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Thouless D.J. — Topological quantum numbers in nonrelativistic physics |
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42 43
-point 9 24 25 28 29
4—6 9 13 15 24.28 35 39 55—67 86 94 95 108 137 241
4 5 8 9 21—36 44 55 56 58 66 67 102 108 114 175
A phase 4 6 9 13 55.56 58—66 87 95 137 241
Abell, J.S. 211.222
Abraham, D.A. 114
Abrikosov, A.A. 44
ac Josephson effect 15 20 46 52—54 74 224
action 16.17 32
Adams, G. 112
Aharonov — Bohm effect 5 18—20 51 71 153 223
Aharonov.Y. 5 18 51 71 153 167
Aifer, E.H. 87
Alignment, magnetic 6 25
Alignment, molecular 10 93 94
Alignment, nuclear 56 57
Alignment, pseudospin 87
Ambegaokar, V. 108
Ampere’s Law 37 41
Amplitude fluctuations 42 103
Anderson, P.W. 46 56.61 105 106 242
Ando, T. 68
Andronikashvili, E.L. 23 108
Anisotropy 6 44 56 92 109
Annihilation operator 25 36
Annulus 11.37 71—73 77 82 83 104
Anyon superconductivity 83
Ao, P. 33 175 207
Arovas, D.P. 77
Atomic theory 1
Avogadro, A. 1
Avron, J.E. 74.78 82 280 292
Azbel, M.Ya. 74
B phase 4 5 9 56—59 64
Backflow 30
Balian, R. 56
Bardeen, J.M. 35
Baryons 3
Baumann, J. 18
Bavaria 211
Bayot, V. 88
BCS theory 9 25 35—37 39 41 51 55 87
Beasley, M.R. 112 348 401
Bell Laboratories 86
Bend 93
Berezinskii, V.L. 103
Bernoulli pressure 33
Berry phase 17 32 33 76.77
Berry, M.V. 76
Biaxial nematics 10 13 93 95—97 99
Bilayers 6 85—88
Bishop, D.J. 44 108 347 392
Bloch, F. 20 71
Bogoliubov, N.N. 25
Bohm, D. 5 18 51 71 153 167
Boltzmann constant 1 23
Boojum 66 241
Bose condensation 8 9 26 35
Bose statistics 21
Bosons 8 9 21 25 35 37 58 85
Bound pairs of disclinatious 112
Bound pairs of vortices 105
Boundary effects 30—32 65 82 280
Bragg peaks 10 102 110 111
Brenig, W. 37 211
Broad contacts 47 50
Burgers vector 89—91 99 110 111
Buttiker, M. 79
Byers, N. 37 38 211 212
Capillary flow 23
Casimir operator 3
Central gauge 80
Chakraborty, T. 86
Chambers, R.G. 19
Channel 79
Charge conservation 37
chemical potential 70 106
Chern class 13 74—77 82 83 280
Chiral spin fluids 83
Cholesteric blue phase 94 101
Cholesteric liquid crystal 10 13 93 94 97—99
Circulation, quantized 4- 6 9 21—35 37—39 58 62 112 175
Clarke, J. 54
Class multiplication 97
Classes of group 96 97
Classical hydrodynamics 26 29 30
Classical mechanics 3 17 19 32 69 77
Classical statistical mechanics 105
Classification of defects 2 4 5 64 94 97
Climb 91
Coarse-graining 7
Coherence factor 36
Coherence length 39 40
Coherent state representation 22 25
Colclough, M.S. 222
Columnar liquid crystals 10 94 101
Combination of defects 92 97
Compact group 18 20
Complex projective space 13 76
Complex scalar order parameter 11 13 14 35 57 103 108
Compressible fluid 30
Condensate wave function 4 5 8 9 14 24 56 58 87 102 103
Conductance 79
Conductance, Hall 2 6 9 13 68 88 279
Conductivity, Hall 69
Conformal invariance 102
Consistency of measurements 54 68
Continuum theory 1
Contractible space 10
Convection 24
Cooper pair 37 39
Cooper pair, size of 39
Cooper, L.N. 35
Cornell, E.A. 26
Correlation exponent 104 109 111 112
Correlation function 70 74 103 104 109 110
correlation length 25 102
Correlation, long range 10 102 104 108 110 111
Coulomb gas 105
Coulomb solid 112
Counting 2 51
Coupled systems 85—88
Creation operator 25 36
Cribier, D. 44
Critical current 51 53
Critical exponents 28 102 108 112 347
Critical field, lower 43
Critical field, thermodynamic 40 42
Critical field, upper 42 44
Critical line 104 105
Critical phenomena 6 108 109
Critical temperature 25 28 39 41 55 105 108 109
Crystal structure 36
Crystals 1 10 39 89—92 109—112
Cubitt, R. 44
Cuprate superconductors 35 39 40 44 51 54 211
Current density 37 38 41 43 69—71 74 80
Current density operator 37 69
Current operator 70 74
Current-current correlation function 70 74
Current-voltage relation 31 73 113 114 279
Dalton, J. 1
Dash, J.G. 24
dc Josephson effect 46—51 224
De Gennes, P.G. 93
Deaver, Jr., B.S. 38 211 216
Debye — Waller factor 10
Decoration of lattice 31 44
defects 4—6 9 10 13—15 44 57—60 62 64 66 83 89 90 92—101 107 329
| Degeneracy of states 80 82—84
