Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Chailloux E., Manoury P., Pagano B. — Developing Applications with Objective Caml |
Предметный указатель |
abstract class 450
Abstract machine 199
abstract method 450
Abstract type 407
Abstraction 21
Affectation 74
Aggregation 441
Allocation, dynamic 248
Allocation, static 248
Application 21
Application of a function 21
Application, partial 25
Arity 23
Array 68
Big numbers 239
Binding, delayed 446
Binding, static 26
BNF see "Grammar"
Boolean 15
Boucle d'interaction 205
Boucle d'interaction, construction 206
Boucle d'interaction, options 205
Bytecode 197
Bytecode, dynamic loading 241
Bytecode, the compiler see "Compiler"
C (the langage) 315
Callback 343
Cartesian product 17
character string 15
character strings 72
class 436
Class instance 440
Class, abstract 450
Class, inheritance 443
Class, instance 440
Class, interface 473
Class, local declaration 474
Class, multiple inheritance 457
Class, open type 453
Class, parameterized 460
Class, type 452
Class, variable 475
Class, virtual 450
Client-server 630
Closure 23 26
Closure from C 343
Closure, representation 332
command line 234
Command line, parsing of 236
Communication channel 77 589
Communication pipes 587
Communication pipes, named 588
Compilateur 197
Compilation 197
compilation unit 201
Compilation, portability 208
Compilation, unite 201
Compiler, bytecode 199 202
Compiler, command 201
Compiler, debug 278
Compiler, linking 202
Compiler, native 204
Compiler, profiling 281
Concurrency 599 600
Conditional 18
Conflict see "Parsing"
Conservative 260
Constraint 417
constructor 34 45
Constructor, constant 45
Constructor, functional 46
Critical section 604
Cyclic type 699
Debugger see "Debugging"
Debugging 273 278
Declaration by matching 40
Declaration of an exception 55
Declaration of an operator 25
Declaration of function 21
Declaration of type 41
Declaration of type, scope 49
Declaration of value 19
Declaration, external 318
Declaration, global 19
Declaration, local 20
Declaration, recursive 27
Declaration, simultaneous global 20
Declaration, simultaneous local 21
destructor 250
digest see "Fingerprint"
dot notation 214
dynamic loading 241
Environment 23 332
Evaluation, deferred 107
Evaluation, order of evaluation 85
Evaluation, retardee 107
Evenement 132
exception 54
Exception with C 344
Exception, declaration 55
Exception, handling 56
Exception, printing 238
Exception, raising 56
execution stack 280
Expression, functional 21
Expression, rational 290
Expression, regular 290
external declaration see "Declaration"
Famine 606
File, extension, .mil 293
File, extension, .ml 202
File, extension, .mli 202
File, extension, .mly 303
File, interface 202
finalization 339
Fingerprint 227
Floating-point number 13
Floats, arrays of 331
Floats, representation 331
Function 21
function call see "Application"
Function for finalization 339
Function, higher order 26
Function, mutually recursive 28
Function, partial 54
Function, polymorphic 28
Function, polymorphic, trace 276
Function, recursive 27
Function, recursive, trace 274
Function, registration with C 343
Function, tail recursive 96
Functional 26
functor 418
Garbage collection see "GC"
Garbage collector see "GC"
GC 247 252
GC from C 335
GC, conservative 260
GC, generational 259
GC, incremental 260
GC, major 261
GC, minor 261
GC, Stop&Copy 256
Grammar 295
Grammar, contextual 305
Grammar, definition 295
Grammar, rule 295
Has-a 441
Hashing 227
| Heap 248
Identifier 288
Inclusion, polymorphism 465
inheritance 443
Inlining 204
Input-output 223
Input-output with C 323
Installing Objective Caml 2
Installing Objective Caml, Linux 4
Installing Objective Caml, MacOS 4
Installing Objective Caml, online HTML help 5
Installing Objective Caml, Unix 5
Installing Objective Caml, Windows 2
Instance, class 440
Instance, classe 436
Instance, variable 436
Interface with C 317 323
Interface with the system 234
Interface, graphical 351
Interoperability 315
Intput-output 229
is-a 443
Label 704
Lazy (data) 107
Lexical analysis 288
Lexical analysis, ocamllex 293
Lexical analysis, stream 289
Lexical unit 295
Lexical unit, ocamlyacc 304
Library 213
Library, preloaded 215
library, standard 215
Linearization 228
Linking 202
Linking with C 320
List, association 221
List, matching 40
Mark&Sweep 254
Matching 34
Matching, destructive 111
Matching, exhaustive 35
Memoire, recuperation, explicite 250
Memoire, recuperation, implicite 251
Memory, allocation 248
Memory, automatic, deallocation 247
memory, cache 265
Memory, deallocation 248 249
Memory, dynamic 248
Memory, explicit deallocation 249
memory, management 247
Memory, reclamation 265
Memory, static 248
Message sending 436
method 436
Method, abstract 450
Method, virtual 450
modifiable 68
Module 410
Module, constraint 411
Module, dependency 272
Module, local definition 422
Module, opening 214
Module, parameterized 418
Module, sub-module 417
Mutual exclusion 604
Object 436
Object, copy 470
Object, creation 440
OCamlBrowser 712
Operator, associativity 305
Operator, declaration 25
Operator, precedence 305
Optional (argument) 706
pair 17
Parsing, bottom-up 299
Parsing, conflict 300 305
Parsing, conflict, shift-reduce 301
Parsing, ocamlyacc 303
Parsing, stream 297 305
Parsing, top-down 297
Pattern matching see "Matching"
Pattern, character interval 39
Pattern, combining 36
Pattern, guard 38
Pattern, matching 34
Pattern, naming 38
Pattern, wildcard 34 35
Persistence 228
Persistent value 228
Pointer, weak 265
Polymorphism 28
Polymorphism, inclusion 465
Portability 208
Process 579
Processus, creation 581 602
Processus, leger 600
Producteur-consommateur 607
Production rule see "Grammar"
profiling 281
Profiling, bytecode 282 283
Profiling, natif 283
Profiling, native 284
Protocol 643
Protocol, HTTP 644
Reader-writer 610
Record 43
Record, mutable field 73
Reference 74
Root 252
Scope of a variable 26
Self 445
Semaphore 608
session 206
Sharing 231
signal 590
Signature 410
Signature, constraint 411
Socket 627
Standalone executable 207
Stop&Copy 256
Stream 110
Stream, lexical analysis 289
Stream, parsing 297 305
Strict (language) 97
String see "Character string"
Strings, representation 330
Structure 410
Subtyping-typage 465
Super 445
Synchronization 604
Syntax analysis 295
Tag bits 253
this 445
Thread see "Processus leger"
TopLevel see "Boucle d'interaction"
Toplevel loop, directives 205
Trace 273
Tuple 17
Type, abstract 407
Type, constraint 30 417 454 455
Type, constructor 34
Type, declaration 41
Type, enumerated 45
Реклама |