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Поиск книг, содержащих: Random matrix theory
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Borwein P., Choi S., Rooney B. — The Riemann Hypothesis | 40, 42, 121, 130—132, 134, 135, 139 | Garbaczewski P. (eds.), Olkiewicz R. (eds.) — Dynamics of dissipation | 92 | Iwaniec H., Kowalski E. — Analytic number theory | 563 | Arias J.M., Lozano M. — The Hispalensis Lectures On Nuclear Physics, Vol. 2 | 248 | Zee A. — Quantum field theory in a nutshell | 379—380 | Phillips P. — Advanced Solid State Physics | 291 | Cvitanovic P., Artuso R., Dahlqvist P. — Classical and quantum chaos | 26 | Mantegna R.N., Stanley H.E. — An introduction to econophysics: correlations and complexity in finance | 103 |