Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Fast Poisson solver
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Golub G.H., Ortega J.M. — Scientific Computing and Differential Equations : An Introduction to Numerical Methods | 290 | Wesseling P. — Principles of computational fluid dynamics | 263, 278, 292, 303 | Henrici P. — Applied and Computational Complex Analysis (Vol. 3) | 314, 321, 457 | Watkins D. — Fundamentals of matrix computations | 529 | Trefethen L.N., Bau D. — Numerical Linear Algebra | 317 | Gloub G.H., Ortega J.M. — Scientific Computing and Differential Equations | 290 | Strang G. — Introduction to Applied Mathematics | 449, 456, 467 |