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Thouless D.J. — Topological quantum numbers in nonrelativistic physics |
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Smectic liquid crystals 10 94 99 100
Smoothing 7 14
Solenoid 51 74 82
Solids 6 10 21 89 94 95 99 102 329
Solids, two-dimensional 110—112
Solitons 15
Sonin, E.B. 29
Sound 22
Sound, second 24
Sound, third 108
Specific heat 88 102
Spectral gap 70
Spin orientation 85
Spin polarizability 88
Spin polarized states 85
Spin singlet pairing 9 35 37 51 85 87
Spin state of pair 9 35 37 51 55—57 59 62 64—67
Spin triplet pairing 9 55 56 87
Spin waves 87
Spin-wave stiffness 109
Spivak, B.I. 39 51
Splay 93 100
Spontaneous polarization 86
Squid 2 46—51 71 211
Stanford University 38 211
Starks, D.R. 30
Statistics, fractional 84
Stormer, H. 69 80
strain 91 92 95 100 110 111
Strain, rate of 110
Strandburg, K.J. 112
Streda, P. 77
Stress 91 110
String 16—18
string, stretched 1
Strong interactions 3
Subbauds 74
Subgroup 96
Substrate 36 69 81 112—114
Sugar, R.L. 54 223
Superconducting films 35 112—115
Superconducting materials 44 45
Superconductivity 2 4 5 7 9 15 18 20 24 25 32 35—55 211—224
Superconductivity, two-dimeusional 112—115
Supercurrent 11 32 36 38 46 51 105 113 114
Superfluid component 23 24
Superfluid density 9 24 29 30 32—34 39 48 58 104—109 111 347
Superfluid flow 5 28 32 104 105 241
Superfluid state 8 29 55
Superfluid velocity 22 26 27 29 32—34 44 58 60 61
Superfluids 4 5 8—10 13—15 18 21—40 44 51 55—67 86 91 94 95 102—109 111 112 114 137 175 241 347
Surface defect 5 14 64 92 241
Surface energy 39 40
Surface impedance 113
susceptibility 8 73 102 106
Sutton, S. 211 222
Switching 50
Symmetry 3 14 21 25
Symmetry group 7 13 57 92 95
Symmetry, broken 3 5—10 24 25 56 62 82 89 94 109 329
Symmetry, discrete 57 58 64 89
Symmetry, rotational 3 6 7 56 89 109
Taylor, R.D. 24
Tensor interaction 91
textures 15 61 62 64—66 87 94—101 104 110
Thermal activation 10 27 73 110
Thermal equilibration 24 25
Third sound 108
Thomas, N. 211 222
Thouless, D.J. 33 71 74 77 82 103 107 175 207 280 312 347 349
Thuneberg, E.V. 58
Time reversal 57 58
Tisza, L. 21
Topological invariants 13 14 73 74 89 90 110
Topological phase transitions 10 89 102—115 347—348
| Topological quantum numbers 1—15 30 33 34 59 65 66 74 78 87 89 91 95 105 280
Topological stability 5 14—15 27 59 64 66 92 99
Topological stiffness 97
Torsional oscillation 23
Torus, interior of 7 9 11 13 14 19
Torus, surface of 13 76 83 84 280
Toulouse, G. 11 61 94 95 97 137 138 241 242 329 338
Transients 52
Transition temperature 9 29 108 114
Transmission 79 80
Transverse force 34
Trauble, H. 44
Tsai, J.S. 54 224 236
Tsui, D.C. 69 80
Tunneling amplitude 86
Tunneling, quantum 27 31 46 72 73 80 86 87 113 224
Turbulence 28
Twist 93 99 104
Two-dimensional magnetic systems 108—110
Two-dimensional systems 6 32 68—88 102—115 279—280 347
Two-fluid model 9 23 24 30 175
Type I superconductors 39—44
Type II superconductors 39—45
Uemura, Y. 68
Uniaxial magnet 108
Unit cell 10 74 77 89
Universality 51
Universality class 108
Vacancy interstitial pair 21
van Vleck paramagnetism 38
Vector potential 16—20 37 42 72 77 80 153
Vinen, W.F. 27 29—31 39 51 58 175 179
Visco-elastic solid 92
viscosity 23 29 92 110
Volovik, G.E. 11 31 33 57 58 65 94 137 141 241
Voltage 31 44 46 54 72 74 75 77 79 82 113 114
Voltage standards 2 15 53 54
Voltage-frequency relation 52—54 224
Volterra process 90 91 97 329
Volterra, V. 90
Vortex 5 6 14 18 21—35 39 40 43 44 51 58—62 64 66 67 84 91 102—109 112—115 175 347
Vortex array 27 32 61 64 66 348
Vortex core 27 28 31—33 35 43 58 64 66 105 107 175
Vortex core, size 26 30 31
Vortex entanglement 28
Vortex formation 27
Vortex fugacity 107
Vortex pairs, dissociation of 106 109 114 348
Vortex ring 26 30 31 175
Vortex sheet 64
Vortex, energy of 26
Wagner, H. 102
Wave function, condensate 4 5 8 9 14 24 56 58 87 102 103
Weak link, superconducting 2 46—48
Wegner, F.J. 104
Wen, X.G. 280 316
Werthamer, N.R. 56
Wexler, C 33
Whisker 19 92
Williams, G.A. 28 103
Williams, J.M. 279 285
Winding number 4 11—14 38 53 77 87 90
Witten, E. 1
Wu, Y.S. 32 33
X-ray diffraction 10 102 110
Yang, C.N. 9 18 20 37 38 51 78 211 212
Yarmchuk, E.J. 175 203
Yield 91 110
Yoshioka, D. 86
Young, A.P. 111 112
Yuval, G. 105 106
Zee, A. 280 316
Zeeman splitting 85—87
Zieve, R.J. 58
Zimmerman, J.E. 47
Zimmermann, W. 30
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