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Douglas Clark C.H. — The basis of modern atomic theory
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Íàçâàíèå: The basis of modern atomic theory
Àâòîð: Douglas Clark C.H.
Àííîòàöèÿ: T HE purpose of this volume is to provide a clear account of the general experimental and logical basis of recent atomic theories. CO!lve"rsations with students prove that many who are familiar with atomic models fail to appreciate the experimental background, but that, when explanations are offered, no difficulty exists in arousing interest. Some time ago, the author read a paper entitled" Atoms" before a Society composed mainly of students, and the measure of success which, in spite of difficulties, attended this effort, encouraged him to believe that something further ll1ight be attempted with advantage. The result is embodied in the present \vork, \vhere very little previous knowledge is assumed. The argument goes back to Dalton's theory, from which point the subject is carefully reasoned, the relevant experimental work being quoted at each step. Attention has been specially paid to certain points which, though evidently essential to the argument, appear to have been insufficiently emphasised hitherto.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 1st edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1926
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 292
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 09.08.2009
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
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Abegg 214 265
Abegg’s 214—5
Absorption bands, edges of 146—7 203—5
Acetic acid, structure of 224—5 242 247
Acetylacetone compounds 248—9
Acids, definition of 239
Action, Planck’s quantum of 134—5 145—7 180
Action, Planck’s quantum of, unit of 188—9
Adam 75 80
Affinity, chemical, transmission in chains 242—5
Affinity, chemical, transmission in residual 246—8
Agglomeration theory 138
Aliphatic compounds, X-ray spectra of 74—5
Alpha particles, charges of 89
Alpha particles, effects of, passing through matter 90—2 100—1 159-61
Alpha particles, elm ratio for 88
Alpha particles, identical with helium nuclei, p 92
Alpha particles, mass of 89 159
Alpha particles, neutralized, in nuclei 117 120 161—2
Alpha particles, shape of, no 166
Alpha particles, size of 110
Alpha particles, Tracks of 90—2
Alpha particles, velocities of 88
Alpha rays 82 87
Alpha rays, scattering of, by gases 92—3 105
Alternate induced polarities, effect of 242—5
Aluminium, specific heat of 141—2
Andrade 95 99 112 122 164—5 281
Angular momentum, velocity 179 183 187
Anticathode 58
Arc spectra 172—4
Aronberg 112 122
Arrhenius 22 39 149 156
Astbury 74— 79 80
Aston 55—8 77 113 116 122 159 281
Atomic diameter, definition of 16
Atomic diameter, determination of 16 17
Atomic heat of argon 7 137 150
Atomic kernel 214
Atomic models, Bohr’s 175
Atomic models, Bury’s 232
Atomic models, Langmuir’s 222
Atomic models, Lewis 213
Atomic models, Thomson’s 168 220
Atomic models, types of 157—8
Atomic nature of electricity 23
Atomic nuclei 92 100—1
Atomic nuclei as dipolar spheres 245
Atomic nuclei, charges of 103—9 115
Atomic nuclei, energy levels in radioactive 164—5
Atomic nuclei, masses of 92 109 115
Atomic nuclei, negative electrons in 109
Atomic nuclei, parts of 159—62
Atomic nuclei, sizes of 109
Atomic nuclei, stability of 118
Atomic nuclei, structure of 165—6
Atomic number, definition of 102
Atomic number, significance of 102—11 119
Atomic sheath 214
Atomic shells 222—3
Atomic weights 3
Atoms, absolute mass of 5 13—14
Atoms, Dalton’s theory of 1—3
Atoms, high frequency spectra of 106—9 112—3
Atoms, optical spectra of 108 112 172—4 200—1 207 209
Avogadro number 4 13—5 34 136
Avogadro number, hypothesis of 4—5 15
Baeyer 166
Balmer 172 210
Balmer series 172 175—6
Barkla 103 105 121 155
Barlow 61
Barratt 210
Bartlett 78
Bases, definition of 239
Becker 153
Becquerel 81 96 97
Begeman 29
Bell 210
Benedicks 138 154
Bernal 79
Bernouilli 1 5 261
Berzelius 60
Beta rays 82 93—5
Beta rays, origin of 94 163
Beta rays, tracks of 94—5
Beta rays, velocities of 94
Bieler 166 167
Bishop 20
Bjerrum 154
Black body 6 130—1
Blackett 93 98
Blanc 122
Blondlot 59 77
Bodlander 265
Bodoszewski 9
Bohr 18 34 112 3 122 158 175
Bohr theory, general, of atomic structure 205—9
Bohr theory, of line spectra 175
Bolometer 132
Boltwood 98
Boltzmann 6
Born 69 78 262 268
Bosanquet 262 268
Bothe 99
Bowen 231 265
Boyle 1 2
Boyle’s law 1 5
Bozorth 79
Brackett 172—3
Bragg, W. H. 38 40 62 3 78 79 282
Bragg, W. L. 62—6 78 79 168-9 210 231 262 266 268 282
Bravais 61
Briggs 213 268
Brockman 252 267
Broek, van den 102 120
Bronsted 114 122
Brown 9
Brownian movement 8
Bucherer 37 40 94 98
Burgess 246 267
Burton 15 20
Bury 232 266
Calcite, crystalline structure of 72
Campbell 268 279
Cannizaro 4 19
Carbonelle 9
Carbonyls 249
Carnot 273—4
Carnot’s principle 273—4
Cassini 261
Cassinian ovals 261
Cathode rays 50—3
Caven 241 266
Chadwick 109 121 166 166 167
Characteristic x-rays 59 103 106—9
Charles 5
Charles’ law 5
Chelate groups 255
Chemical affinity, transmission in chains 242—5
Chwolson 166 167
Circular orbits (Hydrogen) 176 186—9
Circular orbits (Hydrogen), energy associated with 177
Circular orbits (Hydrogen), periodic times of 187 194—5
Circular orbits (Hydrogen), radii of 186
Clausius 16—7 22
Cluster theory 47
Co-ordination, centric and cyclic 255
Co-ordination, chelate 255
Co-ordination, numbers 248—9 252-4
Co-ordination, Sidgwick’s rule concerning 253—4
Co-ordination, valency of radicals in 248 250—1
Collie 278 280
Colloidal solutions 9 14
Combination relationships 164—5 169 173—5-
Comolecules 227
Compounds 2
Compounds, complete and incomplete 224—5
Compounds, spectra of 171
Compounds, structures of 212 seq.
