Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Indicator variables
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Rawlings J.O., Pantula S.G., Dickey D.A. — Applied Regression Analysis: A Research Tool | 269, 272 | Rencher A.C. — Methods of multivariate analysis | see Dummy variables | Michie D., Spiegelhalter D.J., Taylor C.C. — Machine learning, neural and statistical classification | 26 | Krause A., Olson M. — The basics of S-plus | 86, 246 | Afifi A.A., Clark V. — Computer-Aided Multivariate Analysis | 203 | Gelman A., Carlin J.B., Stern H.S. — Bayesian data analysis | 370 | Mason R.L., Gunst R.F., Hess J.L. — Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments, with Applications to Engineering and Science | 461, 536 |