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Поиск книг, содержащих: Stereometry
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 1 | 235 | Newman J.R. — The World of Mathematics, Volume 1 | 617 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 3 | 235 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 2 | 235 | Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4 | 617, 2323 | Krizek M., Somer L., Luca F. — 17 Lectures on Fermat Numbers: From Number Theory to Geometry | 163 | Fink K. — A brief history of mathematics | 211, 224 | Carr G.S. — Formulas and Theorems in Pure Mathematics | JP.1, thsA.10, 31, 43, 57, J.1, 5 | Kline M. — Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times | 235 |