Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Rest point
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Agarwal R.P. — Difference Equations and Inequalities. Theory, Methods and Applications. | 254 | Murdock J. — Perturbations: Theory and Methods | 166, 170, 488 | Braselton J.P. — Maple by Example | 504 | Hall G.R., Lee — Continuous dynamical systems | 7 | Mattheij R.M.M., Molenaar J. — Ordinary Differential Equations in Theory and Practice (Classics in Applied Mathematics) (No. 43) | 7 | Bhatia N.P., Szego G.P. — Dynamical Systems: Stability Theory and Applications | see “Point” | Binmore K. — Fun and Games: A Text on Game Theory | 401 | Fox W.P., Goirdano F.R., Weir M.D. — First Course in Mathematical Modeling | 413, 414 | Murdock J.A. — Perturbations: Theory and Methods (Classics in Applied Mathematics) | 166, 170, 488 |