Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Local basis
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Seebach J.A., Steen L.A. — Counterexamples in Topology | 4 | Schweizer W. — Numerical quantum dynamics | 213 | Goswami J.C., Chan A.K. — Fundamentals of Wavelets : Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | 13, 272 | Hu S.-T. — Elements of real analysis | 110 | Hu S.-T. — Elements of general topology | 19 | Yu Y. — Index Theorem and the Heat Equation Method | 7 | Grosche C. — Path integrals, hyperbolic spaces, and Selberg trace formulae | 19 | Hu S.T. — Introduction to general topology | 19 | Goswami J., Chan A. — Fundamentals of Wavelets. Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | 13, 272 |