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Binmore K. — Fun and Games: A Text on Game Theory
Binmore K. — Fun and Games: A Text on Game Theory

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Название: Fun and Games: A Text on Game Theory

Автор: Binmore K.


Binmore's groundbreaking text on game theory explores the manner in which rational people should interact when they have conflicting interests. While Binmore uses a light touch to outline key developments in theory, the text remains a serious exposition of a serious topic. In addition, his unique story-telling approach allows students to immediately apply game-theoretic skills to simple problems. Each chapter ends with a host of challenging exercises to help students practice the skills they have learned. The highly anticipated revision, expected in 2003, will include more coverage of cooperative game theory and a more accessible presentation—with chapters broken up into smaller chunks and an abundance of economic examples integrated throughout the text.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: illustrated edition

Год издания: 1992

Количество страниц: 642

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Absolutely continuous      513
action      26 349
Active constraint      534
Actor      503
Adaptation      397
Adjustment      397
Adverse selection      527
Affine combination      169
Affine function      111 173 321
Affine transformation      113
Agent      458
Agreeing to disagree      472 546
Akerlof      567
Allais      115
Almost everywhere      513
Ante      576
Arbitration      196
Assessment      537
Assessment equilibrium      536 537
Asymptotic attractor      402
auctions      7 523
Aumann      13 482
Axelrod      429
Axelrod's olympiad      433
Backwards induction      6 18 32
Bargaining power      181 190
Bargaining set      177 179
Bargaining solution      181
Basin of attraction      402
Battle of the sexes      330 338
Battleships      254 271
Bayes' rule      71 597
Bayesian - Nash equilibrium      511
Bayesian decision theory      13
Bayesian equilibrium      510
Bayesian rationality      117 483 486
Bayesian updating      462 463
Bayesian-rational      117 475 476 483 486 494 536
Bayesianism      13 487
Behavioral strategy      459 536
Belief profile      537
Bemheim      482
Bertrand model      334
Best reply      131
Best reply correspondence      277
Bimatrix game      133
Binding      305
Binding agreement      174
Blackball      57
Bluegill sunfish      19
Bluffing      219 573 592 593
Bolzano and Weierstrass      326
Borel      11 573
Borel's Poker model      579
Boundary condition      407
Bounded above      181
Bounded rationality      393
Brandenburger      446 487
Bridge      459
Bridgit      60
Brouwer's fixed point theorem      323
Budget hyperplane      145
Bust      574
CALL      576
Cardinal      114
Carroll      7
Casting director      503
Casting move      503
Categorical imperative      20 311
Center of gravity      170
Centipede      164
Chain-store Game      62 165 383
Chance move      76
Cheap talk      309 312
Check      586
Chess      41
Chicken      20 282 383 416 442
Closed interval      69
Closed set      181
Coarsening of partition      452
Collusion      314 358
Colonel Blotto      161 271 272 586
Column vector      138
Commitment      63
Commitment and cooperation      305
Commodity bundle      96
Common knowledge      150 467
Common truism      469
Communal possibility set      470
Compact      321
Compactness      324
Complement      42
Completely mixed      332
Completing an incomplete information structure      507
Compound lottery      74
Concave function      111 173
Conditional probability      71 578
Connected graph      25
Consensus      474
Consistency      537 546 548
Consistent belief      546
Constant-sum game      238
Consumer surplus      291 336
contest      305
Continuity      324
continuous      325
Continuous function      78
Continuous random variable      511
contract      174
Contract curve      177
Contrapositive      451
Conventions      297
Convergent subsequence      326
Convex combination      169
Convex function      111 173
Convex hull      172 212
Convex set      169 171
Convexity      169
Cooperative game theory      195 305
Cooperative payoff region      174 212 272 306
Coordinate      138
Correlated equilibrium      318 412 484
Correspondence      278
Cost      288
Coumot - Nash equilibrium      288
Counterfactual      546
Cournot      11 287
Cournot conjectures      294
Cournot duopoly      398
Cournot Duopoly Game      314 495 559
