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Krizek M., Somer L., Luca F. — 17 Lectures on Fermat Numbers: From Number Theory to Geometry |
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xvii 205 207
th root of unity 148
ofr, B. 202 203
olcov , A. xvii
Abel, N.H. 35 193
Acoustics 167
Actor, proper prime 77
Address 174
Adleman, L. M. 7 13 47 138
Agarwal, R. C. 167-170
Ahmes series 104 107 113
Aigner, A. 43 44
Akushskii, I. Ya 58
al - Farisi 101
Alford, W.R. 136
Algebra, abstract 188
Algebra, Hecke xii
Algebraic fraction 56
Algorithm 6 7 49 173 179 186
Algorithm, deterministic polynomial-time 58
Algorithm, division 11 189
Algorithm, Euclidean 11 12 16 72
Algorithm, factoring 7
Algorithm, nondeterministic polynomial 8
Algorithm, parallel 170
Altitude 97 98
Amplitude 167
Analysis, graphical 57
Analysis, spectral 167
Ancient Greeks 3
Andre - Jeannin, R. 115
angle 97 203
Angle, right 100
Antonyuk, P. N. 179 182 184-186
Apollonius xii xv
applications ix xiii xvi 3 13 165
Archimedes x xii
Argument 191
Argument, contradiction 213
Argument, heuristic 3
Argument, heuristic probabilistic 158
Argument, modular 82
Arithmetic, binary 80 165 171 173
Arithmetic, complex 167
Arithmetic, integer 171
Arithmetic, long integer 171
Arithmetic, modular 58 171
Arithmetic, modulo a Fermat number 171
Arithmetic, modulo a Mersenne number 171
Arithmetic, multiprecision 58
Arithmetic, simplified binary 170
Arithmetic, special binary 172
Array 186
Artjuhov, M.M. 70
Arya, S. P. 32
Asadulla, S. 97
Astronomy x
Asymptotic equality 5
Atkin, A. O. L. 4 5
atom 6
Attractor-curve 185
Automorphism 192
Automorphism, Galois 192
Bachet de M ziriac, C. G. ix x
Backward substitution 13
Bacon, F. xiii
Badea, C. 115
Baillie, R. 70 73 210
Baker, A. 73
Balasubramanian, R. 58
Banachiewicz, T. 37
Barner, K. vii
Barrow, I. xv
Base 43 56 57 108 135 137 138 141 142 149-154
Basis 188
Beeger, N.G.W.H. 68 131
Beiler, A.H. 80 203
Bellon, M. P. 177
Bennett, G. 38 39
Bernoulli, J. 36
Beukers, F. 80
Bicknell, M. 114
Biermann, K. - R. 3
Bifurcation 182 184
Bifurcation diagram 184
Binary expansion 87
Birkhoff, G.D. 140 148
Bit shift 167 172
Bj rn, A. 154
Bojanic, R. 101
Bolyai, J. 37
Borwein, P. 116
Bosma, W. 70
Brahmagupta x
Branch 185
Bray, H. G. 68 217
Brent, R. P. 3-5 7 67 70 158 208 210
Bressoud, D. M. 7
Brillhart, J. 3-5 41 63 70 142 153 208 210 212 214
Bro ek, J. xv
Broscius, J. xv
Brun, V. 113
Buchmann, J. 154
Buell, D. A. 5 43 73 209
Bugeaud, Y. 152
Burrus, C. S. 167-170
Burton, D.M. 12 18-20 24 25 31 32 38 43 49 50
Burtsev, V. M. 58
Calculus, differential vii
Calculus, integral vii
Canals, I. 43
Cardinality 22 51 174 188 192
Carlip, W. 136 137
Carmichael, R. D. 20 119 134 136
Carvalho, J. B. 5
Cauchy, A. L. x 218
Chabbert, P. viii
Chang, C. C. 39 174-176
Chang, J. J. 171
Chaos 3 177 179
Chinese calendar 16
Chleboun, J. 40 60 67 70 160
Cipolla, M. 132
circle 193 203
Circle, unit 181 198
Circular arc 205
Cissoid xiv
Class NP 8
Clausen, T. 3 4 208
Coefficients, binary 172
Coefficients, binomial 80 82 117
Coefficients, integer 182 199 200
Coefficients, rational 182 189 190
Cofactor 46
Cohen, H. 47 138
Compact disk 170
compass 2 3 33-35 85 109 117 187 190-192 194 197 202 205 206
Complex plane 179 190 198
Complexity of arithmetic operations 167
Component 55 56
Compositeness 5 7 43
Computer 3 158
Computer analysis 5
Computer factorization 163
Computer memory 174
Computer testing 3
Conchoid xiv
Condition, initial 182
Condition, necessary 6 216
Condition, necessary and sufficient 41 46 47 50 51 56 58 64 194 206 215
| Condition, quadratic 23
Condition, sufficient 46 78 113 160
Condition, Wieferich's 68 69 217
Congruence xvii 13 14 16 20 33 43 47 48 56 59 71 72 81 100 145
Congruence conditions 78 94
