Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Chrobak, M.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1) | 60 | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 2) | 60 | Motwani R., Raghavan P. — Randomized algorithms | 387, 388 | Li M., Vitanyi P. — An introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications | 431 | Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A | 15, 41, 55 | Sack J.R., Urrutia J. (Ed) — Handbook of Computational Geometry | 946, 952, 953, 962, 965 [26], 965 [27], 965 [28] | Dehne F. (ed.), Sack J.-R. (ed.), Santaro N. (ed.) — Algorithms and Data Structures: Workshop WADS '89, Ottawa, Canada, August 17-19, 1989. Proceedings | 147 | Ottmann T. — Automata, Languages and Programming, 14 conf., ICALP87 | 304 |