
Distribution function (kinetic theory), moments of      70
Distribution function (kinetic theory), photon      207
Divergence operator      60
Dual of tangent space      293
Dynamical momentum      249
Dynamical variables      242
Dynamical velocities      243—247
Dynamics of Riemannian spacetime      258
Eikonal equation      100
Einstein de-Sitter space      214
Einstein field equations, action principle for      41
Einstein field equations, action principle for, canonical form      261—262
Einstein field equations, approximation methods      21—22 106—114 143—146 228—231
Einstein field equations, general solution?      272
Einstein field equations, Green's function      109
Einstein field equations, heuristic derivation      22
Einstein field equations, initial-value problem      40
Einstein field equations, integro-differential form      109
Einstein field equations, Landau — Lifschitz form      111
Einstein field equations, linearized      109—110 143—144
Einstein field equations, Lorentz-invariant field theoretical derivation      42
Einstein — Boltzmann system of equations      78 198—199
Einstein — Rosen cylindrical waves      275—283
Einstein — Schroedinger equation      269
Endstates of stellar evolution      159—163
Energy, balance (continuum mechanics)      94
Energy, canonical      247
Energy, density      84
Energy, flux (of astronomical sources)      206
Energy, inequality      70
Energy, momentum tensor      16 42 70 200
Entropy, current density      99 200
Eoetvoes — Dicke experiment      7 9 128—129
Equations of motion, continuum mechanics      94
Equations of motion, continuum mechanics, for extended bodies      101—106
Equations of state      86 155 158
Equations of state of dense matter      160—163
Equations of structure for spherical stars      156—159
Equilibrium, thermodynamical      81—84 223
Equivalence principle, strong      18 46 129—130
Equivalence principle, weak      7 128—129
Ergosphere      187
Ether drift experiment      13
Eulerian description      92
Eulerian time evolution equations      98
Event horizon, cosmology      220
Event horizon, gravitational collapse      172 177 186 see
Expansion, rate of (continuum mechanics)      90
Experiments, gravitational radiation      142—150
Experiments, Kreutzer      133
Experiments, mass anisotropy      131—132
Experiments, redshift      130—131
Experiments, solar system      132—142
Exponential map      321—322
Exterior derivative      59 296—298
Exterior product      59 297
Extrinsic curvature      256
Extrinsic time      279
Fermat principle for light rays in gravitational fields      135
Fermi gases      82
Fermi transport      47
Field equations      see "Einstein field equations" "Maxwell's "Poisson's
Field equations, new possibilities for      42
Fluids      105
Fluids, perfect      154 203
Frame bundle      305—308
Free energy      97
Friedmann cosmology      175 213—216
Frozen formalism      264 287
Fundamental constants, variability of      130
G-boundary      220
Galaxy formation      220—221 227—230
Galilean group      6
Galilean manifold      3
Galilean reference frame      48
Gauge, group      240
Gauge, transformations (gravitational perturbation theory)      107 228
General linear group      303 306
Generators of infinite dimensional groups      254
Geodesic      8 216 320—322
Geodesic, completeness      168
Geodesic, coordinates      44—46
Geodesic, deviation      10 21 50 145 170
Geodesic, law for test particles      8—9 29—30 101—106 128
Geodesic, lightlike      28 208—209
Geodesic, spray      57
Geodesic, stationary fields      134—136
Geodesic, triangle      258 285—287
Geometrical optics      99—101
Geometrodynamics      258 285—287
Gibbs relation      83
Grad method of moments      87—89
Gravitational collapse, non-spherical      178—185
Gravitational collapse, spherically symmetric      166—178
Gravitational field equations      see "Einstein field equations" "Poisson's
Gravitational field strength      6 20 158
Gravitational focussing      219
Gravitational mass, active      13 132
Gravitational mass, passive      6
Gravitational potential      7 156 158
Gravitational radiation      142—150
Gravitational radiation in black holes collisions      191
Gravitational radius      159
Gravitational wave modes      229
Gravitational waves      143—146
Gravitational waves, cylindrical      275—283
Gravitational waves, experiments      146—150
Gravitational waves, plane      113
Gravity as spin 2 self-coupled field      42 110
Gravity, Einstein's description      16—22
Gravity, Newtonian theory      3—12
Green's function for Einstein field equations      109
Gyroscope, axis      206
Gyroscope, experiment      140
Gyroscope, relativistic      104
Hadron physics in cosmology      224
Hagedorn model      224
Hamiltonian of gravitational field      261
Hamiltonian of particle      56 243
Hamiltonian, density of field      247
Harmonic coordinates      109 112 144
Hawking's theorem, black hole area      188—189
Hawking's theorem, black hole uniqueness      187—188
Heat, conduction      87
Heat, inertia of      94
Helium production      226
Hilbert action principle      41 261
Homogeneity of universe      199
Homogeneous anisotropic spacetimes      231—235 274
Horizons      see "EVENT horizons"
Horizontal life      311
Horizontal subspace      311—315
Hubble constant      197 213
Hydrodynamics, relativistic      89—98 204—207
Hydrostatic equilibrium      119—122
Hyperon stars      166
Hypersurface, deformation      251—258
Hypersurface, element      62
Inertia, law of      6 29
Inertial frames      6 13—14 48
Inertial frames, local      16 49
Inhomogeneous cosmological models      227—231
Initial conditions in cosmology      224
Initial value problem      40 78 112
Integral curve of vector field      301
Integro-differential form of gravitational field equations      109
Intensity, specific      68 207
Irreducible mass of black hole      191
Irrotational motion      92
Isometry      198 320
Isometry, group      114—115 232—233
Isotropic solutions of Einstein — Liouville equations      69
Isotropic visco-elastic solid      97
Isotropy of universe      199
Iteration methods for solving Einstein equations      111—114
Junction conditions      121—122
Kerr black hole      179 185—188
Killing equation      320
Killing vector fields      210 275 310
Kinematical group of Galilean spacetime      5
Kinematical momenta      249
Kinematical velocities      247
Kinetic theory      63—89 200—204
Klein — Gordon equation      264
Kreutzer experiment      11 132
Kruskal coordinates      167—168
Kruskal extended Schwarzschild spacetime      117—119
Labelled hypersurface      251
1 2
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