Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Spectral factorization
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Benvenuto N., Cherubini G. — Algorithms for communications systems and their applications | 53 | Gustafsson F. — Adaptive filtering and change detection | 290, 463 | Kay S.M. — Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB | 696 | Hogben L. — Handbook of Linear Algebra | 64—5 | Dudgeon D.E., Mersereau R.M. — Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing | 202—205, 256 | Lay D.C. — Linear Algebra And Its Applications | 135 | Kumar P.R., Varaiya P. — Stochastic Systems: Estimation, Identification, and Adaptive Control | 67, 229 | Olver P.J., Shakiban C. — Applied linear. algebra | 418 | Kaiser D. — A Friendly Guide to Wavelets | 180 | Blackford L.S., Choi J., Geary A. — ScaLAPACK User's Guide | 34 | Kaiser G. — Friendly Guide to Wavelets | 180 | Doyle J., Francis B., Tannenbaum A. — Feedback control theory | 207 | Percival D.B., Walden A.T. — Wavelet methods for time series analysis | 106, 116, 486—487 | Gohberg I., Goldberg S., Kaashoek M. — Classes of linear operators. (volume 2) | 842 |