Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Possibility distribution
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Konar A. — Computational Intelligence | 146 | Popovic D., Palit A.K. — Computational Intelligence in Time Series Forecasting: Theory and Engineering Applications | 6 | Terano T., Asai K., Sugeno M. — Fuzzy systems theory and its applications | 72 | Melo-Pinto P., Teodorescu H.-N., Fukuda T. — Systematic organisation of information in fuzzy systems | 206, 213, 219, 226 | Giarratano J.C., Riley G.D. — Expert Systems: Principles and Programming | 293 | Mott J.L., Kandel A., Baker T.P. — Discrete Mathematics For Computer Scientists And Mathematicians | 715—720 | Mott J., Kandel A., Baker T. — Discrete mathematics for computer scientists and mathematicians | 715—720 | Yovits M. — Advances in Computers.Volume 26. | 15 |