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Поиск книг, содержащих: Galois covering
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Arbarello E., Harris J., James R. — Geometry of Algebraic Curves (Vol. 1) | 47 | Alekseevskij D.V., Vinberg E.B., Solodovnikov A.S. — Geometry of Spaces of Constant Curvature | 184 | Cabanes M., Enguehard M., Bollobas B. (Ed) — Representation Theory of Finite Reductive Groups (New Mathematical Monographs Series), Vol. 1 | 416 | Milne J.S. — Etale Cohomology. (PMS-33), Vol. 33 | 40, 43—44, 49, 99 | Gabriel P., Roiter A.V., Kostrikin A.I. (ed.) — Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences. Volume 73: algebra VIII | 159 |