Degrees of freedom 55
Demircau, E. 30
Democritus 1
Density matrix 8 9 21 24 25 35 36
Departures from exact quantization 73
dielectric constant 106
Differential geometry 14
Dipolar interaction 112
Dirac, P.A.M. 1 5 8 9 16—18 24 25 36 153 154
Director 10 13 93—95 97—100
Disclination 59 60 62 63 66 67 92 94—100 111 112 347
Disclination core 95 97 99 100
Dislocated crystal 111
Dislocation core 89—91 110 111
Dislocation pairs, dissociation of 113
Dislocations 6 10 14 44 89—92 95 99 100 110—113 347
Disorder 36 39 45 51 69 70 78 81 109 113
Disordered phase 7
Dissipative flow 28 45 241
Doll, R. 38 211 220
domain walls 14 15 106
domains 40
Doniach, S. 112 113 348 405 413
Donnelly, R.J. 27
Dorda, G. 68 279 281
Doubly quantized vortex 61 63 66
Drift velocity 69
Dual lattice 109 114
Duan, J.M. 30
Edge dislocation 89 90 99 100 110
Edge states 72 73 76 77 79 85
Elasticity 10 90 91 111
Electric charge, quantization of 1 5 16—18 51 153
Electric circuit 11 15 20 46 47 49
Electric current 34 36 44 71—74 79 114
Electrical conductivity 69—71
Electrochemical potential 54 71 73 78 79
electromagnetic field 5 16 19 35 36 53
Electromagnetic interactions 3
Electromotive force 49 74
Electron 1 2 5 9 17 18 32 34—54 68—88 105 115
Electron diffraction 19
Electron pair tunneling 46 113 115
Electrostatic field 69—71 80
Electrostatic potential 18
Elementary particles 16 18 20
Energy gap 35 81
entropy 23 24 77 105
Entropy flow 23 24
Essmann, U. 44
Excited states 21 23 70 76 81 83 85 87 114 115
Extended states 71 76 77
Fairbank, W.M. 38 211 216
Faraday law 78
Faraday, M. 1 72
Fermi energy 35 69 76 77 79 80
Fermi liquid 55
Fermi surface 37 70 71
fermions 9 35 37 55 58 78
Fermions.composite 82
Ferromagnet 6—8 13 15 24 25 40 87
Fertig, H.A. 87
Feynman, R.P. 17 21 27 28 102
Films, helium 23 28 66—67 103—108
Films, magnetic 109
Films, superconducting 35 112 348
Films, superfluid 347
Fine-structure constant 68.279
Fiory, A.T. 348 409
First order phase transition 112 113
Fisher, D.S. 113
Fisher, M.E. 27
Flow diagram 107
Flow velocity, superfluid 22 26 27 34 44 61
Flux array 32
Flux density 44
Flux flow resistivity 45 113
Flux lattice 44 45 113
Flux quantum 2 4—6.16—20 33 37 39 40 43—51 57 69 71 74 77 78 81—83 85 87 112 153
Flux space 76 77
Flux trapping 19 38 39 46 51
Flux, magnetic 2 4—6 16—20 32 34—40 42—51 57 69 71—78 81—83 85 87 112 113 211—224
Fluxoid 38 48 112
Forgan, E.M. 211 222
Four-terminal measurement 79
Fractional quantum Hall effect 69 80—88 280
Frank constants 93
Free defect 107
Free energy 7 20 34 39—44 48 49 51 56 64 71 73 93 105
Free vortex 29 58 105 106 108 109 114
g-factor, electron 2
Galilean invariance 36
Gallagher, B.L. 279 285
Galloway, T. 279 285
Gap parameter 51
Gate voltage 86
Gauge field 84 280
Gauge invariance 5 17—20 24 25 32 56 71 73
Gauge-breaking field 25
Gaussian approximation 103
Gefen, Y. 82 280 312
Geometrical ordering 89
Giaevar, I. 47
Ginzburg — Landau theory 7 41—44
Ginzburg, V.L. 7 41
Girvin, S.M. 78
Glide 91
Goldstone mode 78
Gordon, M.J.V. 175 203
Gorter, C.J. 26 175
Gossard, A.C. 69 80
Gough, C.E. 39 211 222
Grain boundary 10 92
grand canonical ensemble 24
Green function 70 73 76
Grimes, C.C. 112
Gross, E.P. 27
Ground state 21 22 25 27 36 39 58 70 75 80—83
Group, 59 95
Group, 60
Group, dihedral 93
Group, gauge 18 20 66
Group, homotopy 10—15 59 62 64 90 95 99
Group, noncommutative 13 92 95 96 329
Group, quaternion 96 97
Group, rotation 3 7 58—60 95
Group, unitary 3 59 95
Haldane, F.D.M. 32 33 81 85 87
Half-integer flux 39
Half-integer vortex 62 63 67
Hall bar 73—75
Hall conductivity 70
Hall resistance 68
Hall, H.E. 27
Halperin, D.I. 71 72 85 111 112 347 396
Hamann, D.R. 105
Hartland, A. 279 285
Hartle, J.B. 54 223
Hebard, A.F. 348 409
Hedgehog 7 8 15 65 95 100
Heisenberg model 6 87 102 108 109
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 105
Heisenberg, W.C. 1
Helium films 23 28 66—67 103—108
Helium, liquid 4—6 8 9 13 15 21—34 36 39 44 55 86 94 95 102 114 175 241
Helmholtz, H. 26
Heterojunction 68 85
heterostructure 279
Hexatic phase 112 114 347
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