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Поиск книг, содержащих: Measurement errors
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. — Numerical recipes in FORTRAN77 | 650 | Heyde C.C. — Quasi-likelihood and its application: a general approach to optimal parameter estimation | 139 | Tompkins H.G., Irene E.A. — Handbook of Ellipsometry | 14, 475 | Salvatore D., Reagle D. — Statistics and econometrics | 221—222 | Hsiao C. — Analysis of panel data | 5, 304—309, 316 | Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. — Numerical recipes in Fortran 90 | 650 | Fox W.P., Goirdano F.R., Weir M.D. — First Course in Mathematical Modeling | 100 | Blunt L., Jiang X. — Advanced Techniques for Assessment Surface Topography: Development of a Basis for 3D Surface Texture Standards "Surfstand" | 120 | Vanmarcke Erik — Random Fields : Analysis and Synthesis | 18, 225, 330—331, 349, 351, 353 | Campbell S.L., Meyer C.D. — Generalized Inverses of Linear Transformations (Classics in Applied Mathematics) | 30 |