Cournot duopoly model      558
Cournot oligopoly      15
Cutler      591
CYCLE      25
Darwin      415
Dawkins      395
Debreu's social equilibrium theorem      344
Dekel      487
Deleting dominated strategies      147
Demand equation      287
Difference equation      260
Differential equation      406
Differentiated goods      333
Direct mechanism      530
Disagreement point      178
discount factor      202 364
Discount rates      207
Discrete random variable      513
Disjoint      68
Displacement      138
Dividing the dollar      191
Dominate      147
Domination      146 252
Domination and mixed strategies      228
Dot product      140
draw poker      86 576
Duel      76 88 129 148 159 225 269 563
DUMPTY      369
Duopoly      288
Duopoly with incomplete information      515
Dutch auction      524 563
Dutch book      118 477
Dynamic process      401
EDGE      25
Edgeworth      11 177 315
Eductive      482
Eigenvalue      440
English auction      524 563
Entry deterrence      62
Epistemology      446
Equilibrium selection      295
Equivalent      55 271 296
Event      67 446
Everybody knows      163 467
Evolution      397
Evolution of cooperation      429
Evolutionarily stable strategy      425
Evolutionary biology      19
Evolutionary stability      423
Evolutive      482
Expectation      73 515
Expected utility      106
Expected value      73
Exponentially distributed      557
Extensive form      31
Fair arbitration scheme      196
Fallacy of the twins      311
Fictitious play      410
Finite automaton      361
Finite support      586
First-price auction      8 525
Fitness      416
Five Card Stud      576
Fixed point      321 401
Flow      401
flush      574
Focal point      296
fold      576
Folk theorem      369 373
Forwards induction      341 491
Four of a kind      574
Free disposal      175
Free-ride      556
Fudenberg      8 16 537
Full house      574
Fundamental theorem of calculus      513
Gale      39 60 323
Gale's Roulette      90 164 269
Game of complete information      502
Game of imperfect information      455
Game of incomplete information      502
Game of perfect information      455
Game of perfect recall      456
Game of timing      154
Generalized Nash bargaining solution      181
Genotype      425
Gibbard      531
Global attractor      402
Gradient      144
GRIM strategy      367
Grim-trigger      481
Half-space      172
Hand in Poker      574
Harsanyi      13 299 502 520
Harsanyi doctrine      476 547
Harsanyi's theory of incomplete information      503
Hausdorff metric      304
Hawk - Dove Game      282 416
HEX      37 59 324 327
Hidden action problem      527
Hidden type problem      527
history      349
Hobbes      20 309 478 501
Homeomorphism      327
Hume      21 379
HUMPTY      369
Hypercycles      412
Hyperplane      143 245
Image      174
Imperfect competition      14
Imperfect information      101 501
Implementable      531
Inactive constraint      534
Incentive scheme      527
Incentive-compatibility constraint(s)      533 564
Incentive-compatible      309 347 359
Income stream      363
Incomplete information      463 501 502
Incredible plans      538
Incredible threats and promises      307
Incremental fitness      418
Indefinite integral      514
Independence of irrelevant alternatives      184 185
Independent      69 233
Indifference      96
Indifference curve      96
Indirect mechanism      530
Individual rationality constraint(s)      533 565
Individually rational      178
Infimum      223
Infinitely repeated games      360
Information set      100 455
Inner product      140
Inside straight      86
Inspection Game      257 271
Insurance      122
Integrating by parts      514
Interchangeable      55 271 296
Inverse function      188
Isoprofit curve      289
Jordan curve theorem      327
Juvenal      378
Kakutani's fixed point theorem      321
Kalai      197
Kalai - Smorodinsky      197
Kalai - Smorodinsky bargaining solution      208 215
Kant      20
Knowledge      446
Knowledge operator      446
Kohlberg      341
Kohlberg's Dalek      455
Kolmogorov      545
Kreps      463 537
Kreps' intuitive criterion      543
Kuhn      460
L'H$\hat{o}$pital's rule      211 365
Lagrangian multiplier      146
Leader-follower game      293
Leaming-by-doing      397
Lebesgue measure zero      513
Lewis      467
Libration      397
linear combination      139 169
Linear function      173
Linear programming problem      534
Local attractor      402
Lottery      73 129
Ludo      81
Mad Hatter      7
Mapping      324
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