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Поиск книг, содержащих: Graphic matroid
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Кормен Т., Лейзерсон Ч., Ривест Р. — Алгоритмы: построение и анализ | 327 | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1) | 491, 494, 505, 516, 518, 532, 547, 594 | Cameron P.J. — Polynomial aspects of codes, matroids, and permutation groups | 16 | Lawler E.L. — Combinatorial Optimization: Networks and Matroids | 268 | Scheinerman E.R., Ullman D.H. — Fractional graph theory: a rational approach to the theory of graphs | 102, 103 | Godsil C., Royle G. — Algebraic Graph Theory | 346 | Lee J., Davis S.H. (Ed), Ablowitz M.J. (Ed) — First Course in Combinatorial Optimization | 50 | Papadimitriou C.H., Steiglitz K. — Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity | 287 | Aigner M. — Combinatorial Theory | 274 | Tutte W.T. — Graph Theory as I Have Known It | 102 | Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (часть 1) | 160 |