Compton 153 156
Constitutive properties of atoms 221
Contravalency 215
Correspondence principle 205
Coster 121 211 267
Covalency 224
Cranston 282
Crehore 166 167
Crookes 8 19 49—51 77 83—4 97
Crossed polarities 255
Crowther 99 104 281
Crystal structure, data for inorganic crystals 65—72
Crystal structure, determination of (Braggs) 62 seq.
Crystal structure, determination of (Hull) 76
Crystal structure, determination of (Laue) 61—2
Crystal structure, organic crystals 72—6
Crystallography, principles of 59 63
Cunningham 19 33
Curie, Mme 81 93 96 97 98 123
Curie, P. 81 93 96 97 98 123 256—7 267
Dabrowski 20
Dalton 1—4
Dalton’s Atomic Theory 1—3
Danysz 166
Darwin 76 80 104 119 121 123 167
Dauvillier 254
Davey 78 79
de Broglie 9 12 20 34 155 203—5 211
Debus 18
Debye 69 78 79 80 141 155 262 268
Degrees of freedom 6—7 136—40
Delta rays 95
Demargay 81 96
Dempster 58 77 116 122
Dependence of reaction velocity on temperature 149
Diamagnetism 256
Diamond, crystal structure of 67 70—1
Diamond, specific heat of 141—3
Differential Calculus, applicability of 272—3
Diffusion coefficient 42 45—6
Disintegration, artificial 159—62
Disintegration, radioactive 81 seq.
Dolejsek 121
Dorn 97
Double bond, explanation of, in octet theory 217
Duane 155 156
Dulong 7 139 141
Duplets 223
Dushman 149 156
Eastman 237 252 266
Eddington 279
Edlund 237 266
Effective atomic numbers 250—1
Effective atomic numbers of complex compounds 252—3 255
Ehrenfest 122
Ehrenhaft 34 40
Einstein 12 19 136 140—8 151-3 154 155 269—72 279 281
Einstein’s law of 145
Electric discharge in gases 49—50
Electricity, atomic nature of 23 seq.
Electrolysis 21—3
Electromagnetic mass 36—8 94 274
Electromagnetic theory of light 129—30
Electromagnetic waves 59 125—30
Electronic charge, evaluation of (Millikan) 29 35
Electronic charge, evaluation of (Planck) 136
Electronic charge, evaluation of (Rutherford) 34 88—9
Electronic charge, evaluation of (Thomson) 27
Electronic charge, evaluation of (Townsend) 25—7
Electronic charge, evaluation of (Wilson) 27—9
Electronic theory of valency 214 seq.
Electronic theory of valency, conclusions of 264
Electrons 23 36—9
Electrons in matter, evidence for existence of 49 53 94 100—1
Electrons, angular velocity of 179 183 187
Electrons, distribution of, among sub-groups 208 254—5 258
Electrons, effective mass of 177 8
Electrons, e\m ratio for negative 36—7 51-2
Electrons, lone pairs of 239
Electrons, vibrations of 129 135—6
Electrovalency 224
Element, definition of 2 117—8
Elementary chaos 6
Elements, high frequency spectra of 106—9
Elements, periodic classification of 17 seq.
Elements, transmutation of 85 277—8
Elliptic orbits (Hydrogen) 189 seq.
Elliptic orbits (Hydrogen), eccentricity of 193
Elliptic orbits (Hydrogen), energy of 192—3 198
Elliptic orbits (Hydrogen), geometrical properties of 193—7
Elliptic orbits (Hydrogen), precession of 198—9
Ellis 94 99 163—5 167
Elster 41
Energy, distribution of, among wavelengths 131—5
Energy, dualistic theory of 274
Energy, electronic, in orbit 177—8
Energy, mass of 270—1 274
Enright 25 39
entropy 6
Equipartition law 6—7 136—40
Errors, law of 6
Eucken 137 154
Fabry 171
Fajans 69 78 118 120 123 260 268
Faraday 22—4 39 49 126—7 153 256
Federow, von 61
Ferro-magnetism 256
Fine structure of hydrogen lines 189—90 196 198—200
Fitzgerald 153
Fletcher 12 20
Fluorine molecule, octet structure of 216—7
Fluorspar, crystal structure of 67 7
Flurscheim 242—3 266
Foote 202 211
Foppl 221
Foucault 124
Fowler 77 210 229 265
Franck 147 155 202 211
Frankenheim 61
Free valencies 247
Freedom, degrees of 6—7 136—40
Frequency of atomic vibrations 141—2
Fresnel 130
Frictional electrification, nature of 127
Friedrich 61 78
Gamma rays 82 95
Gas equation 5
Gas equation, ions 25—30 41-9
Gaseous conduction 41—9
Gases, liquefaction of 8—9
Gases, mean free path in 16—17
Gases, molecular speeds in 16
Gases, viscosity of 16—17
Gay Lussac 3—4 18
Geiger 34 90—1 97 98 99 104-5 121
Geitel 41
General effect of substitution in organic compounds 241—2
General theory of atomic structure (Bohr) 205—9
Giesel 97
Goldstein 53