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Поиск книг, содержащих: Sparsity
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Dietterich T.G., Becker S., Ghahramani Z. — Advances in neural information processing systems 14 (Vol. 1 and vol. 2) | 657 | Wesseling P. — An introduction to multigrid methods | 67, 178 | Saad Y. — Numerical Methods for Large Eigenvalue Problems | 37 | Saad Y. — Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems | 68 | Fletcher R. — Practical methods of optimization. Volume 2: constrained optimization | 19, 27, 35, 85, 108 | Klerk de E. — Aspects of Semidefinite Programming | 101 | Shapira Y. — Solving PDEs in C++: numerical methods in a unified object-oriented approach | 318 | Goswami J.C., Chan A.K. — Fundamentals of Wavelets : Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | 282 | Saad Y. — Iterative methods for sparse linear systems | 73 | Vanderbei R.J. — Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions | 130 | Rob P., Coronel C. — Database systems: Design, Implementation, and Management | 583—584 | Goswami J., Chan A. — Fundamentals of Wavelets. Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | 282 | Wait R. — The numerical solution of algebraic equations | 128 | Lemm J.M., Meurant G. — Computer Solution of Large Linear Systems | 131, 140, 167, 171, 423, 498, 505, 507, 508, 629 | Wait R. — Numerical solution of algebraic equations | 128 | Groesen E., Molenaar J. — Continuum Modeling in the Physical Sciences (Monographs on Mathematical Modeling and Computation) | 163 | Griewank A. — Evaluating derivatives: principles and techniques of algorithmic differentiation | 137 | Chui C.K. — Wavelets: a mathematical tool for signal processing | 187 | Chvatal V. — Linear programming | xi, 111—114, 406, 409, 451—452 |