Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Gaussian approximation
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Lee J.S., Miller L.E. — CDMA systems engineering handbook | 1060 | Doi M., Edwards S.F. — The theory of polymer dynamics | 146—52 | Wicker S.B., Kim S. — Fundamentals of Codes, Graphs, and Iterative Decoding | 174 | Thouless D.J. — Topological quantum numbers in nonrelativistic physics | 103 | Kadanoff L.P. — Statistical physics | 382 | Rubinstein M., Colby R.H. — Polymer Physics | 68 | Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure | 277, 278 | Pinsky M.A. — Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Wavelets | 80 | Boon J.P., Yip S. — Molecular hydrodynamics | 157, 176 | Holden H., Oksendal B. — STOCHASTIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS | 7, 171 | Goldenfeld N. — Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group | 173, 174, 345 | Rajaraman R. — Solitons and instantons | 181, 306 | Borovskikh Y.V. — Random permanents | 136, 157 |