Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: abstract class
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Франка П. — C++: учебный курс. | 486 | Шилдт Г. — Самоучитель C++ | 314 | Allen R., Lowe-Norris A.G. — Active Directory | | McGregor J.D., Sykes D.A. — A Practical Guide to Testing Object-Oriented Software | | Deitel H.M. — Visual C# How to Program | 2nd 3rd 4th 5th | Maeder R.E. — Computer science with mathematica | 330 | Deitel H.M. — C++ How to Program | 2nd 3rd 4th | Barton J.J., Nackman L.R. — Scientific and engineering C++ | 262 | Арчер Т., Уайтчепел Э. — Visual C++ .NET. Библия пользователя | 819 | Seibel P. — Practical common Lisp | 323 | Chailloux E., Manoury P., Pagano B. — Developing Applications with Objective Caml | 450 | Lieberherr K. — Adaptive object-oriented software. The Demetr method | 157, 468, 540, 565 | Deitel H., Deitel P.J. — C. How to Program | 772 |