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Поиск книг, содержащих: Shear transformation
Книга | Страницы для поиска | de Berg M., van Kreveld M., Overmars M. — Computational Geometry : Algorithms and applications | 138 | Barnsley M. — Fractals Everywhere | 214, 215, 216—217 | Lay D.C. — Linear Algebra And Its Applications | 74, 149, 156 | Graham J., Baldock R. — Image processing and analysis. A practical approach | 201 | Birkhoff G., Mac Lane S. — A Survey of Modern Algebra | 217, 247 | Loomis L.H., Sternberg S. — Advanced calculus | 56 | Wagon S. — The Banach-Tarski Paradox | 100, 102 | Witten I.H., Moffat A., Bell T.C. — Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images | 358 |