Congruence constraints 78
Conjecture 156 157 163
Conjecture, Fermat's 1
Conjecture, Mordell's xii
Conjecture, unsolved 216
Contradiction 51 56 65 88 89 97 120
Control parameter 177 178
Converse implication 48 205
Convolution 167 168 170
Convolution, complex 171
Convolution, cyclic 168 169
Convolution, digital 167
Convolution, finite discrete 167
Convolution, two-dimensional 170
Convolution, two-dimensional cyclic 170
Conway, J. H. 32 35 131
Cooklev, T. V. 170 217
Cooley, J. W. 167
coordinates vii xiv 191
Cormack, G. V. 70 73
Correlation 167
Cosgrave 5
Counterexample 216
Coxeter, H. S. M. 39
Crandall, R.E. 5 7 43 68 159 171 173 209 210 217
Creutzburg, R. 166-168 170-173
Criterion, Brun's 113
Criterion, Euler's 23 30 42 64 71 137 140 151
Cryptography 13 173
cube 15 66 163 164 202 216
Cube, perfect 94
Cullen, J. 157
Cunningham, A. J. 4 153 157 208
Curve vii ix xv 36 186
Curve, algebraic xiv 184
Curve, cubic vii
Curve, irregular 48
Curve, oriented 48
Curve, plane xv
Curve, regular 48
Cyclic convolution property 165
Cycloid vii xiv xv
Cylinder, infinite 13
D llmann, S. 154
de Bessy, B. F. xi xiii xv 130
de Carcavi, P. xiii
de Fermat, P. vii-xvii 1 2 6 37 38 41 79 101 130 158 213 214 218-225
de la Vall e Poussin 5
Decoding 170
Decomposition 17
Deconvolution 170
Dedekind xiii
Degree 183
Degree, minimal 189
Denominator 7
density 22 75 76 159
Derivative xiv
Descartes, R. vii xiii xv xvi
Diagonal 196 197 203
Diameter 203
Dickson, L.E. 32 42 47 59 131 158 213 214 217
Diffie, W. 7
digit 29 36 94 161
Digit, binary 87-89 172
Digital computation 167
Dilcher, K. 5 32 68 210
Dimitrov, V. S. 170 217
Diophantus x xiv
Diophantus's ix xi xii
Dirichlet, P. G. L. xii 22
Discrete iteration 54 55
Divergence 179
Divisibility ix 60
Divisor 70 76 116 165 214
Divisor, composite 141
Divisor, greatest common 10 11 13 60 99
Divisor, nontrivial 13 63
Divisor, odd prime 151
Divisor, positive 150 183
Divisor, prime 4 69 84 143 144 145 214
Divisor, primitive prime 69 139 140 142-144 147 148 151
Divisor, proper 13
Divisor, proper prime 78
Divisor, smallest prime 162
dodecahedron 163 164
Doenias, J. 5 43 209
Donevsky, B.D. 170 217
Dong, P. P. 73
Doubling 184
Doubling, the period 177 184
Dubner, H. 154
Dudek, J. 58
Duparc, H. J. A. 131
Dyson, F. 39
EDGE 55 56
Edge, directed 55 56
Einstein, A. xxi 158
Elliott, D.F. 168 171 217
ellipse vii xiv
Encrypting messages 7
Equation, algebraic 182
Equation, binomial 198
Equation, Catalan 94 95 99 155
Equation, Diophantine ix x 16 66 94 117
Equation, irreducible algebraic 184
Equation, linear 171
Equation, linear diophantine 12
Equation, logistic 3 165 177 179 182
Equation, nonlinear difference 177
Equation, of the second degree 192
Equation, partial differential 173
Equation, Pell x
Equation, quadratic 199-201
Erd s, P. 101 104 105 113 115 116 39 132 159
Error-correcting codes 170
Euclid 2 194 215
Euclidean construction 2 3 33 159 187 193 194 202 204 205
Euler, L. x xii xvi xvii 1-3 23 33 38 38 59 64 78 95 158 208 214 215
Eves, H. 26
Evolution 177
Exactly divides 13
Existence 15
Expectation, total 158
Face 164
Factor 3 4 43 60 66 67 71 110
Factor, largest prime 73 75 154
Factor, largest square 150
Factor, largest square-free 75
Factor, lucky Fermat 77-79
Factor, mutually coprime 155
Factor, nontrivial 5 7 8 40 213
Factor, odd 61
Factor, penultimate prime 4
Factor, prime 4 43 63 66 70 71 78 83 41 142 143 152-154 157-161 183 207 209-212
Factor, rational 111
Factoring 6 173 182 183
Factorization 2 4 7 22 38 60 63 153 39 213
Factorization, complete 3 41 148 159 184
Factorization, computer 163
Factorization, prime 163 181
Factorization, prime-power 19 21 34 42
Fagin, B. 171 217
Faltings, G. xii
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