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Поиск книг, содержащих: Electromagnetic mass
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Born M. — Einstein's Theory of Relativity | 175 | Menzel D.H. — Mathematical Physics | 317 | Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. — The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.2) | II-28-3 f | Douglas Clark C.H. — The basis of modern atomic theory | 36—8, 94, 274 | Bridgman P.W. — Dimensional Analysis | 12, 53 | Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, Phillips Panofsky, Melba Panofsky — Classical Electricity and Magnetism | 381, 387 | Schott G.A. — Electromagnetic radiation | 249 | Griffits D.J. — Introductions to electrodynamics | 472 | Barut A.O. — Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles | 199 | Jeans J.H. — The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism | 509, 526 | Feynman R., Leighton R., Sands M. — Lectures on Physics 2 | II-28-3 f |